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Section 2 Practical Shot Gun ideas


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Daydreaming about a section 2 shotgun for starting PSG.

Picture the scene,1984, watching badly subtitled Italian VHS called "Blastfighter", the only film I have seen where the gun, a Franchi Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun, was more of a star than the actors (except Stallone in Judge Dead maybe) but I digress. Looking for suggestions for a starter Practical Shotgun - pump action 12g in Yorkshire area.


The Mossberg pump I was looking at sold and the The SPAS 12 I once coveted is too heavy and at a grand is way too expensive.

Anyone started section 2 PSG with a Revo or similar and what advice do you have?



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If you want a pump get a Benelli supernova in section 2 flavour if you can stretch to that much. Out of the box compared to others it practically loads itself. It will keep it's value if you want to sell later or get it converted to S1 when ready.

If you are going cheap try get something with a 1/2 or tighter choke with 24 or 26" barrel. I've managed to get by fine with a Hatsan pump and shoot with full choke for everything. The Benelli is probably the best pump for PSG.

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The most used pump guns for PSG are Benelli Supernova, Mossberg 500 (not 590) and Remington 870. The Mossberg has fallen out of favour now as because it doesn't have a solid/tongue style shell lifter its very difficult to dual/quad load which is (currently) the fastest way to load a tube magazine shotgun. Skip to 04:00 to avoid the drivel on this video about quadloading if you don't know what that is (dual loading is the same but you only hold 2 cartridges at a time);




I've never seen a Revo gun in the flesh but considering the price there must be a reason people aren't using them....


I had a brief fling with Standard Manual division (pump-action) and had a Supernova for it but in all honesty I didn't like it. I'm average height and build and the gun just felt too chunky for me. The massive loading gate is there to accommodate 3.5" cartridges, and while it does make it easier to load, because of the length of the cartridge it means you have a longer stroke on the gun to work the action and if I had a pound for every time I've seen a Supernova shortstroked i'd have someone typing this post out for me! If Mossberg could make a gun with a solid lifter a 500 (with a choked barrel) would definitely be my choice.

Edited by Breastman
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Going section 2 will mean loads of loading practice, no bad thing to begin with, but if you like the sport then you will surely aspire to a section one, whether that be open, auto or pump. Earlier advice regarding visiting clubs, trying out (sect 2 only) is sound and the club members will surely make you feel welcome. Whatever you buy will do the job and if it's yours and you practice you will get the rewards. I would say observe more than listen as we all have our favourites and foibles, hope you get into it, 😊Enjoy 😊

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Going section 2 will mean loads of loading practice, no bad thing to begin with, but if you like the sport then you will surely aspire to a section one, whether that be open, auto or pump. Earlier advice regarding visiting clubs, trying out (sect 2 only) is sound and the club members will surely make you feel welcome. Whatever you buy will do the job and if it's yours and you practice you will get the rewards. I would say observe more than listen as we all have our favourites and foibles, hope you get into it, 😊Enjoy 😊

Now I THINK technically your not allowed to have a go of other people's s1 shotguns?

Something about it not being mentioned in the legislation?


Sorry if I've got it mixed up with something else.

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Now I THINK technically your not allowed to have a go of other people's s1 shotguns?

Something about it not being mentioned in the legislation?


Sorry if I've got it mixed up with something else.

You are not allowed to use other people's S1 shotguns and clubs cannot have S1 club guns. Most clubs will have S2 try guns, auto and pump, and it has been my experience that members will be happy to share their S2's. It is a great sport, challenging, frustrating, fun and rewarding, with S2 you can get a good taste. (I have seen people take part with a double too, if you can load fast , why not?) it's a bit knockabout with barricades and such so I wouldn't take your beloved unmarked clay or game gun though😀

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You are not allowed to use other people's S1 shotguns and clubs cannot have S1 club guns. Most clubs will have S2 try guns, auto and pump, and it has been my experience that members will be happy to share their S2's. It is a great sport, challenging, frustrating, fun and rewarding, with S2 you can get a good taste. (I have seen people take part with a double too, if you can load fast , why not?) it's a bit knockabout with barricades and such so I wouldn't take your beloved unmarked clay or game gun though


i am not doubting you at all, but how does it work with 22RF rifles ? i have been to a fair where there was a range and I for £5 shot a magazine through an AR15 type thing in 22RF. One presumes that they are section 1 firearms ?

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i am not doubting you at all, but how does it work with 22RF rifles ? i have been to a fair where there was a range and I for £5 shot a magazine through an AR15 type thing in 22RF. One presumes that they are section 1 firearms ?

The law surrounding section 1 shotguns, long barreled pistols and revolvers is a bit messed up. basically the top and bottom of it is you can only shoot whats on your FAC.


As for shooting PSG with a S2 shotgun, its how pretty much everyone starts out mainly because of the S1 shotgun laws. I have several S1 shotguns including a Supernova, which is a great gun for shooting standard manual, an 870 which is my target shotgun gun with a scope and a heavily modified Armsan A612 which surprises everyone that sees it.


my advice would be buy a cheap pump, anything, just pick something up for a hundred quid and save your money for when you get your fac sorted. I converted my Armsan from S2 to S1 and a friend has converted a Mossberg 500, both costing what it would to buy a second hand gun already set up for PSG. Now we have the likes of Stoeger introducing the M3K which is a race ready S1 gun thats basically a Turkish Benelli M2 for £500 its hardly worth the messing. This way you can leave the cheapo S2 on your SGC for your mates to use when they've seen how much fun your having shooting PSG ;)


Where will you be shooting? I can put you in touch with a few lads that shoot at Sheffield and we all shoot at Rossendale and a few at Northcote Buts.

Edited by Sco77w
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