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brown declares war on gun crime


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Yeh it was the right decision to BAN HAND GUNS, now why can't i see that :lol::good::P


There are more illegal guns on the streets than there has ever been.


I wish i knew which planet they were from, because i sure whish they would all **** off back there!!!!!!!!


All i can see is things are going to get tougher for us in the long run :huh: :(

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But surely if you ban something, like hand guns it only affects the honest people like us....Im not to convinced the criminals who are using these guns will take much notice.


What he needs todo, is hit these criminals hard and make an example of anyone carrying an illegal gun...on this subject sort of, do you know my local fishing shop no longer stock pen knives due to the increase in knife crime in this country.......so how stopping me from buying a knife (to use for fishing/shooting even taking the dog out, i have a knife in my pocket just incase she gets caught up on something), stop knife crime in Britain.......


Just MHO on the subject



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I dont think he will ban all guns the worst that could happen to a ShotgunApplication is he raises the legal age limit, or limit one shotgun to each holder

The worst! :lol: That's bad enough! I got my cert at 14, I'm now 15 and have more than one gun.


Brown is about as inspiring as bare flag pole while trying to come across as all British.




FM :good:

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What he NEEDS to do is bring back HANGING!!


Hang the Murderers Peadopiles Rapists and other undesirables and use the freed up prison slots to make examples of those who carry and use illegal firearms.


When was the last time you heard someone getting 5 years for a firearms offence? OK Tony Martin I grant you BUT what I am getting at is the so called MINIMUM 5 years is not being dished out enough when it comes to sentencing.


They always seem to play the old excuse "the jails are over crowded" If they would find a way of discarding the trash of society then this would no longer be a problem would it?


Some people simply can't be re introduced in to the main stream public for the safety of others! In these cases WHY should good tax payers money be spent over 40 years+ when a cheap gallows and rope can be used at a fraction of the price?


When I was a Kid there was a saying "crime doesn't pay" and at the time it was about right!!!


Now it seems Crime is a better paid occupation than a solicitor although some say the difference isn't much lol.


It is HIGH time Crime across the board was re assessed not just certain ones! Crime as a whole should be dealt with in a harsher manner and the punishment fitting of the Crime comitted!



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What he NEEDS to do is bring back HANGING!!


Hang the Murderers Peadopiles Rapists and other undesirables and use the freed up prison slots to make examples of those who carry and use illegal firearms.


When was the last time you heard someone getting 5 years for a firearms offence? OK Tony Martin I grant you BUT what I am getting at is the so called MINIMUM 5 years is not being dished out enough when it comes to sentencing.


They always seem to play the old excuse "the jails are over crowded" If they would find a way of discarding the trash of society then this would no longer be a problem would it?


Some people simply can't be re introduced in to the main stream public for the safety of others! In these cases WHY should good tax payers money be spent over 40 years+ when a cheap gallows and rope can be used at a fraction of the price?


When I was a Kid there was a saying "crime doesn't pay" and at the time it was about right!!!


Now it seems Crime is a better paid occupation than a solicitor although some say the difference isn't much lol.


It is HIGH time Crime across the board was re assessed not just certain ones! Crime as a whole should be dealt with in a harsher manner and the punishment fitting of the Crime comitted!




Well said

but the reason why we cant hang em is because of human rights. Criminals these days have more rights than their victoms.

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I'm just trying to think of what "Justification" they will try to put the next set of firearms restrictions past through the gulible public. I'm sure they will spin something up.


As long as I secure any shotguns I decide to one day own in the adequate fashion (in an approved cabinet) then the state should have no business dicatating a limitation.


If I want a 20b SBS to go alongside a semi auto for use in places where semi's are still frowned upon then; that is my Business. After the pistol ban that more restrictions would follow until a outright ban came in eventually. Was featured in a piece the NRA did about UK/AUS gun bans:


I just hope the BSSC member bodies will hurry up and get unified if we are to have a chance of stopping further restrictions. Intrestingly the Lib dems are promising to that the safeguarding of lawful shooting and angling will be in their next election manifesto. One doubts they will follow through with it though.



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Before the handgun ban 96% of all recorded armed crimes, took place with illegally held weapons that were never held legally, after the ban 96% of all armed crime took place with illegally held weapons that were never held legally. Nearly 20 years later 96% of all armed crimes take place with illegally held weapons that were never held legally. Is there something familiar here? The laws have tightened, there are more banned weapons but at least the 96% is still constant :lol:

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As Cranfield said there was no mention of clamping down on legally held guns and I have to say I'd welcome a clamp down on illegal guns and the penalties for possesing them to be made far more stringent. But it means we need to police our borders properly and inspect every bit of freight that enters the country and that simply isn't going to happen. If the police deal with illegal guns it will actually take the pressure off legal gun owners as dropping crime figures will mean it becomes less of a public focus.

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