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A mate of mine has inherited a house from someone who had died all paid for

Now he is planning to sell it

He will have to pay inheritance tax on the house

But there is a lot of very valuable contents in house as well

Will this be added to the value of the house or not or can he sell contents separate

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Get some professional advice. The inheritance tax should have beeen paid by the estate before distribution of the residue. However even if free from IHT you may be liable to Capital Gains Tax. Get advice the penalties for tax evasion (unless you are apple or google) will make your eyes water. Talk to a tax lawyer, in this case it will be money well spent.



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Sell the contents separately,( if he's inherited these as well) as long as it ain't the £20 ,000 kitchen etc etc, lol


Fixtures and fittings will be valued with the house, whatever is in it can be sold before hand,


It's the houses value,( fixtures and fittings) not the house and contents that estate agents value at,



Edited by flynny
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Get some professional advice. The inheritance tax should have beeen paid by the estate before distribution of the residue. However even if free from IHT you may be liable to Capital Gains Tax. Get advice the penalties for tax evasion (unless you are apple or google) will make your eyes water. Talk to a tax lawyer, in this case it will be money well spent.



How would CGT be applicable in the situation described?

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Just check that it hasn't risen in value since it was valued for probate.



If its valued low for probate and then sold for a higher amount CGT would be payable on the difference because (in the most literal sense) it would be a capital gain. Unless it were the principal residence of the seller

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The Inheritance tax will be calculated on the value of the estate including any contents over £500 in value.


Normally a probate valuation is carried out to calculate the estate value.


At least this is what happened in our case two years ago when my spinster Aunt died.


Take advice from a solicitor who specialises in probate.

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Sell contents for cash and tell no one.



Check the deceased's home contents insurance policies for the last 6 years to make sure there's nothing on there that will need to be ponyed up.


But seriously, if it's a valuable house and it's all landed in his lap, tell him not to be a tightwad and just get a brief to do it all and legit.


Indeed, if the person who dies was previously married and the spouse's IHT allowance wasn't used up (and invariably it's not if he/she left everything to her spouse) then it can be rolled over

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I was in the same boat , me and the wife was given a house over the price by wife's mother on the condition I built a granny flat for her , I did this while she lived in her other house , all I'll say is get a good solicitor , we didn't have to pay any and it's worth nearly 400 k ,some will say bull but it's true

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I was in the same boat , me and the wife was given a house over the price by wife's mother on the condition I built a granny flat for her , I did this while she lived in her other house , all I'll say is get a good solicitor , we didn't have to pay any and it's worth nearly 400 k ,some will say bull but it's true

What's that got to do with IHT? Sounds like you were given the property as a gift while your MIL was alive. So assuming MIL lives for 7 year no IHT payable when she dies.


Once your MIL moves out though, and assuming it isn't your primary residence, you will be liable to CGT though once you sell it won't you?

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