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A while ago I put a post on about having a vasectomy well today was the day and I'm now sat on the sofa post op with orders of complete rest for 48hrs, I opted for a scalpel less procedure and whist it was abit uncomfortable it wasn't painful. Would recommend the procedure to anyone thinking of getting "done"

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It ok isnt it, just feel a bit of a tugging sensation & a smell of burning.I never even had any swelling, just wore a pair of tight undies.The worst part is sitting in the waiting room swetting like a pig lol.A room full of burly blokes & you could here a pin drop.

Edited by Davyo
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My only advice Wiggum is to take things steady.


Had mine about 30 yrs ago. The big scalpel op in those days. But it was pain free.


The advice then was avoid strenuous exercise for 6 wks. Week 7 I started back on the squash courts. The wound had healed on the outside but, unbeknown to me, not on the inside of the scrotum. That evening sheer agony. Felt like I'd been kicked in the nuts. They said that the wound had opened on the inside and I had blood in the scrotum. Boiled beetroots was an understatement.


The plus side is that since then I have not subjected my lovely lady to many years of the chemical pill and I didn't have to use condoms - which is about as enjoyable sucking a toffee with the paper on.

Edited by Bobba
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My only advice Wiggum is to take things steady.


Had mine about 30 yrs ago. The big scalpel op in those days. But it was pain free.


The advice then was avoid strenuous exercise for 6 wks. Week 7 I started back on the squash courts. The wound had healed on the outside but, unbeknown to me, not on the inside of the scrotum. That evening sheer agony. Felt like I'd been kicked in the nuts. They said that the wound had opened on the inside and I had blood in the scrotum. Boiled beetroots was an understatement.


The plus side is that since then I have not subjected my lovely lady to many years of the chemical pill and I didn't have to use condoms - which is about as enjoyable sucking a toffee with the paper on.

With scalpel less they only recommend 2 weeks off the exercise as there's no stitches which is lucky as I'm paint balling with my lads from work on the 17th and taking them for a round of clays after. May invest in a cricket box. Looking forward to a couple of days of being waited on by the missus, may have to drag it out until Monday next week.

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Two day's after having mine done I was sat on the sofa watching TV and my young lad who was sitting on the floor swung round to ask me something, caught me in the nad's with his elbow and I was sick on him, off he went to complain to his mum who then gave me grief for upsetting him, hey ho, **** happens.

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What's it like having an injection in the nads for the local anisthetic?


Lol don't laugh but I have a fear of getting my man equipment looked at for fear of accidentally saluting any ladies there present... All because when I was young a mate told me the worry of this happening causes it to happen!!


Albeit I am thinking about getting the snip...(2 kids and 1 step kid is enough to deal with)

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A while ago I put a post on about having a vasectomy well today was the day and I'm now sat on the sofa post op with orders of complete rest for 48hrs, I opted for a scalpel less procedure and whist it was abit uncomfortable it wasn't painful. Would recommend the procedure to anyone thinking of getting "done"

Mine went wrong very painfull , had mates who had it done went to work the next day so in my view every one takes it different glad your ok with it worth it in the end

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What's it like having an injection in the nads for the local anisthetic?


Lol don't laugh but I have a fear of getting my man equipment looked at for fear of accidentally saluting any ladies there present... All because when I was young a mate told me the worry of this happening causes it to happen!!


Albeit I am thinking about getting the snip...(2 kids and 1 step kid is enough to deal with)

The injections not that bad I found the tugging sensation odd, feels like he was trying to pull my stomach out through my nut sack. I wouldn't worry about getting aroused don't think I would have managed it even if I'd popped a couple of viagra first with an Asian chap fondling my man eggs and a 50yr old nurse at my head end chatting away lol

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Night before i was in the shower shaving it with a big mess of foam and nothing happening,then realised the razor prtector was still on.When i got it done the guy was busy and an old biddy at the top end making small talk.Kept asking what i did at work? (TAX MAN)I will tell you once he's finished down their as dont fancy having my nuts stitched to my chin

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With scalpel less they only recommend 2 weeks off the exercise as there's no stitches which is lucky as I'm paint balling with my lads from work on the 17th and taking them for a round of clays after. May invest in a cricket box. Looking forward to a couple of days of being waited on by the missus, may have to drag it out until Monday next week.


Get the Castellani one, it fits on yer bum ! :good:

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The injections not that bad I found the tugging sensation odd, feels like he was trying to pull my stomach out through my nut sack. I wouldn't worry about getting aroused don't think I would have managed it even if I'd popped a couple of viagra first with an Asian chap fondling my man eggs and a 50yr old nurse at my head end chatting away lol

Haha that's brilliant :-). I reckon you are right - knowing about what's about to happen it's more likely to try and hide lol.

I can imagine the feeling of the tugging now you've said that, yuck!

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When I went into the waiting area for mine the "person" who greeted me looked like Maggie T in drag, side perm over the whole lot, ****, went on to explain what was going to happen etc but did not put me at ease, you certainly did not feel a woody with this guy.

Smells like roast pork in here says I, yep says he/it says you are about to see why, needle, wait, cut, arc welder, pain!!

Don't think the pain killers are working says I, ahh well says it have another shot, **** this is not good.

More arc welder and a gauze sack around the nad's, ok off you go sample bottle on the left, fill it next week and return!!

Glad it was a once off.

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I'm booked in at the hospital in march to go and give my sample, I was told by the docs assistant I needed to empty my pipes at least 25 times before then, think the wife's gonna be busy for a few months lol. I kno what you mean about the arc welder and the smell, luckily I was the first one in so it didn't smell like a hog roast when I turned up.

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Did he drop a ********** ;)

It felt like. He was unqualified and should have waited until the qualified surgeon attended, but he went ahead and carried on. He caused me so much pain, that I had to have a general anaesthetic, against my wishes. He then went on to cause another patient after me, to have the same problem/pain. I ended up having a scrotal haematoma, and was rushed back into hospital 2 days later.

It took a few years to claim off the NHS, but he was struck off, which was good news for all concerned.


I'll never have it done again though! :)

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