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1/4" bsp roughly gas pipe plug?

Albert 888

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1964 bungalow old gas pipe next to the old chimney it's screwed to the bricks under the plaster,I think it used to be either something for lighting a coal fire or gas fire feed,it's a female push fit fitting on a tee that screws out and leaves what appears to be 1/4"bsp hole,I need to remove it blank it off then patch over it.


I just need someone who knows roughly what I mean and knows what actual thread it is,so I can buy the bung and fit, All gas is disconnected just want to bung up properly for my own peace of mind.

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Picture might help, can you measure the pipe bore and o/d to see if it is 1/4 bsp.


Probably get wot you need from your local plumbing place take a picture buy a couple of different sizes and see which fits, would imagine you will need it testing before you cover it over don't want a gas leak

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Aha, sounds great. If you would blow up your house is ok then because it was yours? If you would blow up your friends house it is ok as long as you didn't get paid for this? Aha. ANY GAS works are illegal without being properly qualified . https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/media/1449/who-can-legally-work-on-a-gas-appliance-factsheet.pdf


To be honest I'm bit surpised that this topic is still here, and not locked. On this forum, gun owners, I would expect more law abiding people.

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Aha, sounds great. If you would blow up your house is ok then because it was yours? If you would blow up your friends house it is ok as long as you didn't get paid for this? Aha. ANY GAS works are illegal without being properly qualified . https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/media/1449/who-can-legally-work-on-a-gas-appliance-factsheet.pdf


To be honest I'm bit surpised that this topic is still here, and not locked. On this forum, gun owners, I would expect more law abiding people.

I'm a gas engineer, the first line of the gas regs states "any person working with gas must be a competent person"

Every other line is concerning the actions and responsibilities of employees and employers, there is no definition given within the regs of what a "Competent person" is, feel free to have a read up of the regs online gas safe are concerned with making money and will happily say whatever they think will get them a few grand, if you are neither an employee or employer and deem yourself competent you can do as you like, I don't make the rules and regs but they are there for anyone to read

Edited by Twistedsanity
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I'm a gas engineer, the first line of the gas regs states "any person working with gas must be a competent person"

Every other line is concerning the actions and responsibilities of of employees and employers, there is no definition given within the regs of what a "Competent person" is, feel free to have a read up of the regs online, gas safe are concerned with making money and will happily say whatever they think will get them a few grand, if you are neither an employee or employer and deem yourself competent you can do as you like, I don't make the rules and regs but they are there for anyone to read


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I'm a gas engineer, the first line of the gas regs states "any person working with gas must be a competent person"

Every other line is concerning the actions and responsibilities of employees and employers, there is no definition given within the regs of what a "Competent person" is, feel free to have a read up of the regs online gas safe are concerned with making money and will happily say whatever they think will get them a few grand, if you are neither an employee or employer and deem yourself competent you can do as you like, I don't make the rules and regs but they are there for anyone to read



It's always been a major discussion point but you are not breaking the law working on any gas equipment in your own home/when not being paid for it.


Recent case in Gas Safe magazine about someone doing voluntary gas work for a charity who it turned out had no qualifications!

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It's always been a major discussion point but you are not breaking the law working on any gas equipment in your own home/when not being paid for it.


Recent case in Gas Safe magazine about someone doing voluntary gas work for a charity who it turned out had no qualifications!

I did gas work.for a local hospice charity for free and had a very long exchange of emails with gas safe trying to educate their staff that despite being responsible for overseeing gas work they didn't actually know the regs they were supposed to oversee. Got through to the head honcho eventually who admitted his staff needed retraining, they were happy to charge me a few grand to "register" when I didn't have to though

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