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What part of stay at home do people not understand? 

Why do the numpties in this country allways think they know best?

Do pictures of a once healthy young girl now dead due to the virus not register with these people?

If they're involved in a crash on the way to their precious pigeon shooting who are they going to ring?

In normal times crop protection is important. During a national crisis IT IS NOT.

If a farmer wants to spit his dummy out then let him. It's not life and death.

There were people on shootclay crying because their clay ground is shut. Ah diddums.



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I was speaking to a staff member of the firearms department yesterday, and he stated that for most of the time, 'we' as shooters are advised not to go out on the farms etc. But, if the farmer is having big problems with lifestock being attacked/killed, or crops are being damaged, and the farmer cannot control this himself, then it's okay to go alone and help out. He suggested that an email/text message be received from the farmer requesting your help.

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Some people might be clutching at straws on here. I’m desperate to get out and go shooting myself as pigeons hitting rape flower.  on the perm down the road. I now do my daily exercise near . but let’s just all do what the government are asking. Not that it’s gonna work. But stay in and protective others and no pointless travelling can’t image many peoples main diet is woodpigeon breast. 

Edited by Shotguneddy
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4 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

I was speaking to a staff member of the firearms department yesterday, and he stated that for most of the time, 'we' as shooters are advised not to go out on the farms etc. But, if the farmer is having big problems with lifestock being attacked/killed, or crops are being damaged, and the farmer cannot control this himself, then it's okay to go alone and help out. He suggested that an email/text message be received from the farmer requesting your help.

I bet they won't put that in writing though.

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Stay at home or you will die. Unless you are one of the 400,000 untrained NHS volunteers who may not have had the virus, may have had it, or may actually be a carrier of it at the moment in which case you can transport patients, supplies or NHS staff. 

Yea I see the logic in that. But God forbid somebody walks 300m to sit alone in a field and do crop protection as requested by a farmer. 

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I feel like pigeon shooters are doing themselves out of a job/hobby. If you all sit back, high on sanctimony, saying "We need to isolate, we don't need to be out protecting crops" then there's no reason for you to be doing it in the first place. If you lose your access to perms and the right to shoot pigeons it's your own fault. Plenty of moaning about the GL being revoked, but now, at a time when I believe your work to be crucial (this years crops are going to play a huge part in the economy when this is over and done with), you sit back, insulting one another because you don't have the balls to stand up for something you're passionate about? Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but Packham and his pals only need to refer to this very forum the next time they want a ban, and you're giving no good reason for them not to get it, permanently.

I don't think sitting in a field, alone, protecting crops is irresponsible. I think that letting important crops fail, when you could/should be helping is irresponsible.

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5 minutes ago, Demonic69 said:

I feel like pigeon shooters are doing themselves out of a job/hobby. If you all sit back, high on sanctimony, saying "We need to isolate, we don't need to be out protecting crops" then there's no reason for you to be doing it in the first place. If you lose your access to perms and the right to shoot pigeons it's your own fault. Plenty of moaning about the GL being revoked, but now, at a time when I believe your work to be crucial (this years crops are going to play a huge part in the economy when this is over and done with), you sit back, insulting one another because you don't have the balls to stand up for something you're passionate about? Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but Packham and his pals only need to refer to this very forum the next time they want a ban, and you're giving no good reason for them not to get it, permanently.

I don't think sitting in a field, alone, protecting crops is irresponsible. I think that letting important crops fail, when you could/should be helping is irresponsible.


Gordon Bennett!


Read the advice and guidance from BASC please.

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2 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:


Gordon Bennett!


Read the advice and guidance from BASC please.


There are some notable exceptions and BASC is seeking further clarity on issues that will affect the management of the UK’s countryside.

It is important that those involved in work that keeps our countryside functioning through this challenging time are still able to undertake essential work such as ensuring food production. In many instances, this cannot take place without associated pest control and wildlife management provided by our members and the wider shooting community. But this must only be undertaken where absolutely necessary and in line with the latest general government advice on Coronavirus.

That advice?

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3 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:


Gordon Bennett!


Read the advice and guidance from BASC please.

Sorry stopped taking BASC seriously when they didn't help me with my SGC renewal and after the lead shot debacle. Their words carry no weight with me.

I would advise anyone who wants to go shooting to ask their firearms dept for advice and take it from there.

Make your own decision but be prepared to live by the consequences whatever they may be.

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1 minute ago, Mightymariner said:

Sorry stopped taking BASC seriously when they didn't help me with my SGC renewal and after the lead shot debacle. Their words carry no weight with me.

I would advise anyone who wants to go shooting to ask their firearms dept for advice and take it from there.

Make your own decision but be prepared to live by the consequences whatever they may be.

And get it in writing.

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David BASC posted this last night;

I can confirm that any BASC member shooting outside of the law will no be covered by their BASC insurance. Lets not look for loop holes but stick to the rules in play at the moment, we must not only do the right thing but be seen to do the right thing.

Getting a legal opinion on this is not relevant, we could throw tens of thousands at a legal case and there would be no point! The final arbiter is the Government and Government Departments. We cant expect an immediate response from them on shooting for pest an predator control  or any related activity for example, as obviously they have bigger fish to fry, but as I sad as soon as we do hear anything it will be posted on the web site.

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53 minutes ago, AVB said:

Stay at home or you will die. Unless you are one of the 400,000 untrained NHS volunteers who may not have had the virus, may have had it, or may actually be a carrier of it at the moment in which case you can transport patients, supplies or NHS staff. 

Yea I see the logic in that. But God forbid somebody walks 300m to sit alone in a field and do crop protection as requested by a farmer. 

Those 400000 will be doing something constructive to assist ther fellow human beings in a time of national crisis, to try compare them to you wanting to go out shooting is laughable.

You have been asked to stay indoors, and only go out as specified by the government, it's not rocket science.

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38 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

ThisNo photo description available.

I've just seen that on a squirrel group, but others are saying their FEO in a different area has said no, other than lambs being taken I see no reason to even think of going out.

People keep saying they will loose pigeon shooting if it's not done.

39 minutes ago, islandgun said:

Perhaps a good time to get photographic evidence of the damage to crops, then use the evidence against wj later

This is a better, imagine the backlash of the headlines,  shooters ignore travel ban to shoot pigeons while the rest of the country stays in.

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3 minutes ago, Mice! said:

This is a better, imagine the backlash of the headlines,  shooters ignore travel ban to shoot pigeons while the rest of the country stays in.

Goes well with "Crops fail and people starve because pigeon shooters were scared to go out"

I may be ascribing too much importance to pigeon shooting though, I thought it was pretty essential. Judging by the attitudes of many on here it seems I was wrong, and it's just a hobby.

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2 minutes ago, Demonic69 said:

Goes well with "Crops fail and people starve because pigeon shooters were scared to go out"

I may be ascribing too much importance to pigeon shooting though, I thought it was pretty essential. Judging by the attitudes of many on here it seems I was wrong, and it's just a hobby.

In many cases it is a hobby I would say,  you shoot a few and move the birds on, it needs doing but how many are out 5-6 days a week?


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1 minute ago, Mice! said:

In many cases it is a hobby I would say,  you shoot a few and move the birds on, it needs doing but how many are out 5-6 days a week?


I honestly dunno mate. With all the furore on the GL threads etc I'd come to believe this was an essential service offered as quid-pro-quo to farmers. Now it seems you may as well go smash some clays and avoid the negativity of the NIMBYs

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Just now, Demonic69 said:

I honestly dunno mate. With all the furore on the GL threads etc I'd come to believe this was an essential service offered as quid-pro-quo to farmers. Now it seems you may as well go smash some clays and avoid the negativity of the NIMBYs

The country is supposed to be in lockdown.


The Clay grounds are closed.


Suck it up and accept you should not be out shooting because you have to drive there and would in the event of an accident be placing further stress on the Emergency Services!

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1 minute ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

The country is supposed to be in lockdown.


The Clay grounds are closed.


Suck it up and accept you should not be out shooting because you have to drive there and would in the event of an accident be placing further stress on the Emergency Services!

Thanks for the irrelevant rant...

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