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I read yesterday that the great grandson of one of the founders of the labour party, has ditched labour and joined Ukip

Can't find the link at the mo, his name was Smillie

Think red ed might lose a few and it won't be a forgone next year for them




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Edited by The Croc
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Sad really on what the general public expects from politics. There are only 2 major party's Labour or Conservative. Let one of these get elected and try and sort the economy. Why waste votes and minor parties and get a coalition who argue like little school girls, or boys.


I like Nigel Farage but he is a minority and always will be.


Personally, after voting Labour for many years and seeing them nearly destroy the UK, I voted Tory last time only to find the Lib Dems worming in to the equation.


Nick Clegg's only boast is how he stopped the Tory's implementing this and that. What a complete *****.


Next election vote either Labour or Tory or go through the same **** for the next 5 years. Ed Miliband is not fit to run this country. If it was Alan Johnson, I would definelty vote Labour.


As for Ed Balls, ********* *****


Let's leave the EU and stand on our own 2 feet.

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Sad really on what the general public expects from politics. There are only 2 major party's Labour or Conservative. Let one of these get elected and try and sort the economy. Why waste votes and minor parties and get a coalition who argue like little school girls, or boys.





It's called democracy... No vote is a wasted vote.


If we all followed your example nothing would ever change...ever.


People need to change their way of thinking when it comes to elections, and start voting for what they actually believe in, rather than listening to all the hype and lies of the LibLabCons.


Vote UKIP get UKIP :yes:

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It's called democracy... No vote is a wasted vote.


If we all followed your example nothing would ever change...ever.


People need to change their way of thinking when it comes to elections, and start voting for what they actually believe in, rather than listening to all the hype and lies of the LibLabCons.


Vote UKIP get UKIP :yes:

While I agree with your Democracy comment, it is still a 2 party vote, and it will never change in my mine or your life time. Tory is the only party who will sort this country's finances. We are still borrowing millions of pounds to pay for day to day running of this country. A Labour government will drag us down even further. UKIP are a minor irritant and will never gain major control, sadly.

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Sad really on what the general public expects from politics. There are only 2 major party's Labour or Conservative. Let one of these get elected and try and sort the economy. Why waste votes and minor parties and get a coalition who argue like little school girls, or boys.


I like Nigel Farage but he is a minority and always will be.


Personally, after voting Labour for many years and seeing them nearly destroy the UK, I voted Tory last time only to find the Lib Dems worming in to the equation.


Nick Clegg's only boast is how he stopped the Tory's implementing this and that. What a complete *****.


Next election vote either Labour or Tory or go through the same **** for the next 5 years. Ed Miliband is not fit to run this country. If it was Alan Johnson, I would definelty vote Labour.


As for Ed Balls, ********* *****


Let's leave the EU and stand on our own 2 feet.


I wasn't aware the point of voting was to back a winner, like betting on the horse racing. I thought it was to back the person or party you would most like to represent you.


If you vote for a party you hate to stop another party you hate from getting in, or because the party you actually support has "no chance of winning", then you have definitely wasted your vote.

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While I agree with your Democracy comment, it is still a 2 party vote, and it will never change in my mine or your life time. Tory is the only party who will sort this country's finances. We are still borrowing millions of pounds to pay for day to day running of this country. A Labour government will drag us down even further. UKIP are a minor irritant and will never gain major control, sadly.


Rather than a "minor irritant", I feel UKIP could cause the two main parties to raise their game and become a little more honest!

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While I agree with your Democracy comment, it is still a 2 party vote, and it will never change in my mine or your life time. Tory is the only party who will sort this country's finances. We are still borrowing millions of pounds to pay for day to day running of this country. A Labour government will drag us down even further. UKIP are a minor irritant and will never gain major control, sadly.

funniest post of the year so far,the cons to sort out the finances :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: who exactly for? please answer ( the back of a stamp will do )



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I wasn't aware the point of voting was to back a winner, like betting on the horse racing. I thought it was to back the person or party you would most like to represent you.


If you vote for a party you hate to stop another party you hate from getting in, or because the party you actually support has "no chance of winning", then you have definitely wasted your vote.

I get what you are saying about wasting your vote, but if you don't have the confidence in any party then would you abstain? would that not also be a waste of a vote. At least he is making something happen with his vote.
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