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His identity, if it is a he, hasn't been 100% confirmed, although a possible name has been bandied around the media. There's also speculation it might be a collective of graffitti artists.

or a collective of artists that is in fact one artist.


It's not Fisherman Mike is it? he has plenty of other aliases...

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I don't believe it


From one of his interviews


"Around this time, he also settled on his distinctive stencil approach to graffiti. When he was 18, he once wrote, he was painting a train with a gang of mates when the British Transport Police showed up and everyone ran. “The rest of my mates made it to the car,” Banksy recalled, “and disappeared so I spent over an hour hidden under a dumper truck with engine oil leaking all over me. As I lay there listening to the cops on the tracks, I realized I had to cut my painting time in half or give it up altogether. I was staring straight up at the stenciled plate on the bottom of the fuel tank when I realized I could just copy that style and make each letter three feet high.” But he also told his friend, author Tristan Manco: “As soon as I cut my first stencil I could feel the power there. I also like the political edge. All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They’ve been used to start revolutions and to stop wars.”

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No, I believe banksy is very real, I very much like his art, I believe he uses stencils, I just don't believe that he turns up, does the job, and in the nosey 24hr surveillance society we live in, nobody sees him ever, no matter how much work he knocks out.


You have to admit, it is a bit far fetched, like father Christmas.

Edited by wandringstar
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No, I believe banksy is very real, I very much like his art, I believe he uses stencils, I just don't believe that he turns up, does the job, and in the nosey 24hr surveillance society we live in, nobody sees him ever, no matter how much work he knocks out.


You have to admit, it is a bit far fetched, like father Christmas.


You have a point but there are any number of ways to disguise himself from casual observation and even if you did have film of him painting you'd still have to have some way of matching a face to a name. Whilst graffitti is a crime I don't think the police are going to waste serious man hours tracking down his identity. Then there's the fact he does a lot of his work in the middle of the night so that cuts down on possible observers.


No doubt someone out there knows who he is but they're obviously not saying.


This is one theory


"A commonly cited 2008 Mail on Sunday investigation of several former schoolmates and associates stated that the artist is believed to be Robin Gunningham, a former pupil at the public Bristol Cathedral School. This suggestion was corroborated in 2016 by a study of the locations in which Banksy's art has been found, which found that the incidence of Banksy's works correlated with the known movements of Gunningham"

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It's got to be a group then he must have help to spray to minimise the time and to have people on lookouts.


But then who says it's sprayed? Could be painted on?roller etc? Would that be quicker?

Is it proven to be all done in one night?or are there half finished one night then they go back at a later date?


Plus I bett they choose there locations carefully

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I cant go out to my car without a curtain twitching, everybody sees everything, I just find it very hard to believe he hasn't been confronted by now.


it is still good art, whatever, my brother bought a signed limited print 10 years ago of the doughnut security van, he paid £500 on ebay, he still has it.

Edited by wandringstar
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I read an article some time ago, I forget where, but that also stated that he prepares stencils so that he can finish his paintings quickly.

He also spends a lot of time surveying the area , taking measurements, etc.

Its also said he sometimes has assistance.

As he signs his art, if thats one of his it can be confirmed.

Even if its not, its a clever image.

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His identity, if it is a he, hasn't been 100% confirmed, although a possible name has been bandied around the media. There's also speculation it might be a collective of graffitti artists.

And no saw him up a ladder painting the side of the building , how long do we recon two days

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