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Precious little time.

aga man

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Work has seriously thwarted my plans to get out on the wheat stubbles this week, even though i am self employed and 'my own boss' work can't be turned away and customers need to be kept happy.

Despite the the busy workload i knew fine well a local stubble was getting hit by the woodies and the days were running out before it would be ploughed.

I managed to get everything done by 1pm today and it was looking promising for an afternoon session.

As i arrived home my wife greeted me by asking if i could pick up the youngest from her first day at nursery.

"Yes dear of course" was my reply :cry1:

Anyway as 2.30 pm came around i decided to head to the stubble. With no time to thaw birds for decoys my only option was the magnet with my ready mounted frozen deads as used by TEH, fantasic idea for short notice sessions.

I also took my faithful choc lab Tom today as i often do when the warmer weather eases off. Tom is 7 years old this october and i realise time in the field is becoming more limited with each passing year.

As i arrived at the stubble a good 150 birds lifted and despite trying to walk thenm off and clapping etc they just kept going back down on the 18 acre stubble.

At 3pm i chose my spot and with the bales now gone a net hide was set up in the hedge.

In minutes i killed my first bird and the rest of the pigeons lifted and scattered.

It was a slow start as i imagine the leaving birds had full crops.

Fresh shot birds were added on cradles and PC style angels were again deployed. I tried the magnet off/on etc and although it seem to make little difference to the decoying birds, it did steer any flighting birds over my position and i shot a couple of corkers. Also missed acouple too :oops:

At 6pm i had around 30 birds in the bag and i thought that was it, until a fresh line started and the birds commited very well indeed to the decoys. in the next 40 minutes i shot another 33 birds and at 6.50pm the pigeons were still coming in but only slowly.

I picked up 63 and 2 more when leaving the field.

A full day here would of produced a bumper bag no doubt. But as it happened i earnt a days pay this morning, picked up my daughter then went on to shoot sixty pigeons and work my dog.

Precious time indeed. :good:



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Nice read and good bag mate,


Time is precious mate, I have 2 young girls and finding time to do "dad's hobbies" is getting harder and harder, the missus thinks I'm mad getting up early doors/ staying out late on the pursuit of fox and crow/ pigeon etc and then working ,doing the house jobs and keeping the little uns entertained, sod it I'll have plenty of time to rest when I'm dead ha ha. As long as I can get out shooting (when I can fit it in/ make time to fit it in)I'm happy





Edited by flynny
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Thanks for the comments everyone, with a bit of luck the stubble may still there at weekend so watch this space!






Great stuff, but don't you think that the pattern is very tight and the rotary too close in?

I thought the pattern was ok & it has been said that we are always very tight round these parts. You may have a point about the magnet though! :P

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I am pleased that you are in tune with my humour.




if wit were ++++ you would be constipated !!




loverly job aga man.................ive had a set back...the rape that was drilled...the whole field has failed !! got "capped".....so it looks like back to normal

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