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How blatantly illegal though to use taxpayers money for this purpose?. Its well out of order. Not a good start. Whichever side you are on surely everyone must recognise that it breaches all the rules of impartiality.

Not sure it is illegal and it is putting the Governments side of things.


They are offering a referendum but DC and crew want to stay in.


I very much hope we come out and that everyone is allowed to make up their own mind, unfortunately not everyone will be given all of the information or bother to read what is available.

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Regardless of what Cameron wants, the government should be issuing information with all the pros and cons and a fair assessment of in or out.I have not got a leaflet yet but I think I know what to expect.

Most people will go with the fear factor and not see a balanced view, that is my concern.

OUT and in no doubt in my opinion.

Edited by Good shot?
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Surely the Out camp should also be allowed to use tax payers money to produce their counter arguments?

I fully agree, also the government are there to do as the majority of the population wish. On this important subject the referendum is there to allow the people to decide. The government therefore should provide them with all the information or at least fund the opposing views costs.

But they would rather give us their biased views.

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I haven't seen one yet but the gummints justification is the the public want more facts on the issues. From the little bits I have seen then it's just a rehash of things he's already said and still doesn't give any facts only lots 'exit could mean this' and 'exit could mean that'.


A document I'd really like to see is what's planned if the 'stay' vote wins? Remembering 1975, when we were asked about the Common Market, the 'yes' vote was taken as consent for a Europe wide government. I've no doubt that a European Superstate will quickly follow a 'stay' vote.


The ideal of the European Union has failed, It is openly corrupt and can never achieve the aspirations of the 'Ins' so let's get out.


The current situation with steel shows just how much influence we have over world markets as members of the EU, Knack-all, so let's be masters of our own destiny again.

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Great Britain is supposed to be a shining light of democracy around the world, yet all I see is a Government with an agenda that would put other supposed 'corrupt' countries to shame.


This will be the most important vote in the existence of many people and they can vote 2 ways, IN or OUT. With that being the case then both sides should be given the same access to resources to ensure that the public are well informed and neither side could be accused to doctoring the vote.........


DC and Co clearly have their preferred vote and are being made to look like a bunch or clowns by the way they have blatantly put a blackout on the OUT campaign, nothing would make me happier than seeing this backfire right in their face!


Sadly, I feel that the result has already been decided to matter how the public vote.

Edited by Livefast123
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They keep chiming on about the UK being better inside a 'reformed' EU. But they haven't explained how this reformation will take place.


Recent events show that we have no chance of getting any reforms that are worth having and certainly none that would make a difference.

The whole shebang is corrupt and our politicians are not in the same league as them, but they want to be, it seems.

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On the plus side, the Brexit's will hopefully put this leaflet under the microscope, and if "Dave" tries to add anything to it or change anything when he starts to take flak, he'll be told to do one, because it wasn't on his list. I think he might have cocked-up on this one. I certainly hope so, anyway. :yes:

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It's a start but yet again just one point of view. I want one place that is not bias one way or the other. To much to ask I guess.


You'll never get a non biased point of view to be fair, mainly because nobody knows for sure what would happen in the event of a Brexit.

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You'll never get a non biased point of view to be fair, mainly because nobody knows for sure what would happen in the event of a Brexit.

And to be fair nobody really knows what will happen if we stay, as what would a "reformed" EU actually be... As Dave didnt really get much when he tried... Edited by ShootingEgg
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