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Other Persons Shotgun stored with me... Question

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A question, my friend is storing his shotgun with me within my cabinet (he bought it Saturday). He will not have access to the Gun directly as he will not have my code to my cabinet.


I phoned my local force (Gwent) to ask if i have to have his gun on my certificate and the answer was no, I do not have to put his gun details on my certificate. But when he informs his local force (Avon) he has to tell them the gun is stored with me and give them all the detail for them to do a security check of my cabinet (if they wish to). When he applied for his SGC he told them he would be storing his gun with me anyway.


Now I have read a few places that I should have his gun on my cert as well as on his cert, but the call to the police seems in contradiction... So if someone is in the same position can you share your experience...


Thanks in advance....

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My Missis keeps her shotgun in my cabinet, but has no direct access to it because I have firearms. They did say to get her to write lent onto my certificate with her gun details and they made a note on their records as to the situation and were happy with that

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I phoned my local force (Gwent) to ask if i have to have his gun on my certificate and the answer was no, I do not have to put his gun details on my certificate.

My advice is to avoid asking the police for legal information about things to with shotguns & firearms. If they make a mistake, even if you can prove they advised you wrongly, it's still your your problem not theirs. Igorance of the law is no defence and the law says that, unless you're a RFD, you cannot keep someone else's gun for more than 72 hours unless it's recorded on your SGC and notification sent in writing to your county constabulary.

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Whatever you agree with the FAO get it in writing to cover yourself.


I had friends guns in my cabinet and none were entered on my license, I sent everything that was discussed with my FAO by email and asked they send me confirmation on receipt which they did. Had them in my possession for over 6 months at a time. When I handed them back we did the same using email again.




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Add it as lent and email your force that you have done so....covering letter and ask for a reply.

I have done this with my dads guns.

Hand write it in just like you would with one you have brought in section 2 etc.

They will up date their records and enter the gun on his cert when/if he gets one.



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They must be on your certificate as Westward says NEVER believe the police. It's not them who could end up in jail. Any 'private' agreement the police dream up is illegal and having evidence of same simply confirms to the court that illegality!

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Surely you can't log gun on both certs? Your friend can have access to your cabinet if you have no firearms inside. Also just had my firearms confiscated. ( shot gun round my fathers,and no need to log on his cert) both my rifles picked up by Chelmsford FSEL told because I recently underwent major surgery(( cancer) I could be mentally distressed and do something silly? Not there words, but that's what they meant. Now I have to wait for them to get info from my GP and hospital that looked after me. They say it's just protocol but could be three months before I get guns back!! Also no access to me dad's cabinet ! Hopefully be back for harvest (tend to leave the deer alone in June,July. Oh well!

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"NEVER believe the police"



"It should be on your cert if you have custody of it for longer than 72 hrs.":This is the law,police can only apply the law not change it!Misinformed advice from individuals whether FEO's,police officers or whomsoever trying to be helpful is no defense in a court of law.




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"Just a bit silly. The Police are there to help you, whatever anyone says."


Possibly,but my take on it was that misinformation from any source,however helpful the intention could cause problems.The 72hr loan rule is there in black & white with only an act of parliament able to change it!

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I did it for a friend who was late getting his renwal in (done it twice)


Was also told by the police that they didnt have to go on my certificate


I then sent an email along the lines of


"I am storing the guns listed below at my address for Mr (hisname address and cert number). He has no access to them and as per your instructions after speaking to (my FEO on the Date and time) I have not entered them on my certificate


He will have no access to them until I see proof of his new certificate


If you require any further info please don't hesitate to get in touch"


He also told them the same


Done it twice, never had a problem, (Northumbria)


But I am a well respected member of the community :whistling:



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I'm storing a gun for a friend who has moved up to Scotland into rented accommodation for the present. Northumbria asked for the gun to be put on my certificate as ' lent'.

One hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Put it on your cert to be safe.

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Surely you can't log gun on both certs? Your friend can have access to your cabinet if you have no firearms inside. Also just had my firearms confiscated. ( shot gun round my fathers,and no need to log on his cert) both my rifles picked up by Chelmsford FSEL told because I recently underwent major surgery(( cancer) I could be mentally distressed and do something silly? Not there words, but that's what they meant. Now I have to wait for them to get info from my GP and hospital that looked after me. They say it's just protocol but could be three months before I get guns back!! Also no access to me dad's cabinet ! Hopefully be back for harvest (tend to leave the deer alone in June,July. Oh well!


That seems very heavy handed have you contacted your shooting association?

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Sounds like i had some bad advice. the 72 hours is up tomorrow night, so looks like i have to sort getting it on my cert as well.... As a clarification i'm only storing the gun as his wife wont let him store it at home.


I know people say don't believe the police etc, but for me they SHOULD be the primary source of advice whenever dealing with firearms... its a shame the advice is so inconsistent!

Edited by QuantumX
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are you a BASC member? either way insist he comes round to your house tomorrow as that restarts the 72 hours...... take a photo on your phone of him holding his gun... in your house....


He justs needs to write it on your cert as "lent" then you send them a letter stating you are storing it for Mr XYZ cert number 123

Edited by HDAV
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I know people say don't believe the police etc, but for me they SHOULD be the primary source of advice whenever dealing with firearms... its a shame the advice is so inconsistent!

they should know but I had a lady police officer come see me on a perm I was shooting on after a complaint. She asked me if I needed a licence and when I asked her if she would like to see it she said she wouldn't know what to look for! Also didn't know anything about the general license or any other rules involved with what I was doing so just be careful who you ask for advice some coppers know nowt about gun laws. Edited by Paul taylor
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The mind boggles!!


So the police are now psychiatrists?


So are you saying that anyone in Essex who has cancer and guns can expect to have them taken?


Surely you can't log gun on both certs? Your friend can have access to your cabinet if you have no firearms inside. Also just had my firearms confiscated. ( shot gun round my fathers,and no need to log on his cert) both my rifles picked up by Chelmsford FSEL told because I recently underwent major surgery(( cancer) I could be mentally distressed and do something silly? Not there words, but that's what they meant. Now I have to wait for them to get info from my GP and hospital that looked after me. They say it's just protocol but could be three months before I get guns back!! Also no access to me dad's cabinet ! Hopefully be back for harvest (tend to leave the deer alone in June,July. Oh well!

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