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After reading various posts above regarding who could/should be armed, from all police to sec 1 ticket holders and others. If we do not have sufficient trained and armed police available and the army may not always be called upon, we do have a resource fully weapons trained and very experienced.


That is the 100's of soldiers discharged from the army after serving their country in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know what it would take to have these men made ready to take on such a job, indeed if they as a whole would even want to.


What do members who are ex forces think, is such an idea viable or even feasible?

That's not a bad idea, I thought you were going to say sgc and fac holders.


I would be in agreement for police to be armed but as I have said it didn't stop the attacks in Paris, and as said above it would totally change the British police they don't all want to be armed.


The idea of ex service IE army could be worth lookin at but if you read accounts or talk to ex services there probably not suitable for this roll, they operated in a very different environment.

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give them all medals they deserve them

Are you saying that there was no justification for them neutralising three potential waking bombs who had already run people over and stabbed multiple innocent people.


Hope you aren't an armed officer if you're worried about justifying what was done by them Saturday night

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Are you saying that there was no justification for them neutralising three potential waking bombs who had already run people over and stabbed multiple innocent people.


Hope you aren't an armed officer if you're worried about justifying what was done by them Saturday night

I'm confused, he said to congratulate them?


Off topic I've just spoken to someone who saw the shooting, He's a non bull **** bloke, he was 100 yards away and it wasn't police.

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Come on then spill the beans.......

I can only say what was said to me, the bloke 'Rob' is a stone in our community, tree feller, agric engineer, all round good bloke.


He was was actually walking towards the pub, wheatsheaf? at just after 10pm, he was barged by two, specifically two, guys in 'non police uniform' wearing over the nose type respirators who ran very quickly, really tooled up, literally legging it towards the noise of shouting and screaming, he reckoned 10 seconds, then lots of gun fire.


The police turned up seconds later, 'edging' forward past him, he was in a doorway keeping his head down, the police were not dynamic, very slow movements forward.


A helicopter was very low, over London Bridge, and two black American style big suv type vehicles were quite obvious behind the police lines.


Again, I'm paraphrasing what he told me, I did however see his 'I'm safe' Facebook post as close as what it could be to the place of incident.


I have no reason whatsoever to disbelieve him.

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By the time you are talking about armed response the damage has been done, something bad has occoured they have scored.


this whole subject requires a mind shift back to root and cause. This latest dirtbag was well known, he had links with people who were well known and still at large. There is your target


I said it in a previous post, if MI5 are watching 3000 people that in itself is a failure. Its a failure to deal with a potential risk admittedly, but that word potential should be enough.

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I heard one of the party leaders saying today "tag them" his name won't come obviously not Corbyn he wants tea and cake with them.


I definitely like the thought of the sas being ready but they can't be everywhere

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By the time you are talking about armed response the damage has been done, something bad has occoured they have scored.


this whole subject requires a mind shift back to root and cause. This latest dirtbag was well known, he had links with people who were well known and still at large. There is your target


I said it in a previous post, if MI5 are watching 3000 people that in itself is a failure. Its a failure to deal with a potential risk admittedly, but that word potential should be enough.



For the most worrying of the 3,000 give them a one way ticket to Syria with no return. If they don't take that 'offer' up then deal with them. Quietly without fuss.


Then concentrate on vetting the next 1,000. If any of those raise concerns then give them the same option.


Nobody will miss people like this. They tend to be loners who are disenfranchised from their families. They regularly go awol on trips to Syria etc anyway.


Do it my way and the'll soon run out of 'troops'.

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I'm assuming there's no link then?

Links aren't everything, you know that what I am saying is true. Arm the population and you arm the idiots as well as the sensible. Where I used to go to in Arizona everybody carried guns, I have been in bars with people all drunk as skunks and all carrying. And we drove home! Its still like the Wild West over there.

I have been in cars with people shooting out of the car window, life gets boring on a 12 hour drive


When I lived in West Africa I carried a 1910 Browning .32 Auto every minute of every day. I even swam with it in a holster in the sea because I wasn't going to leave it on the beach with my towel. Run it under a tap and spray it with WD40 it was fine


Most of the ex pats had guns and most were drunk a fair amount of the time. Its not an ideal situation

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Pretty sure everyone wants something done avb but what your suggesting is never going to happen, how can you send someone back to syria if they were born here?


Ban travel to these problem countries if your found to have gone anyway then you get a one way ticket in an animal crate.

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Pretty sure everyone wants something done avb but what your suggesting is never going to happen, how can you send someone back to syria if they were born here?


Ban travel to these problem countries if your found to have gone anyway then you get a one way ticket in an animal crate.

I don't care where they were born. Syria is a lawless state. They don't care who arrives there. These scum want a Muslim state (caliphate) so let them have one. The alternative for them if they don't take up the 'offer' is a bullet in the back of the head. Job done.

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The other thing with arming all police is then all the criminals want guns.


Yes there are already a lot about but look at the USA as an example, there are people getting shot day in day out, not by terrorists by each other.

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I don't care where they were born. Syria is a lawless state. They don't care who arrives there. These scum want a Muslim state (caliphate) so let them have one. The alternative for them if they don't take up the 'offer' is a bullet in the back of the head. Job done.

I don't see that putting them off, its the kind of thing I imagine Stalin did or hitler, it would possibly unite the middle east if there brothers were suddenly disappeared, you think family members wouldn't speak out.


Can't see this thread lasting much longer now anyway.

Edited by Mice!
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Pretty sure everyone wants something done avb but what your suggesting is never going to happen, how can you send someone back to syria if they were born here?


Ban travel to these problem countries if your found to have gone anyway then you get a one way ticket in an animal crate.

Then intern people.


If they are a risk to a single person, intern.


Watching hasn't worked, it's makes me wonder why certain countries don't have these issues and the lapdog EU ones do.


The animal rights extremists got shut down so quickly, on conspiracy charges, it was s blur, I know this as I got taken to school by special branch officers because of my fathers career.


The day they got bunched into the terrorist pot, they were destroyed, disbanded and are no more.

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For the most worrying of the 3,000 give them a one way ticket to Syria with no return. If they don't take that 'offer' up then deal with them. Quietly without fuss.


Then concentrate on vetting the next 1,000. If any of those raise concerns then give them the same option.


Nobody will miss people like this. They tend to be loners who are disenfranchised from their families. They regularly go awol on trips to Syria etc anyway.


Do it my way and the'll soon run out of 'troops'.

+1 The simplest answer is nearly always the best. Since 95% are living entirely on benefits the easiest way forward is to hit them financially. Then they will be more inclined to go and live somewhere else.

Edited by Vince Green
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That could work Kyska, but don't forget animal rights nutters aren't willing to die for their cause.


And they were visible

Yes they were, research Barry Horne.


And I guarantee you they were not as visible as you think, again research the kicking/attempted murder the CEO of Huntington life sciences got, they weren't on the radar.


They all got the brunt of the new (then) legislation and the police battered them into submission.

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Know what your saying Kyska ,remember what happened to the owner of a guinea pig farm near Burton the evil dole dossing scum dug his gran,s body up to intimidate his family into giving up their livelihood ,whatever you think of animal research that was pure evil .

Isis on the other hand are spouting the rubbish of their leaders to brainwash muppets into doing their dirty work,the common denominator with these benefit claiming overweight rabble rousers is you will never see them attacking/killing or blowing themselves up COWARDS to a man .

They want to rule the world but will never lead only con the simple into doing their bidding which is why they are beneath contempt,soldiers of isis no your not, soldiers dont kill and maim children they fight other soldiers which these mask wearing rats will not do

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