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Joint Supplement


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Along with the supplements also consider give him a bit of a massage, a bit more than the "good boy" stroke. Find where the muscles are crossing the stiff joints and massage lengthwise to warm them up a bit then massage across the muscle fibres for a bit and finish off going lengthwise again.

I treat athletes with sports massage, animals have muscles just like we do and a bit of massage can go a long way in keeping the muscles in condition.

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Cod liver oil ( the oil ) in his food daily, sardines a couple of times a week as a treat and look out for a deal on an infra red lamp to either dangle over him in his kennel or bed as it will get worse and he is worth all the little things you can do and pop 1/2 a paracetamol into him when he has a bad day. Take care

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Synoquin EFA is very good, excellent in fact. My 14 year old Staffie was put on them by the vets as he had Arthritis setting in, Once its built up in his system he was young again, might sound an exaggeration but he was running around and chasing his ball and the pigeons and squirrels again. Sadly it couldn't do much for final stage renal failure but for the final year of his life he was joint pain free and keeping up with the young whipper snappers over the park.

Edited by fatchap
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