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Death toll rises


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.....so blame the weather !!  We are having a great summer day here with some really nice hay making weather . The news media are already ramping it up with fake news....shock horror, six people have already died as a result of this warm spell. No suggestion it might just be their own fault.  It is not as if they are short of things to write about far more important to the future of this country, is it ?

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It drives me nuts hearing it. They used to tell us the weather forecast and let the grownups make a decision on whether they needed a mac/hat/coat or sunscreen.

It's only sunny a few days a year and we are told to wear sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen or even better, to stay in with the curtains drawn. 

Edited by walshie
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26 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

.....so blame the weather !!  We are having a great summer day here with some really nice hay making weather . The news media are already ramping it up with fake news....shock horror, six people have already died as a result of this warm spell. No suggestion it might just be their own fault.  It is not as if they are short of things to write about far more important to the future of this country, is it ?

What fake news? Are you saying that people haven't died? or are you saying that the weather had nowt to do with their deaths? Whether they took suitable precautions or not (what were the circumstances of the deaths?), doesn't change that they died because of the weather. A preventable death isn't the same thing as a causeless effect.

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Those outdoors midday, telling folk its lovely are just kidding themselves its horrible give me minus 20,and feet of snow any day. 


Saw some idiot walking his "Trendy" french poodle at midday today, the idiot wearing the obligatory vest and tats, the poor little dog already unable to breath properly due to its breeding was struggling big time to walk in the heat. 


Our Busters been indoors all day and had a good hose down about an hour ago, just stands there loving it. 

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11 minutes ago, Dougy said:

Those outdoors midday, telling folk its lovely are just kidding themselves its horrible give me minus 20,and feet of snow any day. 


Saw some idiot walking his "Trendy" french poodle at midday today, the idiot wearing the obligatory vest and tats, the poor little dog already unable to breath properly due to its breeding was struggling big time to walk in the heat. 


Our Busters been indoors all day and had a good hose down about an hour ago, just stands there loving it. 

100% answers my question. 

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34 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

What fake news? Are you saying that people haven't died? or are you saying that the weather had nowt to do with their deaths? Whether they took suitable precautions or not (what were the circumstances of the deaths?), doesn't change that they died because of the weather. A preventable death isn't the same thing as a causeless effect.

I'd get inside if I were you then, it's not worth the risk 😂

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The thing is we're all far more educated than we were 100 years ago,  we now know that we will die due to various heat related issues, dehydration, sunstroke etc. But some still push the limits, unfortunately if you are not in 100% tip top health then the chances of dying are increased. 

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30 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

In case the weather kills you! 

You're not a ginger are you? 

Nope, just someone who can see the tragedy in people's deaths, even if they're mostly responsible. Most of those deaths were sea related, something close to my heart. I spend a lot of my fishing time in the yak on the sea, and I get so annoyed hearing over my VHF that someone's drifted out to sea and can't get back or got stuck out of their depth and out of their experience range, but remind myself that behind every idiotic death, there's a grieving family, like the 12 year old's mother who's beside herself with grief after she drowned cooling off in the river. 

Put yourself in their shoes - or better still put yourself in the position of the one breaking the news to their loved ones and imagine call them an idiot and how they were too stupid to make sensible choices. Then imagine what their reaction would be. We all love judging and knowing more than everyone else - right up until we're in the situation. 

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6 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

Nope, just someone who can see the tragedy in people's deaths, even if they're mostly responsible. Most of those deaths were sea related, something close to my heart. I spend a lot of my fishing time in the yak on the sea, and I get so annoyed hearing over my VHF that someone's drifted out to sea and can't get back or got stuck out of their depth and out of their experience range, but remind myself that behind every idiotic death, there's a grieving family, like the 12 year old's mother who's beside herself with grief after she drowned cooling off in the river. 

Put yourself in their shoes - or better still put yourself in the position of the one breaking the news to their loved ones and imagine call them an idiot and how they were too stupid to make sensible choices. Then imagine what their reaction would be. We all love judging and knowing more than everyone else - right up until we're in the situation. 

Virtually all summer drownings are tragically trivial, that's not to say the outcome is trivial don't get me wrong. What I mean is there is often just a little slip on the rocks when fishing or a swimmer who absolutely OK one minute and then can't be found when his companions look round two minutes later. And you think how can life be that fragile?

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1 hour ago, Dougy said:

The thing is we're all far more educated than we were 100 years ago,  we now know that we will die due to various heat related issues, dehydration, sunstroke etc. But some still push the limits, unfortunately if you are not in 100% tip top health then the chances of dying are increased. 

I don't think we are that well educated, come down to our place in Cornwall this evening and see the people on Par beach burned salmon pink while their kids play unattended at the waters edge, also burned pink.

Fast forward six months  and people will be out walking on Bodmin in the snow wearing trainers and a hoodie

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Just now, Vince Green said:

I don't think we are that well educated, come down to our place in Cornwall this evening and see the people on Par beach burned salmon pink while their kids play unattended at the waters edge, also burned pink.

Fast forward six months  and people will be out walking on Bodmin in the snow wearing trainers and a hoodie

Educated - but in the wrong area, perhaps. Common sense doesn't seem to be taught! The most tragic that I've heard of recently was of a young chap who went kayaking in North Scotland. In February. In the North Sea. Alone. With no prior kayaking experience (he bought the boat in Oban two days before.). When he had Raynaud's Condition (disease causing your fingers to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress). He'd not told anyone where he was going. He didn't have a radio, or even a Personal Locating Device.

His body was washed up a couple of weeks later. How many warning signs does one chap need not to go out??? It left his sister and parents heartbroken. She set up a campaign raising awareness for the need for PLB's, when what would have saved her brother's life was just some common sense - and the fools in the kayak shop not to sell him the boat. Utterly tragic and futile.

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1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

Put yourself in their shoes - or better still put yourself in the position of the one breaking the news to their loved ones and imagine call them an idiot and how they were too stupid to make sensible choices. Then imagine what their reaction would be. We all love judging and knowing more than everyone else - right up until we're in the situation

People die every day, in every weather, and in all manner of situations and causes. 

In 99.999 % of those deaths, someone grieves. 

The media, selling column inches on the backs of some of those deaths, 'due to the hot weather'  is where you should really be venting your spleen. 

Which is really what this thread is about, not trivialising someone's demise. 

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Daily Mirror....apparently we are all BRACING ourselves for violent thunderstorms in the next few days.  Just looked up the village and looks like everyone is taking cover....aarrgh no it's Sunday morning, they are all still in bed.  Fake news again and very poor journalism.

Edited by Walker570
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I work in the molding industry.  The plant is not a/c so it gets into the 100s F. Plus the molds heat up to 500F.   So some days I literally pure sweat out of my boots.  I have spent a few hours in the molding press witch is about 30 degrees hotter the the outside air and my clothes with be drenched in sweat.  These shifts are up to 14 hours a day sometimes or however long it take to repair.    It was rough for the first year but you get climatized to it. 

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