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EU Referendum


EU Exit or Stay  

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  1. 1. EU referendum (Brexit) Are you For or Against?

    • Exiting the EU (Brexit)
    • Staying in the EU

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Well Ladies and Gents, I didn't think that there were such strong views on this subject originally - how wrong I can be.


There have been some very good points raised and countered too.


As for the Poll, I did not think it would be so clear cut at roughly 90% for Brexit and 10% for Staying with the EU.

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Why? The Danish pork producers do not!


To wrongly quote something, "Rules are there for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of idiots."


Guess where UK comes?



No other member of the EU observes any of the rules as strictly as we do.

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Leaving the EU will make no difference at all, we shall still have to abide by every piece of legislation they create if we want to continue to trade within it only we will not have any say on it.


That's completely incorrect.


Any things sold into the EU have to be CE marked (or whatever) but the other 85% of the economy isn't affected.


If you think this is wrong can you provide a reference.

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Merkel and her Islamist Army are doing a great job for the out campaign, the woman is stark raving mad and waiving Visas for the Turks and all the countries they have waived Visa requirements for is plain scary, see the link from a Media source that isn't censored to death unlike all ours (how many of the mass protests in Germany have we seen in our Media). She really is trying to Islamify Europe in the fastest possible time.



Edited by JRDS
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That's completely incorrect.


Any things sold into the EU have to be CE marked (or whatever) but the other 85% of the economy isn't affected.


If you think this is wrong can you provide a reference.

And CE approval isn't hard for a lot of things. In our case (at work) it was a doddle

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I'll be voting to leave.


For every 'big name' who says it's better for our economy to remain in the EU there's another 'big name' who says it'll make no difference and yet another 'big name' who says we'll be better off out.


Truth is nobody really knows, but as one of the worlds largest economy's one thing's for sure...we ain't gonna starve.


For me personally there's far more involved than simply trade.

The whole idea of a federal Europe with power over our taxes, security, foreign policy and the judiciary is, in my mind, inconceivable. Of course Jellyfish Dave will come back and claim to have 'negotiated' a deal whereby we can opt out of 'ever closer union' and no doubt he'll give us his cast iron guarantee...no if's no but's (sound familiar?). The fact is Cameron is a Europhile, he doesn't want to leave. It's his pension, why would he? He'll try and scare people into voting to stay in the same way he scared people into voting Tory at the general election by talk of a Miliband/SNP coalition. It worked then and he thinks he can get away with it again.

For those who think we voted for a 'common market' back in 1975 we did just that. But the politicians of the day knew different, they knew full well where the European project was heading...they just didn't tell you. And every senior politician ever since has known and has wilfully lied to you, so bear that in mind when you come to vote. There's a very good reason they didn't want you to know the truth back in 1975 (but are quite open about federalisation now). This country was still full of men and women who had fought and suffered just 30 years previous against Germany...do you honestly think they would have voted for a federalised Europe? Of course they wouldn't, so they told them it's all about trade...until there weren't enough to matter, and then the truth came out.


The freedoms we enjoy and take for granted today are hard won.

We democratically elect our government to govern on our behalf and if we don't like what they do we can sweep them from office. It's not a perfect system, nothing is, but by God it's far better than any alternative I can think of (apart from PR).

We don't need to be told how to govern our own country by anybody else, our political process and law making procedure has been copied all over the globe...we certainly don't need 27 other foreign judges to tell us which laws we can or can't implement, and we certainly shouldn't be taking financial advice from such a corrupt bunch of crooks.


For all its faults, and there are a few, I actually like my country, I don't want it swallowed up to become a region of a greater Europe, ruled by an untouchable elite.

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pretty much sums it up

I'll be voting to leave.


For every 'big name' who says it's better for our economy to remain in the EU there's another 'big name' who says it'll make no difference and yet another 'big name' who says we'll be better off out.


Truth is nobody really knows, but as one of the worlds largest economy's one thing's for sure...we ain't gonna starve.


For me personally there's far more involved than simply trade.

The whole idea of a federal Europe with power over our taxes, security, foreign policy and the judiciary is, in my mind, inconceivable. Of course Jellyfish Dave will come back and claim to have 'negotiated' a deal whereby we can opt out of 'ever closer union' and no doubt he'll give us his cast iron guarantee...no if's no but's (sound familiar?). The fact is Cameron is a Europhile, he doesn't want to leave. It's his pension, why would he? He'll try and scare people into voting to stay in the same way he scared people into voting Tory at the general election by talk of a Miliband/SNP coalition. It worked then and he thinks he can get away with it again.

For those who think we voted for a 'common market' back in 1975 we did just that. But the politicians of the day knew different, they knew full well where the European project was heading...they just didn't tell you. And every senior politician ever since has known and has wilfully lied to you, so bear that in mind when you come to vote. There's a very good reason they didn't want you to know the truth back in 1975 (but are quite open about federalisation now). This country was still full of men and women who had fought and suffered just 30 years previous against Germany...do you honestly think they would have voted for a federalised Europe? Of course they wouldn't, so they told them it's all about trade...until there weren't enough to matter, and then the truth came out.


The freedoms we enjoy and take for granted today are hard won.

We democratically elect our government to govern on our behalf and if we don't like what they do we can sweep them from office. It's not a perfect system, nothing is, but by God it's far better than any alternative I can think of (apart from PR).

We don't need to be told how to govern our own country by anybody else, our political process and law making procedure has been copied all over the globe...we certainly don't need 27 other foreign judges to tell us which laws we can or can't implement, and we certainly shouldn't be taking financial advice from such a corrupt bunch of crooks.


For all its faults, and there are a few, I actually like my country, I don't want it swallowed up to become a region of a greater Europe, ruled by an untouchable elite.

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The China deal is nothing like being in the EU. The chinese haven't come over and told us what to do. We have agreed a deal regarding nuclear power plants, and i wouldn't be surprised if we benifit mire as a country than China will. It also proves we dont need to be in the eu.. The eu didnt get the deal China.. The UK did.

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Don't you think Cameron want to leave Europe to clear the way for jumping into bed with China?

I think what he's doing is an absolute disgrace .i would rather live in an independent Scotland and negotiate a better deal in Europe than live with the worry of what China is going to force upon us

An independant Scotland would be very much like China, a Communist dictatorship. Would you really want that?

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Don't you think Cameron want to leave Europe to clear the way for jumping into bed with China?

I think what he's doing is an absolute disgrace .i would rather live in an independent Scotland and negotiate a better deal in Europe than live with the worry of what China is going to force upon us

Good you bog off to Scotland then as Fishface Salmond is doing her best to kill the shooting sports up there!

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Don't you think Cameron want to leave Europe to clear the way for jumping into bed with China?

I think what he's doing is an absolute disgrace .i would rather live in an independent Scotland Cloud Cuckoo Land and negotiate a better deal in Europe . . .




Because if you think Scotland is capable of negotiating a deal as a solitary entity when it`s highly unlikely that the UK as a whole is capable of it . . .

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