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The dangers of manual clay traps


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My mate recently purchased a new clay trap for use on their shoot and as he unboxed it at home the arm released cutting his forearm quite badly, apparently there should have been a cable tie securing the arm that was either broken or missing. Quite a nasty injury and luckily it didn’t hit him in the head or face. 


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9 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, that's terrible , was it a hospital job? That will take some time to heal, I would find out if there should have been a fixing , if yes and it did not have one, report it to the seller with photos and he needs to make a claim, 

Yes he’s had two trips to hospital as the first time he went the hand surgeon wasn’t available, he’s self employed too as a kitchen and bathroom fitter so it’s gonna impact his work for a while

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1 minute ago, Wiggum said:

Yes he’s had two trips to hospital as the first time he went the hand surgeon wasn’t available, he’s self employed too as a kitchen and bathroom fitter so it’s gonna impact his work for a while

Hello, oh that is not good for him, if you email seller and say your interested ask how it comes, ? Spring arm secure ? if yes your friend needs to do as I suggested, I am sure he's loosing money being self employed, can only wish him well 👍

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13 minutes ago, Rob85 said:

Why would a manual trap come in a box with the mechanism cocked and ready to go? That seems like an avoidable accident. 

My thought too, can only guess that it made it fit in a smaller box.

That looks bloody painful.

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Was told of a story many moons ago of a chap using a trap, cocked it, he bent forward to grab a clay, knocked the arm releasing it hitting him on the side of the head and killed him. The clays were on the wrong side, silly mistake. 

I really don't like them. 

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at a Welsh Intercounties at Mid Wales a few years ago, Arthur got clocked around the head by a Skeet Trap while he was in the house - apparently it wasn't the first time that this had happened to him either!!!

He came out with blood running down his head.... Refused to go to hospital if I remember right!

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