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confronted on my doorstep, advice?


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Report it to the Police, but I would not mention the fact I owned licensed guns.

I am not sure what that has to do with anything, except perhaps make a paranoid local copper think you might use them if the dispute escalates.

I agree entirely, information is power. Don't declare this situation to your neighbours either?

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Without reading the rest of the thread it's worth getting the incident logged or at least mentioning it to the feo. It shows that you're thinking ahead and being responsible.

Then going on what you've said regarding your training, enjoy using reasonable force in the circumstances to defend yourself if anything happens :-)

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i would try and talk to them. Explain that you dont want any problems and want to, if possible, get along with them. Tell them that if you have done anything wrong, it was unintentional and you are sorry. You may find that it was a drunken outburst that she now regrets( i doubt it, but its worth a try!). if you can, record the conversation, in case she turns it around on you and claims you are harrasing her.

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It probably was them being drunk and giving a bit of a go. I doubt anything will come of it. I find those who make big gobby threats tend to do nothing. It's the quiet one's you got to watch!


Any plod can look you up on the PNC and see that you have a SGC and guns. Not telling them doesn't mean they can't/won't find out.


You naturally have to tread carefully as A) you have guns B) you've done MMA and therefore are a `trained` fighter. As you have said, you quite rightly did nothing.


CCTV is a good idea just for peace of mind and it's wonderful stuff to have in court (if needed).


I would report to plod though because; A) they were drunk and abusive B) they made threats against you and C) you felt `intimidated` by it (makes them more compelled to act as you are the `victim`)


Entirely up to you. It appears you can quite easily look after yourself but it's not about that. They are in the wrong and you shouldn't fear reporting it.


Depending on your relationship with your neighbour, you could just pop round and say "what was that all about?". Keep it low level. See what they say.


Good luck either way.

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Feel your pain mate,my neighbour made our lives hell for 5 yrs,threats,nails thrown in front of garage,tab ends thrown onto the roof of my wife's brand new Stype.Got CCTV installed (make sure you display a notice) logged every incident with photographic evidence,sent the muppet a solicitors (work solicitors)letter with a copy of the incidents,video footage and photos threatening legal action if it didn't cease.Been peaceful ever since,he can't even look me in the eye which is just how I like it.I did get the last laugh,he fell of a roof while working when claiming benefits.Got done and left with a nackered hip for life ( nothing better than seen him in pain on a cold frosty morning)

My advise is kept yourself to yourself,never get into a confrontation and just log everything.My neighbour used to wait for me comming home and then try and provoke me when I got out to open the garage door.In the end I had to get an auto door fitted and drove straight in with the door closing behind me.

The only reason he was doing this is because I work for HMRC and he apparently had been done years ago for tax avoidance.I only found out about this was when my manager found out about my issues with him.This was a blessing realy as it now ment that my employer was prepared to protect myself and my family and their legal grew didn't mess about and said they would cover any legal costs.I think their letter stopped his antics.

Edited by Davyo
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Davyo I read your post I got to the bit about the last laugh but (because I'm a fundamentaly nice person) when you said he'd have a knackered hip for life I thought you were a bit harsh... But reading the next line about him hobbling around in the cold weather nearly choked me when the coffee went down the wrong way it did make me laugh.... Guess I'm not such a nice bloke lol

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Just had 2 vaguely similar incidents.

My relatively new girlfriend's ex (who i have actually known for 20+years and went to school with) found out that I am with her and he decided to start threatening her over the phone. Unfortunately I was hundreds of miles away otherwise I would have allowed him to carry out his threats of "kicking the front door in" and then calmly explained to him the error of his ways. And prevent him from carrying out his other threats to beat her/kill her.

However, the easiest thing to do was to tell her to go elsewhere for the evening. I spoke to the idiot on the phone and he thought it was wise to threaten me too.

Being a calm and sensible kind of guy I left it. When the mrs returned home the following morning she found a broken front door. I made her report it immediately and report the other threats too.

He was cautioned for the criminal damage but more importantly the threats are now recorded. Should anything come of the threats I can be more comfortable in dealing with things without worrying about my tickets.

I have also had a tenant attempt suicide and eventually claim to the mental health people that he did it because I had been threatening him!! Completely untrue and simply an attempt to get more time rent free in my property. But as soon as I found out I let me feo know that I had been accused of threats as it coild be a massive problem.


Bottom line is get it reported. It cant hurt to be careful. If the guy did come back and you ended up sorting things out at least there is something to show that you were defending yourself and not starting the problem.

If nothing ever comes of it the worst possible outcome is that you are considered over cautious?



Edited by eddoakley
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Already spoken about this I know, but, with hindsight and with the benefit of having been able to read all of the comments here, this is what I'd do. In chronological order.

1. Approach neighbour. Do it tactfully, in daylight, maybe just wait for her to be out on the front and ask her in a friendly tone, casually, if she's ok, what was all that about the other night etc. Get a feel for her reaction, you're an astute guy and read people pretty damn well so you'll know if she's cagey, embarrassed or just looking for drama.

2. Based on her reaction above either leave it well alone and try your best to patch up any hard feelings (you have to live next door to each other now, much easier if you can just get along or at least tolerate each other). If that's clearly NOT an option because she obviously isn't interested in being a decent human being then think long and hard about at least having a chat with our pretty friendly FEO and also look to install the CCTV as mentioned. It will be the only real way of categorically documenting events if the big dumb **** returns along with gobby cow.

3. Invite your charming friend and his equally delightful wife around one night and we'll let the girls sit outside their house lol. One night of the Prosecco princesses in full flow will soon have the neighbour in retreat ****.

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Talk this over with the police and ask if you should try and resolve their concerns by approaching them in a tactful way.

You owning firearms is irrelevant, except insofar as the chap might be police so mention that as a possibility, so they know you are aware.


Its obvious the drink fuelled abuse had some basis in fact and maybe suggest to the police you had no idea you may have caused concern and nothing has been mentioned.

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