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Arrived in Jamaica Tuesday evening, few beers and an early night. Sat by the pool for about 2 hours yesterday morning.

No bright sunshine and hadn't planned on being there long so neglected to apply sun screen. Really wasn't sunny but as it started to rain someone mentioned that I had turned a bit pink.

Wow- what an understatement! As a big fat white bloke I usually take sensible precautions when getting a bit of sun but not this time.

Legs and tops of feet, belly and sides are all like a lobster and stiff this morning!

Hopefully it will ease off in time for me to do my duties at the wedding ceremony (I'm the best man) but at the moment it's not nice at all!!


Was give some aloe yesterday and have used a whole bottle of after sun already.

Any other suggestions?



Edited by eddoakley
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Can't believe just how bad it is for such a short amount of time.

Got some more after sun and keeping hydrated,( I don't think red strip will work but maybe give it a go later)

Luckily I have some lightweight trousers so definitely keeping those and a shirt on if/when I venture out.



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An ex-colleague of mine was in Nigeria, and fell asleep by the hotel swimming pool in the shade, but forgot that the sun moved.


He subsequently spent a week in hospital recovering from severe sunburn

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What's surprised me is how bad it is even though there was no bright sunshine, and how quickly I got caught out. Wasn't much more than an hour.

Just had a wander to the pool to see friends and 10 minutes in the sun, even completely covered up, was very uncomfortable.

Sports bar opens again in an hour. Going to sit inside and try some liquid pain killers.

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Guest stevo

Man up and use olive oil, get yourself a nice tan quickly, just remember your Union Jack shorts and wife beater vest before going out again and sit at the pool bar drink lots of beer and never leave the water to pee.


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The last 3 comments: yes, yes and yes!

Been managing a few and will be taking full advantage shortly and most definitely staying out of the sun.

Some sort of party for the groom happening this evening so I'm just about to head out and catch up. I think most are more drunk than I am so good excuse to make a pig of myself.

If I haven't burned up and ended up as a pile of ash on the floor by morning I will update as to whether the alcohol helps!

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I've been all over the world but the worst sunburn I ever had was down in Cornwall on a very foggy day. I was burnt to a crisp. Blistering headache. Red raw. The tops of my feet were so burnt that I couldn't wear shoes from about​ two weeks. It wasn't obvious that I was getting burnt because of the fog and that's what caught me out. I was just given a couple of aspros to help with the pain and headache.

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I've been all over the world but the worst sunburn I ever had was down in Cornwall on a very foggy day. I was burnt to a crisp. Blistering headache. Red raw. The tops of my feet were so burnt that I couldn't wear shoes from about​ two weeks. It wasn't obvious that I was getting burnt because of the fog and that's what caught me out. I was just given a couple of aspros to help with the pain and headache.

'Tis Proper job our sun down here.

Edited by rimfire4969
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It certainly is. It was a school holiday trip and we stayed in a yout hostel in treyarnon bay near Padstow. I think that the place that I got sunburnt was possibly St Agnes bay. I can't remember exactly. Too many years ago. I think that there was a steepish narrow path that went down through a lot of bucket and spade shops to a small cove with a very sandy beach.lovely part of the country.

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I was in Antigua for my honeymoon in 2012. It was very hot and the sun was pitching. We used factor 50 from the UK but if you buy their sun cream I think you can get higher factors. The other thing we bought down there was a bottle of after sun treatment call Ocean Potion Ice. I think that was the one. In a clear bottle with a blue gel like liquid in it. INSTANT burn relief and believe me the best money we spent while down there :good:

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I was in Antigua for my honeymoon in 2012. It was very hot and the sun was pitching. We used factor 50 from the UK but if you buy their sun cream I think you can get higher factors. The other thing we bought down there was a bottle of after sun treatment call Ocean Potion Ice. I think that was the one. In a clear bottle with a blue gel like liquid in it. INSTANT burn relief and believe me the best money we spent while down there :good:

Just bought the same stuff and even at $23 for a small bottle it's worth it.

Eased a lot. But that may just be the mojitos!!

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