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Abandoned house


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It was an elderly lady, she got taken into care and refused to sell the house / plot. She passed away I know not when and had no children. The sale went through to unknown beneficiaries ( all this was told to me by a neighbour )so there is no one to take an interest.

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If a house sale has gone through then there's a grant of probate and executors / beneficiaries who are aware but not interested. It happens all the time. indeed, if for example the kids lived abroad and hadn't taken an interest (Alzheimer's means parents don't recognise children and some children then become less inclined to get involved as the person they knew / loved is already dead) then why even get involved to clear the house when you can out the lot and make it someone else's job / problem to clear.

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If a house sale has gone through then there's a grant of probate and executors / beneficiaries who are aware but not interested. It happens all the time. indeed, if for example the kids lived abroad and hadn't taken an interest (Alzheimer's means parents don't recognise children and some children then become less inclined to get involved as the person they knew / loved is already dead) then why even get involved to clear the house when you can out the lot and make it someone else's job / problem to clear.


but they usually turn up for the will reading?

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A very interesting read. :good:

I've got a lot more, including the regiment records for the period and a framed print of the picture. Some of the stuff still brings tears to my eyes when I read it, having met some of the people who took part. Basically, 188 men, previously described as 'the dregs of the Dorset farmyards' charged, sabres drawn( apart from the cook who brandished a meat clever), about 1500 Arab Senussi tribesmen armed with 3 machine-guns across over half a mile of open desert. There's probably a lot more on the web since I last looked. Not sure if I'll get invited to the 100th anniversary, I went to the 80th. Sorry for going off the thread subject.

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night Grandma, who ever you were.

I agree! It's sad to think She had family, if they never visited her. Or worse if they never showed to the funeral. Locally they ask for people to attend funerals of those without relatives, so they at least get SOME recognition of their life!


The tank picture looks to be a MK4 or MK5 tank, From what I can see it doesn't have the tadpole tail rear of the MK6.


As for the furniture and oddments, it makes me want to break down and cry seeing all that beautiful craftsmanship and history going to waste! Personally, the wedding photo and the other pictures of the couple and family would be boxed, and I would try my damnest to locate a living relative to forward them. Family history is magical. My old man has pictures of our family dating back many years. Even paintings that were commisioned in turn of the 1800s. Photo's of a branch of the family (Barnes) dating from the late 1800s too. Some great stuff. I love the fact you can actually see what the past looked like, rather than just reading about it. Paintings could be done to conceal things, but photographs of the time tended to be more factual. I am aware there was fixing of photographic captures too, but on the whole they were true images of that precise moment in time, immortalised in a still.


Testament to this was a picture of one of the gas chambers in Auchwitz (spelling?) and the claw marks on the wallls as they tried to claw their way out of the dark in desperation, It still moves me to tears just thinking of it mentally, To think these photo's are all that is left to remember these people, and they are to be lost is a crying shame!


That coat unit in one of the picture would look resplendent in a period property! got to be worth a few hundred pounds of someones money if it's as good as it looks. It's a shame in cases like these, local (or indeed national) museums could remove artifacts for display. I hope you are allowed to take the picture of the tank to the tank museum! At least something will come from all that waste.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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I found a load more photos from the war ( hard to decipher which war as they were mainly of servicemen ) from what looked like the tropics. Also one of an artillery piece being fired from 1914.

The chair is a recliner worth in the region of £300. The big items are in very good condition. Sadly I know they will be disposed of. I agreed with a neighbour that we will create a " keepsake" box of all the family photos, the accounts from the company that they founded and ran etc.

I've found some fascinating items that I can find no link to on the www. A Christmas joke card / booklet from a Barrington Hooper, guides to the Parisian metro from the late 30s etc.

I feel torn, if I rummage through who am I to decide what to keep. If I just board up I know it will all end up in the crusher or skip.

One of the most interesting yet sad jobs I've been involved in.

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One of the most interesting yet sad jobs I've been involved in.

You have my sympathy, I would be in there for months just sifting through bits and pieces. Last night we were going through an enormous stack of photos (mostly from our wedding day), looking for a picture of a friend who died recently. In spite of the task in hand, I couldn't help but pause and reminisce over each and every one!


Lady Seagrave was thoroughly fed up, and has a much more clear-headed approach to such things - maybe you should send her in to do a sweep!




PS: fascinating thread BTW, there's not a WWII bunker in the back garden by any chance...? :lol:

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Digger has sent me some more photographs to publish for him;


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Thanks for that ...... Gets things into perspective ...... Life is so very short so cheer up and enjoy yourselves.

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Digger has sent me some more photographs to publish for him;


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More importantly, HAVE YOU PAINTED THAT SPINNER ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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No, not yet, I am currently on nightshifts and have been beating for two local estates and keeping pigeons off the OSR, I need to sleep some time!


I hope to get the Typhoon finished in a week or two, thanks for your interest Rod.

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