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Fox hunting


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2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

Especially as the town photo is genteel middle class Cheltenham!  (At least I'm 99% sure it is)

God knows where the photos are taken, but ut does not matter where it is, both are equally as bad... Why should they be allowed to harrass and attack people carrying out a legal act.? 

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Quite right too, appallingly insensitive shown by Tesco, and while we're at it, It's about time every pub called the "Fox and Hounds", "Hare and Hounds" changed their name to the Snowflake Arms or the #Metoo Inn.

I trust Tesco will be compensating all these poor souls whose feelings have been hurt with a pint of sour milk.

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55 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

Absolutely. Or rats even? Why is a hare deemed to feel stress or pain and not a rabbit or the rat? 

Rabbits and rats are classed as vermin, hares are mythical creatures sorry i meant game, and not in the numbers that you get rats or rabbits.

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4 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Rabbits and rats are classed as vermin, hares are mythical creatures sorry i meant game, and not in the numbers that you get rats or rabbits.

So if a creature is arbitrarily classed as 'vermin', then its 'animal rights' are forfeit? It's all nonsense isn't it, solely dependent on whether kids have stuffed facsimiles of the species in question on their beds. Why are badgers so forcefully defended by people who don't know what they are?  Wind in the Willows. Foxes? Bosil Brush, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc ,etc. Otters? Tarka. Rabbits almost made it with Watership Down, but as you say, there are too many of them to become mythical. But given time as fewer and fewer people have any connection at all with rural life, all fauna will eventually be given cult status. Meanwhile, for the animal itself in the general scheme of things it makes little difference at all whether it's killed by a pack of hounds or lurcher, or dies of old age, starvation, or disease. There are no happy endings. Honestly, if were a fox I'd choose in order 1. A well aimed .223 round, 2, a snare, 3,a lurcher that knows its job, 4, a pack of hounds, 5, a natural death. Sorry - hit by a train or fast moving car should be in at no 2.

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45 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

Vikings got a bad press, they were really very nice people. Just a bit misunderstood

they were doing exactly the same as everyone else but were better at it:yes:  -  It was the church that gave then the bad name because they were not paying "their dues". 

Edited by Yellow Bear
missed a bit
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