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How to stop Jury service ?


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Its funny how everyone is all for people being sent to court when they do bad things as long as it does not affect us having said that can you begin to think what it would be like to have to be on a jury and have to see all of the gory things like what fred west did to people I do not think that I could ever sleep again if I had to sit through that.

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No one is suggesting doing anything illegal to avoid jury service, but just so the holier than thou brigade (who have probably never even done it) get a taste for it, I have dug out some words I just found some words from the first two days of the last stint I did, we had 6 days of this....



So, it started today.

I arrived at 8:30 as that is when my train got me there.

Sat around for fours hours reading and trying not to get too bored.

At 12:30 I was selected to sit on a case, but not at the court we were at, another across the other side of town

14 of us were marched over there, 12 picked (me included) and sworn in.

At that point the Judge decided it wasn't worth starting so we broke for lunch for and hour and half.

Returned to hear the charge but as part of the evidence was video based we were all set to watch that but the video was broken, so the Judge called it a day at 3pm.

Tomorrow is the first day of the new Legal Year apparently, so she has a function to attend, so our 'day' will start at 3pm and finish at no later than 4:30pm

Hardly surprising you hear of cases dragging on for months if this the amount of time they spend actually doing anything.


As someone said at the time, if this was business it wouldn't last the first month

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who cares chatting ******* on a forum isnt illegal im sure the police have better things to do :lol: you worry to much

half the members are coppers, so perhaps they dont have better things to do.



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overandunder2012 - I don't worry at all. I'm not the one posting fabricated excuses.


Just for the record - the jury system works on people doing their duty properly. It isn't perfect, but if upstanding licence holders can't be bothered to turn up, have they ever considered who is dispensing justice in their absence? Have a laugh until one of your friends or relatives is on the wrong end. :innocent::innocent::lol::lol::lol:

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Its funny how everyone is all for people being sent to court when they do bad things as long as it does not affect us having said that can you begin to think what it would be like to have to be on a jury and have to see all of the gory things like what fred west did to people I do not think that I could ever sleep again if I had to sit through that.

I didn't sleep well for a couple of months after my first jury service - it wasn't very pleasant.

But as someone mentioned above, the jury system relies on people doing their civic duty for it to work, so when i got called the second time, I went again - and now there are a couple of pubs locally that I will not *ever* visit.


You want civil rights, you have to accept the civil responsibilities that go with them.

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I must say that I do have my doubts about the jury system as some people will believe everything that the police say is correct others will think the opposite then you get black white women men getting 12 people to agree on anything is very hard.


I tend to like the idea of three judges as they will / should not be so easy for these highly paid barristers to twist around there little fingers as they do but having said that the judges are the establishment so would now doubt be on the side of the powers that be.

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No one is suggesting doing anything illegal to avoid jury service, but just so the holier than thou brigade (who have probably never even done it) get a taste for it, I have dug out some words I just found some words from the first two days of the last stint I did, we had 6 days of this....



So, it started today.

I arrived at 8:30 as that is when my train got me there.

Sat around for fours hours reading and trying not to get too bored.

At 12:30 I was selected to sit on a case, but not at the court we were at, another across the other side of town

14 of us were marched over there, 12 picked (me included) and sworn in.

At that point the Judge decided it wasn't worth starting so we broke for lunch for and hour and half.

Returned to hear the charge but as part of the evidence was video based we were all set to watch that but the video was broken, so the Judge called it a day at 3pm.

Tomorrow is the first day of the new Legal Year apparently, so she has a function to attend, so our 'day' will start at 3pm and finish at no later than 4:30pm

Hardly surprising you hear of cases dragging on for months if this the amount of time they spend actually doing anything.


As someone said at the time, if this was business it wouldn't last the first month



That comes as no surprise to me whatsoever.

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One thing that I can never understand why everything has to take so long guy turns up at court charged with shooting someone five people say that they sow him do it man found guilty and sent to gale two hours max everyone home in time for tea. :good:


Or have I been watching to many cowboy films. :whistling: :whistling:

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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overandunder2012 - I don't worry at all. I'm not the one posting fabricated excuses.


Just for the record - the jury system works on people doing their duty properly. It isn't perfect, but if upstanding licence holders can't be bothered to turn up, have they ever considered who is dispensing justice in their absence? Have a laugh until one of your friends or relatives is on the wrong end. :innocent::innocent::lol::lol::lol:


All very well but people do have bills to pay and kids to feed! The current system of claiming a very limited amount back for lost earnings is a joke, employers should be forced to do their bit for the justice system by not penalising their staff for doing their civic duty!

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All very well but people do have bills to pay and kids to feed! The current system of claiming a very limited amount back for lost earnings is a joke, employers should be forced to do their bit for the justice system by not penalising their staff for doing their civic duty!


A lot of companies do make up the difference. I thought all did but clearly not. Would be interested to know how many do/don't.

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