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Smokeless Powder Storage


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As confirmed to me by David (BASC) there is no requirement for smokeless powders to stored in wooden boxes.


The wording on the HSE documentation is incorrect.

? So the hse write the legislation ER2014 that is made lawful by an act of parliament but basc say the wording is incorrect !!!


David (basc) please can you post why/how you think we do not have to comply with ER2014?


Because as per my post in link above the only argument I can see is "should be" the same as "must be"?

ER2014 is not voluntary it has the same legal status as all the various firearms law we cannot just chose to ignore it.


so whist I agree it is a pain to have to comply and use a wooden box I fail to see how we can use the augment that basc say the wording is incorrect when and if an FEO asks how we store are reloading powder and the FEO enforces ER2014.


So David please enlighten us, thanks.

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I store my powders in the container they came in, tipping it all in a wooden box is dangerous.

I don't lock any components away.

Non issue as any one could get my angle grinder and pri bars to get in the cabinets.

Red tape clap trap.


Just a thought!

You should put the original container in a wooden box, expanding bullets should but stored the same as full rounds.

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This is all creeping rule making, there is no requirements about storing powder, there is no requirement to produce your licence when buying powder, but if people get told something enough times they start to believe it

But there is hse ER2014


Regulation 27(3)(b), © and (d) disapplies separation distance requirements for
keeping small quantities of shooters’ powder, water-based explosives and
detonating cord. The following sections describe the conditions that should be met
to qualify for the disapplication. These conditions apply at all premises including
domestic premises.
Shooters’ powder
Shooters’ powder includes both black powder and smokeless powder.
The powder should be kept in containers with no more than 1 kg of powder
per container. The containers should be constructed in such a way that, in the
event of a fire they do not provide additional containment that will either increase
the explosive force of any deflagration or cause smokeless powder to detonate.
Normally plastic/polythene or paper/cloth containers should be used. Metal
containers with a screw cap or a push-in lid must not be used.
Although shooters’ powders are generally not very sensitive to ignition by
electrostatic discharge, homeloaders or others who decant the contents of plastic
containers should take care to reduce the risk of static electricity build-up. Advice
on precautions may be sought from the manufacturer.
The containers of powder should be kept in a box constructed of plywood
with a minimum thickness of 18 mm and a maximum thickness of 24 mm.
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All powders are now designated as 'shooters powders' ....black powder is now required by law to be stored in an approved container....so it will not be a massive step for the authorities to insist nitro powder is a 'Shooters Powder' so needs to be treated as and stored in the same manner!


Another slash in the 'Death by a thousand cuts' shooting is presently suffering from the authorities......that our representative organisations failed to identify and protect us from!

Edited by panoma1
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Its a misuse of the term shooters powder. I cant speak for the other organisations, you will need to contact them to see what they are doing about it, but BASC are in discussion with the HSE about this.


For nitro-cellulose propellants of hazard type 3. no separation distance applies for stores of powder less than 15kg. A home loader does not need to store nitro-cellulose propellants in a partitioned wooden box so long as he is storing less than 15kilos where no other powder (i.e. black powder) is held. Regulation 7 of the Explosives Regulations 2014 provide full details of what explosive and ammunition combinations may be held


If any BASC member has problems or questions about this please get in touch with our firearms team

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My tame FEO said it only applies to amounts over 15kg and thats no different to how it was before. Below 15 kg there is an exemption for shooters provided it is for private use. It is a fire issue only and nothing to do with security. Its an HSE regulation and not a firearms licencing matter. He also said all powder should come with a hazchem sticker on it and a lot doesn't, but as long as its catagory (whatever he said) its OK


He also said in his opinion it should be lower, anyone who keeps 15kg of powder in their house mad. He was aware that some authorities are saying these things. .



this is also incorrect



Edited by Vince Green
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The problem with all of this is that it is like the tide of a thousand cuts. All of this isn't being turned back why is fes putting that on their site when it isn't right. (Is there a ruling in this law that certificates have to Be shown on purchase? Or is it misinterpretation?) Why are people kind of accepting more and more regulations by saying that they don't have a problem with complying when it is just a made up law or a bent interpretation of some law.



Edited by fortune
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