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Quick sale or not ?


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I am usually critical of SNP policies. This, however, is brilliant.


The rest of gb needs something similar


To be honest not entirely sure it is an SNP policy, may have been in place longer than that?

I think scotland has always had slighty better laws/legal practices than down south, never been able to 'gazump' (dunno if thats still a thing) in scotland.


It does make far more sense than multiple surveys being done, i've even heard of surveyors handing copies to ach other to save them doing 1 on the property but still charging for it.


My only gripe is the fact the only survey habitable living space, so any gasrages, workshops, parking or tidy/large garden is really over looked.

I think a house with a decent garden/shed/workshop is worth more than the similar house without

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3 years ago we went with a good reputable agent who got our house price wrong by £90k


We went with another agent and sold it for £70k more and to the first person who saw it.


In a rising market or a particular area, you just can't tell. It's whether someone really wants it and it's always better when two people really want it.


Oh, and I'd never trust an estate agent to get it right. They are under no legal obligation to - for that you'd need an RICS valuation and they cost.


My last house we had a 75k difference between agents. Sold it at the higher amount to the first person, and no quibbles when the valuation survey was done.

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And here was me thinking that you had temporary accommodation close at hand. :yes::lol:

I am a bit more Wiley than to back myself into a corner and be dictated to by a buyer . I was in no need to sell quickly and was prepared to hang on for the right price . How ever ,I got a buyer within 24 hours and he seems to be a very nice man .



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When I say the agent knows the worth, always get valuations for market price from as many agents as you can then decide who you want to sell it with.

I ended up changing agent after months of little interest in a very nice property, new agents had it sold in a couple of weeks.

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I bought my house off the owner who knocked on my house door one evening and asked if I wanted to buy it as it was a ruinng and I am a builder .I made an offer and it was excepted the next day! I have lived in the house for 24years so far.

Edited by mowdy
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90k wrong?


That's not good.

It's not necessarily wrong. Get 3 quotes for example, lowest is 80k for a quick sale, middle is 120k for a fair price, highest is 160k optimistic estate agent, seller can't sell for less etc.

That's why it's probably best to get 3 quotes and go for the average.

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I tend to think when you are selling anything it is mostly down to the rite person wanting what you are selling at the rite time you could have put it up for sale a month before or a month later and had no luck at all mind you if it was really cheep that would also account for it but from what you said it is probably they want to be near to there work or a school for the kids.

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I am a bit more Wiley than to back myself into a corner and be dictated to by a buyer . I was in no need to sell quickly and was prepared to hang on for the right price . How ever ,I got a buyer within 24 hours and he seems to be a very nice man .





Sorry, thought you said Willys

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How did you know the houses were for sale before they went on the market?

We were registered with an estate agent who new exactly what we wanted , the people selling went to get it valued, we were mentioned and they allowed us to look before it went on the open market, we made said offer, they wanted quick sale and the agent was willing to take a smaller sales fee from them because there was no need to market it. Also it was a cash sale so very quick for both parties, iirc signed and sealed in 6 weeks but our solicitor is on the ball so no time wasting there. Suppose a case of right place right time.



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About 45 years ago I was helping out a builder build 6 bungalows and he kept being pestered by a local known as the village idiot who said he wanted to buy one. The builder didn't take too much notice until one day the guy turned up with the cash in pound notes for the full asking price ! He didn't fully understand that he had to go through a solicitor etc but finally got his bungalow and lived there all his life until he died a couple of years ago. No one ever questioned where he got the money from just assumed he'd saved it ! Certainly cut out the middle man !



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