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Basil Fawlty to teach the Japanese English for Olympics


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I am all for ANYTHING, that can help people break barriers in language! I think the guy who walked into the classroom, and complained about their mistakes in grammer was a bit of a ****. Learning is all about mistakes, without which you couldn't learn. I find it a little sad that Japan wishes to do this simply to make everyones opinion of them very high! It is already a highly thought of country! Personally I think individual language, is as important as individual culture. To me! Broken English, is still a lot better than my non existant Japanese.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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I'm currently unemployed and available to travel if somebody from Japan wants to make an approach ,

And I speak Japanish just like a local :good: ( though local to where, I'm not sure) :)

You are not unemployed. You might be currently unwaged. I'm sure that you are fully employed doing things

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You are not unemployed. You might be currently unwaged. I'm sure that you are fully employed doing things

Thanks for the vote of confidence, You wouldn't have a word with my wife would you

Only thing I'm fully employed at currently is job hunting, household duties and just had a home check as a potential fosterer for SpanielAidUK.

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From memory he was always in loads of training films years ago?

You are correct -

John Cleese did (might still do) run a very well respected and costly sales training company.

An old boss of mine attended one and was fortunate enough to have the man himself - said it was priceless !

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