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A good larf every day....


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As most of you know my mrs has "old timers desease" and my life is mostly taking up caring for her....she has good days and bad days..........when she can she likes to help me....hold this do that .....stuff when im in the shed making stuff...............



well.......this morning as the windy weather was a comin in...i thought i would light the fire early before it got tooo breezy....so i told her this as i was off to get sum kindling....she said she would clean the fire and empty the ash can....(which she usually does...as it is a habit i have got her into)........didnt think anything of it until i come back from the shed with the kindling....only to see her in a mini tornado of ash as she tries to empty the ash tin in a plastic bag........


when the dust/ ash settled she just looked at me........and i had to larf....and told her she looked like "an old fakir on the edge of the Ganges, saying goodbye to a relitive"............i tell you boi she was COVERED head to foot.....i larfed and she larfed until the tears rolled down her cheeks.........



start the day off with a larf...and you are set up...

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Considering your domestic problems you do well to have a laugh. Your practical hints and tips aint arf bad either.


Isn't it exactly a year since I came to see you fire up the engine?



when you came last time ....the engine smoked like a pig and ran real bad...........since then i had the injector pump re-built...and fitted it back on ...got the timing tickerty b- boo....and it now runs clean...no smoke....and at 900 rpm i can balance a pound coin on its edge.... on the cylinder head.............


you can see it run like that next time you drop by..........

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2.5 landrover turbo-desiel...................i ran a thread re-building it last year.......if you want to waste your life away read it......it contains a lot of abuse to me and back at "them"

19J? I only have to read the abuse Viking is getting to get an idea :lol:

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