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Address change


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Interesting one, rang FLO (South Wales) to ask about change of address. Was told no form to fill in but cannot be done by phone, need to send my cert with old address in with a note of new address.


The reasoning was "you can't have 2 certs at the same time..... But I can copy the existing one if I liked ????


Anyone else done it differently?

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I changed my address back in November, I rang the licensing department and told them so they said send in a note explaining and detailing the new address details and to keep hold of the old certificate and hand them to the pcso who would be calling within eight weeks to check security etc. it was three weeks before my new certificates turned up and another three before the pcso turned up, so for a short time I had two shotgun and firearm certificates both showing in date but with different addresses. That's with dyfed Powys.

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Actually you do not need to have a new certificate reissued just because of a change of address, you only need to notify them of the change. However, most times now they seem to want to make work for themselves.

I might just inform them of the change and Dee what happens.

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My force, West Yorkshire, will not issue a new certificate for a change of address, they just change the details on the system.

West yorkshire have a change of address online form.

This sends you a confirmation email back instantly with all the details on.(saves any arguments later)

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Shambolic is my opinion of the Northants firearms licensing dept.

It took them over four months to issue a replacement SGC and EFP to me and my wife after our move into the county from the Thames Valley police area.

In fact the local FEO said their policy was to treat every incomer as a new application. This despite me having had mine renewed by TVP a couple of months before our move.

So if this is the case it's increasing the workload of the FEO's unnecessarily at the same time as reducing the number of FEOs.

Edited by PhilR
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Shambolic is my opinion of the Northants firearms licensing dept.

It took them over four months to issue a replacement SGC and EFP to me and my wife after our move into the county from the Thames Valley police area.

In fact the local FEO said their policy was to treat every incomer as a new application. This despite me having had mine renewed by TVP a couple of months before our move.

So if this is the case it's increasing the workload of the FEO's unnecessarily at the same time as reducing the number of FEOs.

That is just unnecessary. When a member of our club moved form here (NW London) to Leicestershire the Leicestershire police wouldn't accept membership of our club as good reason because they said it was too far away. So they refused to re-issue a new certificate.He was actually moving back to a house he already owned and had owned for many years. The NRA sorted them out pretty quick but they were complete you know whats about the whole thing.

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It does seem prudent though, for many reasons, to have your current address printed on it.

If you can't be trusted with a certificate bearing an out of date address, even though you could be traced back or cross referenced in a millisecond where is the prudence in having a public employee in an overstretched office waste an hour or two reissuing an un-necessary piece of paper? Even worse if they start all over running all the checks.


Pen pushers charter

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  • 1 month later...

Well I had a phone call the other day chasing why I hadn't returned my cert.........


They told me it was a legal requirement


I asked them to show me the piece of legislation that makes it a legal requirement.....



FEO is coming to bring my new cert and take my old one shortly, interestingly I only get my new cert if he is happy with my security (bit late now)

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Actually you do not need to have a new certificate reissued just because of a change of address, you only need to notify them of the change. However, most times now they seem to want to make work for themselves.



And inconvenience us!


One of my mates moved house around November. He sent in his certificate in Nov. and he`s still waiting for it to come back. So over 4 months for an address change in S.Yorks.



My force, West Yorkshire, will not issue a new certificate for a change of address, they just change the details on the system.


West Yorks seem to be really on the ball. We had some lads down at our shoot that applied for their SGC and the entire procedure from sending off to the certificate being delivered took just 7 weeks. It would appear a lot of other regions could learn something from them when it comes to efficiency.

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I've moved house today from London out to Essex. Phoned firearms dept up on Wednesday, they said send a letter in with my new address on and they will pass it on to Essex firearms team.


My guns are with an rfd until I get my safe fitted next week And then I was going to pick them up but do I have to wait until I've had my safe checked before I can get them?

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