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How many Grey Squirrels are killed in 2019


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Well, I am well behind on my desire to kill five a week but other commitments have prevent full attention.  So this morning up early....I thought.... approached the flip top and there was already a tree rat nibbling away, saw me and retreated to a tree. I slipped into the hide and sat quietly and sure enough 15 mins later it comes back.  Whacked that and then a jaybird the cll of some strong coffee started to pull but..... Heh!! up!! here comes another .  So two more to add.  This flip top has now accounted for 52.   Woodland Trust wood adjacent and they do nothing to control them, so more to come.



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Up this morning and out in the woods just before daybreak.

Checked the Squirrel Feeders and all had been used.

Settled down on my stool leaning against the tree trunk underneath the fixed hide at Feeder No. 2.

Rifle loaded but not cocked. Birds singing geese calling. Buzzard mewing. All in all a pretty relaxing morning.

So relaxing I nodded off, but was woken by the clink of the metal feeder lid closing. Looked up and there it was sitting looking straight at me as it munched it’s first peanut of the day. Had to wait for it to finish that first nut, when it turned around, lifted the feeder lid and dived in to get the next nut.

With it’s back turned I could lift my rifle from my lap to shoulder. Mr Squirrel obligingly settled back on the perch to munch the second nut. Slowly cocked the trigger of the Chiappa .22lr. Clang as the bullet does its job and is stopped by the steel plate on the front of the feeder and lights out Mr Squirrel. 

Total of two this morning.


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Two this morning on the flip top again.  I had them on the camera well before true light as the picture was still black & white and sure enough at 7.15am on the dot the first came straight in climbed up and helped itself to a last peanut.    The second did not appear until 8.30 and eventually climbed up and also died chewing on a peanut.


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23 hours ago, Walker570 said:

Two this morning on the flip top again.  I had them on the camera well before true light as the picture was still black & white and sure enough at 7.15am on the dot the first came straight in climbed up and helped itself to a last peanut.    The second did not appear until 8.30 and eventually climbed up and also died chewing on a peanut.


Have you put a peanut allergy warning notice on your flip top pointing out that they are hazardous to health. 🙄

Well the weather could not have been finer this afternoon so it was off to the golf course with the hmr at 15:30, and sure enough they were out and about, saw 7 shot 7, nuff said.


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Had eleven today and really should have had more, missed at least four but out at 60 70yrds maybe more.. I took the 22RF because I didn't want to cause any disturbance as we have a deer cull day next week. Certainly three others went away with tails up but think I only skinned them.  Beautiful day throughout and the tree rats came out in a steady supply.  Shot on three locations so didn't get a group photo.  There is another two under those christmas trees.  They are coming back to the Flip tops as pheasant feeders run dry.






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Brilliant keep whacking and stacking.


I went out early this morning in a thick raw mist not expecting much because I had shot a fair few off that same flip top in recent weeks.  As the light came up one came racing into the kibbled maize I had put mainly for the few pheasants we have visiting.  I had only settled back in my garden chair when another suddenly appeared on the flip top ... must have come down the tree. Sorted that one and was thinking of a hot mug of coffee when another came down the tree right infront of the hide and made for the kibbled maize. It was just into it's second morsel when it fell over ..... three from nowhere and they keep coming.     I have found some feed on the ground which attracts other birds nd pheasants acts as a decoy situation and the squirrels notice this and keep being drawn in.  BUT   OH!!! THAT MUG OF COFFEE WAS GOOD WHEN I GOT BACK HOME. 

That puts me on my 5 a week average.... now need to keep it up.


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