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hospital tv what a ripoff


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been visiting my gran in hospital for last two weeks and been astounded by the charges for he bedside tv service ,the days are long in hospital so decided to put tv on for me gran shes 95 and loves the soaps.,£20 for 3 days for 25 channels,after the 3 days noticed a mini package channel 12345 £15 for 3 days this weekend it changed to mini package £15 for two days so far its cost us £70 and needs topped up tomorrow bloody sky is only £50 for the month someones making lots of money from this,funny thing is its free from 8am till noon sour your still paying for free period rip offs found this on net from this February


The company, which made £22.2 million in UK sales last year has increased its minimum charge from £2.50 to £5 for a basic package.


Edited by remmy1100
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I did just shy of 3 months in hospital.......(RVI Newcastle)


It was scary the cost of it, I reckon it was around £60 per month (2008)


I had a tv point in my room (single room due to infection risk) but when I asked if I could bring a portable in, the answer was no as the people who do the bedside tellies would complain, ( they had someone in cleaning the sets every few days)


The telly cleaning people did keep any unused cards from people that had left for me which helped a wee bit but it was ridiculous the cost,


Down the road in Middlesboro, if you were in more than 2 weeks, the telly was free, The telly people even asked upstairs if they could do it any cheaper for me as I was long term but no.


They then lost the contract after I had left and the present lot took over, ( I think they went bust when I was discharged as it seemed I was keeping the company afloat :oops: )



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The local hospital has the same TV sets you mention but just as the hospital opened the tv company went bust.

There are now all these little tv/telephone units on adjustable arms in every room over every bed and I don't think one of them works.


I have had my elderly mother in this hospital several times with no tv available and no view. As the company went bust there are no plans to sort out the problems the only entertainment available is a small transistor radio or cd player that we took in for her.


I do have to wonder what effect it has on the overall well being on the patients in terms of depression or dementia.

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I wonder what happened to all the 'old' TVs that were donated by well wishers, prior to this system starting?


Interestingly, when I was in having a kidney removed, they kept me in the High Dependency Unit, as there wasn't a ward bed free for me to return to after the first night, and the TV was free!



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When I was stuck in stoke , the TV was free and brand new too.

The only downside was no internet ( and a broken leg lol)

I remember the nurse having a go at me about my mum ringing up to see if I was ok as I had no phone or internet signal and was 90 mins from home. I said to her I've not signal and the hospital has no wifi so how can I tell her I'm ok.

The reply was we are not an entertainment centre .

I would of blooming paid if they had it.

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When my friend Jim was in hospital with a spinal injury his daughter phoned up and booked a TV for him from Germany giving her credit card number. She was in the army over there at the time and couldn't come back.

Big mistake, they whacked him on the maximum package and the bill was huge, he was in there for months. He ended up paying her back because she couldn't afford it and never dreamed it would be so much. Lovely thought though and I would suspect that scenario happens a lot. Concerned relatives book it and just cough up.

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Had it once and hated it :/ it's weird isn't it lol

i rather enjoyed it , i must be a closet druggie lol.


i remember sitting in a wheelchair while i waited to go for a scan , i must have looked in a right state because a very pretty nurse stopped and asked me if i was ok , as i nodded i can remember the dribble running out of my mouth lol.


it was a strange week lol.

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i rather enjoyed it , i must be a closet druggie lol.


i remember sitting in a wheelchair while i waited to go for a scan , i must have looked in a right state because a very pretty nurse stopped and asked me if i was ok , as i nodded i can remember the dribble running out of my mouth lol.


it was a strange week lol.

I remember the nurse saying " I'll give you this injection before I set your leg"

As soon as she sqeezed the needle I turned , looked at her and said " is that morphine ?"

I then woke up all wrapped up lol.

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