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Food wastage


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My partner did the shopping today and came back with this bag of carrots for 9p, reduced from 35p reduced from...something. There's nothing wrong with them! What is it with people, that they'd spurn a bag of entirely fine carrots for 35p, that Morrisons felt the need to drop it to 9p, just to stop them being wasted??


They could easily have been served in their own right as veg, but they're going in soup - merged with a pumpkin that our boss swore couldn't be used for anything because it was 'only a Halloween pumpkin and couldn't be cooked with.' Or at least some of the pumpkin. A shed load is left, so that might become pumpkin pie or something. But none of that is complicated, it's not exactly finesse cooking. There should be no reason for good food to ever go to waste and yet...

So, thank you Alastair Ferguson for your carrots, we appreciate them, even if idiots don't. RAHHHH

Rant over.

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I always head for a stroll up the reduced aisle  and same as above put the veg in the soup or i freeze the stuff i get and use it later  but with the family , dogs and ferrets any reduced items are usually  used that day . Best buy i got was twenty trays of 8 beef burgers from asda £4 a tray reduced to 20pence we had a day out at the safari park for the grandsons 2nd birthday that day and all the family where here for a buffet tea  and the few  that where left fed the dogs that night 

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1 hour ago, JTaylor91 said:

When I was a fishmonger I would end up flogging perfectly good fish for 5p just so it didn’t go in the bin. The only things I really struggled to get rid of were things like herring milts and cod roe.

milts on toast is food of the gods..........done in butter with black pepper

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It's typical if today's society. It's a throw away one. It will have a best before on the pack, and the shop can't sell it if it goes past that date. Which is a pointless date, you can tell when a carrot is past its best, it's either soft and bendy or going black. Same with most things with a "best" before. It's not a throw away date. Unlike use by which is normally on things that would do nasty things of used after... 

I'd say take the date off and then get staff to check the produce, but that's far to much like hard work ...

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1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

It's typical if today's society. It's a throw away one. It will have a best before on the pack, and the shop can't sell it if it goes past that date. Which is a pointless date, you can tell when a carrot is past its best, it's either soft and bendy or going black. Same with most things with a "best" before. It's not a throw away date. Unlike use by which is normally on things that would do nasty things of used after... 

I'd say take the date off and then get staff to check the produce, but that's far to much like hard work ...

This is why they came home! My other half, ever the pragmatist, gave them a quick prod, thought 'ach they're fine' and bought them. No softness or discolouration, they were entirely normal carrots.

More evidence of good old fashioned common sense: she was cooking Butternut squash risotto tonight, and came out with the line 'I couldn't find any sage, I'm afraid, so we'll have to replace sage with bacon'. Win. 

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The biggest cause of food waste is dates on food. My step daughter will throw away a perfectly good bag of carrots ( or anything else) the day after the best before date has passed. Even though they are perfectly edible.

She was heavily Indoctrinated since an early age at school. We can't get through to her that best before means nothing and sell by doesn't mean eat by.

She just says well I'm not eating it

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When i used to pop into Tesco after work on the way home from work there was a gang always loittering waitting on the reduced food  appearing it was like a sharks feeding frenzy i often thought about vidoeing it and popping a post up , Changed now  they reduce the prices all day now 

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