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They say a lot of things don't they?

Yet most racist ramblings seem to be along the lines of "they" are different because they have outdated (tribal/different) cultural heritage to ours and yet if you stand on the other side of the mirror the same is true. The inability to see the similarity is the crux of racism.

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4 hours ago, henry d said:

There is quite a distance between anti-Semitic and genocidal maniac, but if you want to twist something to suit your agenda, go for it!

The genocidal maniac started with anti-semitism during his rise to power, and attracted those with similar views to him..............left unchecked and not challenged, we know where it lead to.

2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

They say everybody is a racist, its part of the human condition. We are tribal and have an inbred antipathy towards members of other tribes. That however doesn't explain Corbyn's open support for terrorists who embrace the murder of innocent people as being a just and noble cause.  

This is the man who wants to be our Prime Minister remember 

Exactly the point I was making!

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8 hours ago, henry d said:

They say a lot of things don't they?

Yet most racist ramblings seem to be along the lines of "they" are different because they have outdated (tribal/different) cultural heritage to ours and yet if you stand on the other side of the mirror the same is true. The inability to see the similarity is the crux of racism.

Not only does that not address Vinces point about Corbyn, and labour's antisemitic position, it really doesn't make much sense. 

By your analysis, any criticism of a person(s) of another race is racism? 

Which is the inherent problem these days, as its simply not. 

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3 hours ago, Mice! said:

According to todays paper Corbyn (labour) have now said they are backing remain?????

Corby & Labour could not give a damn about Brexit, this is all about trying to force the current government to call a General Election ! Corby has opposed the EU for 37 years, until he got his snout in the trough....he,s a hypocrite!

19 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Episode 2




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I just LOVE Guido Fawkes:


John Major has continued his recent campaign to make a fool of himself with a threat this morning to take the Government to court if it prorogues parliament to enable a No Deal Brexit to take place. Funny how Major didn’t have such a problem with proroguing Parliament when he abused his power to do so in 1997 in order to delay the publication of a highly embarrassing report into the  "cash for questions" sleaze scandal involving his Government. Flagrant hypocrisy even by his standards, he must be glad no-one sued him then…


Prorogation is presented as a power grab but in practice all it does is keep the law as it is – preventing changes to the statute being made for a time. It wouldn’t work as a mechanism to deliver a No Deal Brexit if MPs hadn’t already voted for No Deal. When they set it as the legal default by passing the EU Withdrawal Act a year ago.

The pernicious trend of Remainers trying to wage ‘lawfare’ against every political decision they don’t like is much more damaging to the constitutional balance of the state. There’s only one group of people who benefit from it – the lawyers…

Source, as ever, Guido Fawkes

Edited by pinfireman
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The Irish Government has published a document this afternoon on the latest state of their Brexit planning. If there is no deal, they say that various checks on UK imports will be necessary “to preserve Ireland’s full participation in the Single Market and Customs Union”, but – surprise, surprise – these checks don’t need to happen at the border itself. Confirming what everybody knew at the very start of the negotiations before the issue was deliberately blown out of all proportion…

Gives Ireland and the EU a pretty simple choice: agree a deal with these sorts of alternative arrangements in place of the backstop – or have no deal and have to put the arrangements in place anyway, with no cash from the UK and all the other complications it will bring. Not exactly a tricky decision…

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Left wing darling, anti right wing and anti Trump ex mayor, Magid Magid has recently elevated himself to MEP dom for the Greens. 

With his cap on back to front, gold chains and a t shirt saying F. fascism, his first day in EU HQ  didn't pan out the way he thought, it's because I'm black he said. 

He has now come out and declared the EU is full of corruption and waste, did he not get the memo? 


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On 10/07/2019 at 15:52, pinfireman said:

I just LOVE Guido Fawkes:


John Major has continued his recent campaign to make a fool of himself with a threat this morning to take the Government to court if it prorogues parliament to enable a No Deal Brexit to take place. Funny how Major didn’t have such a problem with proroguing Parliament when he abused his power to do so in 1997 in order to delay the publication of a highly embarrassing report into the  "cash for questions" sleaze scandal involving his Government. Flagrant hypocrisy even by his standards, he must be glad no-one sued him then…


Prorogation is presented as a power grab but in practice all it does is keep the law as it is – preventing changes to the statute being made for a time. It wouldn’t work as a mechanism to deliver a No Deal Brexit if MPs hadn’t already voted for No Deal. When they set it as the legal default by passing the EU Withdrawal Act a year ago.

The pernicious trend of Remainers trying to wage ‘lawfare’ against every political decision they don’t like is much more damaging to the constitutional balance of the state. There’s only one group of people who benefit from it – the lawyers…

Source, as ever, Guido Fawkes

I just looked at thisand see it happens every year by agreement at the end of session. Is that what you mean? The last time done without agreement was in 1948. 


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3 minutes ago, oowee said:

When was it last done without agreement? I see no evidence to support 'guidos' assertion do you? 

Not exactly no.
He closed Parliament early 'by agreement' 
But then , a lot of the MPs , many of them implicated, wouldnt have argued would they ?

Its more about an abuse of prorogation, which Major was guilty of.

Latest Survation poll on voting intentions 😂


If that were anything like a possible outcome, Labour would be screaming for it !
Fantasy land :yes:

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2 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Not exactly no.
He closed Parliament early 'by agreement' 
But then , a lot of the MPs , many of them implicated, wouldnt have argued would they ?

Its more about an abuse of prorogation, which Major was guilty of.

There is no evidence. Its carp. 

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8 minutes ago, Scully said:

I thought it was fact. Another politician mentioned it yesterday on the BBC. Perhaps Major will be suing him also....he’s going to be w busy ex PM. 🙂

Hes going to be a very skint ex PM if he keeps suing everyone, with no chance of winning :lol:

He needs to get on the crowd funding !

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4 hours ago, oowee said:

I just looked at thisand see it happens every year by agreement at the end of session. Is that what you mean? The last time done without agreement was in 1948. 


But it was STILL done! So it,s NOT the nuclear event that Major makes our?

4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Left wing darling, anti right wing and anti Trump ex mayor, Magid Magid has recently elevated himself to MEP dom for the Greens. 

With his cap on back to front, gold chains and a t shirt saying F. fascism, his first day in EU HQ  didn't pan out the way he thought, it's because I'm black he said. 

He has now come out and declared the EU is full of corruption and waste, did he not get the memo? 



They say you should never meet your heroes, new Green Party MEP Magid Magid appears to be having exactly this experience in Brussels after discovering that the EU that he was passionately in favour of just a few weeks ago is actually a bureaucratic hellhole dominated by stale old white men stitching everything up behind closed doors. Brexiteers did try to warn him…

Magid even suffered the indignity of being asked to leave the Strasbourg Parliament by someone who assumed he wasn’t meant to be there because of the colour of his skin – the UK remains the only country to send ethnically diverse MEPs to the European Parliament in any significant numbers. He’s written a refreshingly honest account of what he actually found in Strasbourg and Brussels:

“Next to nobody in Brussels has any clue what the European Union truly stands for — beyond a flag and an anthem — and more crucially, where it is heading. And that includes the EU leaders and senior officials soullessly waddling through the corridors of power. When I arrived in the EU capital, I expected to find it brimming with activity and potential answers to these questions. Instead, I felt duped: Making a tangible impact on constituents’ lives is apparently not what being an MEP is all about.”

“In Brussels in particular, we need more transparency in the way we make decisions. Our institutions are plagued with convoluted customs, hidden handshakes and backdoor bargaining. I’ve seen it first hand already. How can we reject the accusations leveled against the European elite that we are out of touch, when the top dogs in our Parliament and Commission are chosen through obscure quid-pro-quo arrangements agreed over Champagne and truffles in Brussels’ finest hotel lobbies?”

“In Brussels, the go-to answer to a failed system is superficial; try a fresh coat of paint on crumbling walls. We have to be ready to burn down the house if necessary, to rebuild it in such a way that every citizen from Mansfield to Milan truly feels part of and represented by the EU.”

Looks like the Brexit Party could make it up to 30 MEPs before their term in the Parliament is done…

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4 hours ago, oowee said:

When was it last done without agreement? I see no evidence to support 'guidos' assertion do you? 

It would have been equally unpleasant for both sides of the House for the "cash for questions" to have been debated in Parliament, as both sides probably had members who were implicated! They were ALL happy to let this happen................

3 hours ago, oowee said:

There is no evidence. Its carp. 

But no proof that Rewulf is wrong? So that is carp, too?

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