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Camerons dad and his off shore tax haven


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Don't forget we are all in it together, us muppets will keep on paying tax at source. Cameron must have known, lets hope it helps a Brexit vote that will see him out of office. The Elite of this country know no bounds, time for the Lords to go too the Parliament Act made them all redundant..

Edited by JRDS
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Don't forget we are all in it together, us muppets will keep on paying tax at source. Cameron must have known, lets hope it helps a Brexit vote that will see him out of office. The Elite of this country know no bounds, time for the Lords to go too the Parliament Act made them all redundant..

He and his father probably did know and it was legal at the time. Whilst not as simple as it sounds, the govt has legislated and HMRC are trying to close current loopholes however what happens quite often is that schemes are set up legally, subsequent govts then change the rules and try and then claw the tax back retrospectively.

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The ICIJ are a bunch of trouble making scum bags. I had a run in with them, and the Guardian, a couple of years ago when they were trying to dish the dirt on some of my clients. They see themselves as the moral guardians of tax payers everywhere.


The footnote at the bottom of their articles is always "of course there is nothing illegal about having an offshore bank account but ...."


And yes I have had an offshore bank account in the past when I was non resident for tax purposes and why wouldn't I.

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The 'Cameron' name gives this more impact but as keg says back in the 80's this was considered the way to reduce/avoid tax and don't forget 30-40yrs ago we had tax breaks where you could lose 80-90% to The Revenue. The bigger issue for me is if this proves or rather confirms what might be happening to international aid ie how much of our aid disappears into this fog of finance and doesn't reach the poor it was intended for. One of the headlines was that this is killing children (Dianne Abbott - horrible person that she is??) and for just once in my life I might actually agree with her.


The Icelandic PM looks as if he might be lynched!

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The ICIJ are a bunch of trouble making scum bags. I had a run in with them, and the Guardian, a couple of years ago when they were trying to dish the dirt on some of my clients. They see themselves as the moral guardians of tax payers everywhere.


The footnote at the bottom of their articles is always "of course there is nothing illegal about having an offshore bank account but ...."





That'll be because the Guardian Media Group has its own Cayman Island accounts.

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Saw a programme concerning this practise a while ago about a town which wanted to do likewise, and during its course they found offices where the likes of U2 and The Rolling Stones had offices for this very purpose. Mentioned it to a mate at work who is a very successful builder and he told me he's been doing it for years. He pays very little tax; all perfectly legal.

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Well it sticks in my throat paying Tax / NI at source at £1100 a month, can't believe some find it acceptable for those with the most money to avoid Taxation whilst those with a great deal less get shafted at source. And yes I hope Cameron does get the push after brexit, can't stand him (and I have never once voted Labour). We need a whole scale clearout of the current political class, they are ruining the country at a rapid rate.

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Fisheruk, on 05 Apr 2016 - 07:17 AM, said:

Come on, what is all this shout about rich peoples tax haven. How many shout about the black economy with cash deals. There are far more people taking cash for services, but that is alright is it?


Absolutely hits the nail on the head.


Of course, properly constructed off shore schemes are legal, whereas the black economy is plain tax evasion - which isn't...

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Well it sticks in my throat paying Tax / NI at source at £1100 a month, can't believe some find it acceptable for those with the most money to avoid Taxation whilst those with a great deal less get shafted at source. And yes I hope Cameron does get the push after brexit, can't stand him (and I have never once voted Labour). We need a whole scale clearout of the current political class, they are ruining the country at a rapid rate.

Can't say it's acceptable, but as a higher rate tax payer on PAYE paying many thousands each month to HMRC I'm sick of the black economy. Tradesmen paying the bare minimum in tax due cash jobs but taking home more than someone on 40% tax is wrong.



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Can't say it's acceptable, but as a higher rate tax payer on PAYE paying many thousands each month to HMRC I'm sick of the black economy. Tradesmen paying the bare minimum in tax due cash jobs but taking home more than someone on 40% tax is wrong.



Agree, two wrongs and all that.

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Employees paying PAYE are contributing more than they should in tax because of the massive amount of tax unpaid by the rich and powerful through tax avoidance schemes. Legal? Undoubtedly, because the people who benefit from tax avoidance schemes make the laws.....Moral?.......... Nope!

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As somebody on here quoted once "one has no moral obligation to pay taxes".


That is why any business, whether they be a one man band to a multi-national employ accountants.


And before you shout I am a PAYE tax payer and pay a very high amount of tax both in absolute and relative terms.

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nothing wrong with tax havens...sort of ................just a bit suspicious that the icelandic PM has one after all that debacle about local authorites transferring their excess funds into iceland and loosing it as a result of the crash..............

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So compelling someone earning the minimum wage to pay towards the NHS, police, social services, council services, etc etc.......whilst the rich and famous, because they pay no tax do not contribute.....but benefit equally from these services, is not immoral?

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So compelling someone earning the minimum wage to pay towards the NHS, police, social services, council services, etc etc.......whilst the rich and famous, because they pay no tax do not contribute.....but benefit equally from these services, is not immoral?

Don't ask me ask one of the many self employed people on here.

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As somebody on here quoted once "one has no moral obligation to pay taxes".

That is why any business, whether they be a one man band to a multi-national employ accountants.

And before you shout I am a PAYE tax payer and pay a very high amount of tax both in absolute and relative terms.

Nope! the people and businesses who employ accountants do so for business purposes, not for moral ones!

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