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Is this the beginning of the end?


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Hunters input is actually more valid than some of the blinkered posts led purely by newspaper hype. At 19 he will have been through a school system with numerous different races and integrated with them and know what the younger generation is like. They integrate very well some of their parents may struggle with the language but very few kids do.

There are issues that need dealing with such as illegal immigration but you have to distinguish between that and members of europe coming here to work. Illegal immigration and dodgy claims of persecution etc need stamping on and as an Island this should be simple to achieve yet somehow we don't seem able to do it. We then need to find just who is living in the UK and remove people who shouldn't be.

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At some point in history yes we did preside over something like 2/3 of the world, so what!!!!


Why don't we give the Italians a hard time, rome was a massive empire once.


we keep hearing from liberal voices that we shouldn't judge an entire race, creed colour....etc, which I agree with, but I am frankly tired of this argument when as a white male I seem to suffer exactly that kind of prejudice, I have actually heard it with my own ears, it is assumed I am racist because I am white (more so if I am British), sometimes it is assumed I am a Muslim hating christian, I should be held to account for what the British empire did 200 odd years ago? do me a favour!

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If I offend anyone with this post, I am afraid that I will not apologise.


Where I have issues with all of this is as follows:


1. We as british citizens (although I prefer to call myself English, just as a Scotsman would say that they are Scottish, or a Welshman would say that thay are Welsh) are being penalised for celebrating the traditional holidays that have been celebrated for several generations, just because it may offend another religeon. This is wrong, as regardless of what anyone says, if we went to any other country that practices another religeon, and we took offence to one of their religous holidays, there is no way in hell that they would discourage practicing it. End of.


2. I do not work and pay my tax for 'spongers' to sit on their backside and drink beer, or sit in a mosque, or wander the streets looking for trouble. This is regardless of race, colour of skin, religeous beliefs, gender, or sexual preference. If there was a way that my tax wasn't used to pay for the above people, you can bet I would do it. I pay my taxes for the NHS use of me and my family, and those that are genuinely not in a position to work. I also pay my taxes to help support the previous generations that are now on state pensions, with particular emphasis on those that have fought for this country in the world wars.


3. I may not be a practising Christian, but in my country, where I have lived all my life, worked and paid my taxes for the last ten years, I do not want to see more other religeous 'facilities' being created using my tax money. If it were a Christian Church I'd probably be cross, but a mosque or synagogue, you can bet I'd be livid.


4. I believe that schools should start placing more emphasis on learning about our heritage, our history, and our religeons. Fair enough, kids need to learn about other cultures, societies, histories etc. but they should learn about their own heritage first.


5. We as a country need to stand up and say that we will not tollerate our heritage being stripped away anymore. I am not a racist by any means, but if this kind of damage is not limited and stopped soon, we will be having a real 'bloody' conflict in this country. Will we all be involved?


And now my closing points.


6. With rights should come responsibilities. So bear that in mind if you ever quote the human rights act. It should be the Human Rights & RESPONSIBILITIES Act. As in, if you aren't responsible, you have no rights. Harsh, but fitting I feel.


7. Lets look out for ourselves and our own for once. We have so many British, English, Welsh, Scottish & Irish people that have more problems than they know what to do with, so lets try and help out where we can. THEN when we've got that under control we can turn to other countries and cultures to help them.


As I said, if you are offended, that is unfortunate, but I feel that as a citizen of this country, I have every right as a responsible human being to voice my concerns and opinions in the public domain.


Stuart Smith

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I aman ardent suuporter of a much tighter immigration policy. I really am.

I do however feel this thread a thinly veiled excuse to attack muslims. The majority of muslims are believe it or not peaceful people.

when the IRA were bombing the mainland did we vent our anger at catholics in general? Did we rail at the building of new cathoilc churches?

The people in the main whio believe we are upsetting muslims by celebrating christmas are white liberals. If you speak to muslims, jews hindus seikhs etc they are as puzzled why local councils would want to ban christmas as we are.

As with any group there are radical idiots who are too blinkered to see the bigger picture. These people should be actively pursued and imprisoned or expelled from the country forthwith. I firmly believe that if you dont like it here you should leave

The biggest threat to British identity is perpetrated by white middle class individuals who believe they are the voice of minority groups.

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I aman ardent suuporter of a much tighter immigration policy. I really am.

I do however feel this thread a thinly veiled excuse to attack muslims. The majority of muslims are believe it or not peaceful people.

when the IRA were bombing the mainland did we vent our anger at catholics in general? Did we rail at the building of new cathoilc churches?

The people in the main whio believe we are upsetting muslims by celebrating christmas are white liberals. If you speak to muslims, jews hindus seikhs etc they are as puzzled why local councils would want to ban christmas as we are.

As with any group there are radical idiots who are too blinkered to see the bigger picture. These people should be actively pursued and imprisoned or expelled from the country forthwith. I firmly believe that if you dont like it here you should leave

The biggest threat to British identity is perpetrated by white middle class individuals who believe they are the voice of minority groups.

:good: Go ask a Muslim, Siekh, Hindhu or Jewish shopkeeper if they think we should ban Christmas in Great Britain. This is almost exclusively the work of white, middle-class, middle-aged liberal scum-sucking, **** licking, waste of space ****-jockeys. And come the glorious day, I will help line them up against the nearest wall....

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Since everyone else has I'll add my pence worth.


I live in London which is one of the mostly liberal and multi racial countries in the world and I like it, adds a bit of variety to life.


What I don't like is people who come here for handouts, it's not the responsibility of the UK tax payer to pay for everyone else and the sooner this shower of labour do gooders see that the better, you can say we voted them in but I sure for hell didn't.


As has been said a system like America, Australia or New Zealand is what's needed, i.e what have you got to offer if you meet the criteria and can speak the language so you'll get a job and not be drain then come in. I would rather swap a load of hard working poles who are trying to support their familes for a whole shed load of chav's and their dole scrounging rotten families who are spoiling this country.


As I'm on my soap box I think the governments decision some years ago to stop promoting the family as a unit is one of the worst decisons in the history of this country, not saying that it's wrong or anyone's fault for single parent families but they shouldn't be encouraged as most kids off the rails are from this type of set up and there are no strong male role models for them to follow (and before any has a go at me I know there are many exceptions but overall this is the general case, fact).


And Hunter you've just as much right to add your voice on here as anyone the comment aimed at you was more childish than a primary school kid.

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...............don`t sit on the fence Lefty, tell us what you really think..........






:good::):):P :(


I am sorry I wasn't a little clearer on this subject.....






















































But there some laws I may wish not break.













































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Just for info....


our govt changed the rules on immigration in April of this year (changed them again in June - I think - but didn't alter much) To obtain 'Indefinite Leave to Remain' i.e. a Residency permit, the applicant has to demonstrate a level of written and spoken English, probably equivalent to a low pass GCSE. Also they have to pass a 'Britishness' test which comprises of 25 multiple choice questions taken from a published set of 400. I should add that I've tried the literacy test and found it quite straighforward, but the 'Britishness' test almost defeated me. Anyone who's interested can try the test at




I'm unsure how an immigrant/visitor would obtain an initial visa to enter the country, but I had nightmares getting one for my wife, and I'll bet it's a lot worse now !!!


Of course, this doesn't apply to immigrants from the EU.

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...............don`t sit on the fence Lefty, tell us what you really think..........






:good::):):P :(

:oops::oops::oops: :o Yes lets all blame Lefty for all this trouble on this forum!!! Speaking for the rest of us everyone knows this is a wonderfull country, untainted by other races who come here ,except for those and put the daughters of some people up the duff and other than that have no intention of getting married to said daughters as they are inffadels and anyway they have there own wives and kids back home who are coming in to the land of plenty!! in the meantime, our MP,s turn a blind eye and pretend its not happening, as long as they can keep their snouts in the trough and keep bleeding the country dry.I have three daughters and one son, who have all married before starting a family. Which is perhaps my wifes and my self,s greatest achievement in our married life!! P S not really blaming my friend Lefty , he knows I was only joking.

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Didnt Britain invade almost every country on the Earth at one time or another, steal their wealth and lay claim to their lands?

I think I remember reading something about it at school.

Did anyone in Britain actually vote for the present government who allowed this influx of immigrants. I am sure glad no-one on here voted labour.Right lads?


P.S one day i will post pictures of my nieces and nephews. If the colour of their skin or religion offends we can meet up and have a frank discusion about it in the car park

Hhhmm I am supprised you have a sgc or a fac licence in view of of your comments,? If you feel you can only sort out your problems on a car park then may I suggest you are the last kind of person to hold such a ticket? :good::)

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If I offend anyone with this post, I am afraid that I will not apologise.


Where I have issues with all of this is as follows:


1. We as british citizens (although I prefer to call myself English, just as a Scotsman would say that they are Scottish, or a Welshman would say that thay are Welsh) are being penalised for celebrating the traditional holidays that have been celebrated for several generations, just because it may offend another religeon. This is wrong, as regardless of what anyone says, if we went to any other country that practices another religeon, and we took offence to one of their religous holidays, there is no way in hell that they would discourage practicing it. End of.


2. I do not work and pay my tax for 'spongers' to sit on their backside and drink beer, or sit in a mosque, or wander the streets looking for trouble. This is regardless of race, colour of skin, religeous beliefs, gender, or sexual preference. If there was a way that my tax wasn't used to pay for the above people, you can bet I would do it. I pay my taxes for the NHS use of me and my family, and those that are genuinely not in a position to work. I also pay my taxes to help support the previous generations that are now on state pensions, with particular emphasis on those that have fought for this country in the world wars.


3. I may not be a practising Christian, but in my country, where I have lived all my life, worked and paid my taxes for the last ten years, I do not want to see more other religeous 'facilities' being created using my tax money. If it were a Christian Church I'd probably be cross, but a mosque or synagogue, you can bet I'd be livid.


4. I believe that schools should start placing more emphasis on learning about our heritage, our history, and our religeons. Fair enough, kids need to learn about other cultures, societies, histories etc. but they should learn about their own heritage first.


5. We as a country need to stand up and say that we will not tollerate our heritage being stripped away anymore. I am not a racist by any means, but if this kind of damage is not limited and stopped soon, we will be having a real 'bloody' conflict in this country. Will we all be involved?


And now my closing points.


6. With rights should come responsibilities. So bear that in mind if you ever quote the human rights act. It should be the Human Rights & RESPONSIBILITIES Act. As in, if you aren't responsible, you have no rights. Harsh, but fitting I feel.


7. Lets look out for ourselves and our own for once. We have so many British, English, Welsh, Scottish & Irish people that have more problems than they know what to do with, so lets try and help out where we can. THEN when we've got that under control we can turn to other countries and cultures to help them.


As I said, if you are offended, that is unfortunate, but I feel that as a citizen of this country, I have every right as a responsible human being to voice my concerns and opinions in the public domain.


Stuart Smith


You could have posted this in 1948 when the first major influx of Carribean people emigrated to the UK, or in 1972 when the Ugandan Asians arrived here.

Many people were saying then, what you are saying now, nothing really changes, the World goes on.

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Didnt Britain invade almost every country on the Earth at one time or another, steal their wealth and lay claim to their lands?

I think I remember reading something about it at school.

Did anyone in Britain actually vote for the present government who allowed this influx of immigrants. I am sure glad no-one on here voted labour.Right lads?


P.S one day i will post pictures of my nieces and nephews. If the colour of their skin or religion offends we can meet up and have a frank discusion about it in the car park


I really don't give a damn who we invaded or colonized historically. I won't apologise for it, I wasn't there, I won't apologise for the slave trade , I wasn't there.


I'm here, in a country swamped with immigrants. As said previously, colour of skin doesn't mean a damn to me, so you can stand in the car park as long as you like, but I still say we don't need a few million more immigrants. I think about 90% of the country feel much the same way.


And I didn't vote Labour, never have, never will. Communist scumbags :good:

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this kind of talk really worries me .you can almost feel the hatred in some of the views of certain people .in my eyes this is not good . you cant blame everything that is going wrong in this country on immigrants .we must take some of the blame to .i work in a place with young offenders .about 30 all of them are white and british . i have also encounter race hate aim at me . yes me a white english female in my own country by my so called fellow white englishmen who took it upon themselfs to put me right on a few things .by grabing my arm spiting in my face .and then telling me what they would do to me if i ever cross there paths again .why because i was pushing a pram with a 3 month old babe in of mix race . i was the childs nanny . but these thugs had jumped to the wrong conclusion . i know you are now most probably thinking these men were jobless scum who knew no differant .but no these were men out on there lunch break who decided it was their right to put their views over to a scared 19 year old girl and a innocent baby

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this kind of talk really worries me .you can almost feel the hatred in some of the views of certain people .in my eyes this is not good . you cant blame everything that is going wrong in this country on immigrants .we must take some of the blame to .i work in a place with young offenders .about 30 all of them are white and british . i have also encounter race hate aim at me . yes me a white english female in my own country by my so called fellow white englishmen who took it upon themselfs to put me right on a few things .by grabing my arm spiting in my face .and then telling me what they would do to me if i ever cross there paths again .why because i was pushing a pram with a 3 month old babe in of mix race . i was the childs nanny . but these thugs had jumped to the wrong conclusion . i know you are now most probably thinking these men were jobless scum who knew no differant .but no these were men out on there lunch break who decided it was their right to put their views over to a scared 19 year old girl and a innocent baby

Oh dear mrs Sweepy, You ,with your story has killed this thread stone dead!! how can any of us now snarl our hatred of whats happening to our country? I dont know what to say.(for a change) Ps I am of course P---d up and even so ,would not fall out with any English woman to get my point across.

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