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Body found

Sha Bu Le

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about 120 yards the other side of my back fence. At 06:00 a man taking a short cut to work came across a guy slumped over a head stone in the cemetery at the back of us. At first he thought it was a drunk but on a closer look the fella had been beaten up and stabbed (according to girl in local shop whose relative found the chap). The guy called an ambulance and the police, they've been there ever since, now 12:30, The guy died as the ambulance arrived, we will now have a murder enquiry virtually on our doorstep.


What on earth is going on around here armed post office robbery 4 weeks ago and now this.

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Used to live in Burton years ago an it was widely reported in the Burton Mail a gang of muggers started beating the carp out of people and robbing them blind in 1 part of Horninglow and they,ve never been caught yet.In the same area there,s all new house,s and all looks tickety boo n nice but driving home from work we saw burglar,s up a ladder going into someone,s house at 4 am on a Saturday morning.

Car crime is endemic and drug user,s openly use the evil outside the local church which is locked up fort knox style and leave hundreds of needles down the side of the building .It,s the same all over now drugs =muggings=burglary,s to pay for drugs so the cycle goes on .

Who ever comes up with a way to eradicate drug use will probably halve the crime rate but i dont know the answer to that 1

Edited by clakk
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It's difficult, whether to feel sympathy for the person whose life has been ended or to say "well x¿that's one more not drawing fresh air". The person who has finished Was a little boy playing on the fields, a son, a brother. He could have been a hero, a teacher, a scientist but whatever that didn't help him he ended up alone in a graveyard. Sad that it ended up that way and unless serious efforts are made it will continue. We have always had plagues and wars to thin the population out and that was before modern medicine saved so many.

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Fortune the deceased person has not yet been positively identified, he could have been any of those things and a perfectly decent person. We'll find out when the police identify him. One thing for sure someone is not going home tonight, Maybe then alarm bells will ring in some ones home. Quite a few people take short cuts through the cemmy early morning on the way to work.

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Hells bells Davyo, I grew up in Pennywell, there is no way I would move back there even though it's half decent now.


The cemetery is bounded by Hylton Rd, Chester Rd. Whitehall Terrace and where I live Hylton Lane Estate.

Blimey, small world! I lived on Pennywell Road from being 3 'till I was 8, when we moved back to Leeds! We might have been neighbours. Went there from Leeds when my dad's job took him there in in 1955, and returned to Leeds in 1960. I went to Quarry View School.



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Yup sure is a small world Mike. I lived in a few places in Pennywell over the years, Penn Sq (the old prefabs) then Palgrove Rd followed by Pennycross Sq followed by a move to Hylton Rd on Low Ford.


I was there until I married and moved to Shiney Row out in the sticks, couple of more moves and finally settled here on Hylton Lane Estate close to the Round Robin (but not too close).


Pennywell has changed a lot over the years, parts have been remodelled and given new street names such as Nightingale Sq (ooo posh not) and a big chunk has been demolished at the top end. Most of the less desirable families have been moved on and scattered all over Sunderland.

Pennywell Rd is still the same but the Grindon Mill is now a fitness Spa/gym. Portsmouth Rd now has small retail park on it and the old Woolworths block of shops have been demolished and replaced by a sheltered accommodation unit.


Stay well Bud



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I think the brexit poster was saying it more than a bit tongue in cheek. At least I hope he was.


Update on body, todays local news reported that the police had stated no other person was involved ??


So I guess we will have to wait for the inquest to find out any detail. Think I'll give that a miss.


Seems the bush telegraph at the local off door was completely wrong about a beating and stabbing. Not surprised really.


Incident over news wise.

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Thanks for the update Brian. I remember the Grindon Mill, and there was a parade of shops with a Fourboy's on it, and a butcher's. I remember a big sink-hole opening up on the common. I confess I've never managed to get back to see the old place. We used to get Vulcans flying low over the school sometimes, and as daft young kids we would jump up to try and touch them!!!


It must be a relief that it seems no crime has been committed regarding your dead body!



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