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Lunatics at Sainsbury,s


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Managers at Sainsbury,s stores have given the ok to muslim checkout workers to refuse to serve customers who wish to buy alcohol ! ! This is not a wind up, Any customer who is going through with shopping which contains alcohol, must wait while a non muslim check out worker takes over, You might not believe me but this country really has sunk to new depths. I GIVE IN..( have just read that even the head of the muslim council of Britain has said that it is wrong. to give this permision to islamic workers). White P C management wallies rule What a load of B-----ds OK? Yah.

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Managers at Sainsbury,s stores have given the ok to muslim checkout workers to refuse to serve customers who wish to buy alcohol ! ! This is not a wind up, Any customer who is going through with shopping which contains alcohol, must wait while a non muslim check out worker takes over, You might not believe me but this country really has sunk to new depths. I GIVE IN..( have just read that even the head of the muslim council of Britain has said that it is wrong. to give this permision to islamic workers). White P C management wallies rule What a load of B-----ds OK? Yah.







Seriously though is that for real? Is this every branch of Sainsburys, I wonder if it will make the papers?


:good: D2D

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Managers at Sainsbury,s stores have given the ok to muslim checkout workers to refuse to serve customers who wish to buy alcohol ! ! This is not a wind up, Any customer who is going through with shopping which contains alcohol, must wait while a non muslim check out worker takes over, You might not believe me but this country really has sunk to new depths. I GIVE IN..( have just read that even the head of the muslim council of Britain has said that it is wrong. to give this permision to islamic workers). White P C management wallies rule What a load of B-----ds OK? Yah.







Seriously though is that for real? Is this every branch of Sainsburys, I wonder if it will make the papers?


:lol: D2D

Morning D2D, no its in todays Daily Mail, It says in Sainsbury,s stores in parts of London and other cities which have muslim check out/ till girls, Please God , dont let Labour loonies get voted in again, plus the other stealth tax they have put on fuel from this morning, to help pay for all the people flooding in, Dunno if Im,e the last Bastion? been called something like it hundreds of times!! :good: Just looked its in the Sun as well.

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I used to work at Sainsbury's :lol:


how about this then,


go into the shop and have a really good time in there, but first of all go to the wines and spirits bit first, then fill up your trolly to over loading, your bottles of plonk dont come out till the last minute, you must pick your suitably attired checkout girl ( hidden behind the iron mask) when she rufuses to touch your plonk, and get somebody else, just walk out with a few polite comments :good:


its a rite pain in the nether regions to get some member of staff to return all the goods back were they came from, believe me i know :good:

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The answer is simple, if you don't like Sainsbury's policies, don't shop there.


The main problem is with Organisations and Authorities like Sainsburys , local Councils , etc., thinking they know whats best for Muslims and stirring everyone else up.

Its rarely the Muslims that complain, as has been pointed out most of the small Supermarket/Off Licences are owned and managed by Muslims.

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I think this Muslim thing is getting out of control as well, I would imagine it the Daily Mail and the likes that are stirring it all up, and the gullable general public are lapping it as usual (the ones that aren't still sat outside Northern Rock that is :good: )


Having worked and socialised with muslims for about 3 years in their country I can confirm the ones I met like a drink as much if not more than us :lol:

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Why dont we stick signs up around the UK which say:


Or better yet rename the UK..... Islam, all the Muslims seem to be coming over to the UK, why dont they go back where they came from, that way they dont have to change all these laws :good::lol::good:

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they come over here to escape the termoils of there own country, and due to them our country is going to go down the same route. not being racist but one of the joys of living in devon(exeter excluded) is that you honestly dont see many muslims, islams etc. especilly on the moors. englands last stand.

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they dont mind opening there corner shops on sundays .gods given day of rest this country has gone to the dogs and you cant get a drink now to blur it out .we will have to start our own brewery .anyone fancy a pint of bunny buster :/ :blink: :sick:

MMMWWWaah Ben my friend,! would I, turn down a drink? ? ?Burp. :good::lol::good:

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Why dont we stick signs up around the UK which say:


Or better yet rename the UK..... Islam, all the Muslims seem to be coming over to the UK, why dont they go back where they came from, that way they dont have to change all these laws :good::/ :blink:



But isnt that exactly what they are attempting to do, and apparently have already established exclusive areas in some parts of the larger cities :sick: , The words Great Britain rarely appear nowadays, even dropped off most multi language instructions on the goods we buy in favour of the letter E (English) instead of GB or UK.


:good: D2D


PS its tipping it down and has been all morning..... the rainy season on the Costa del Kent. :sick::lol:

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I'm keeping by gob shut now. I don't want to sound like a racist bigot, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the appearance that I'm not :lol::good: :good:

Oh C,mon bud, I was hoping you would carry the flag on when I can not do so anymore< I was impressed you allways stated what was wrong much more clearly than me, I am a old berk now (68 ) The only Muslim I have admired up to now is the boxer --- Khan, sorry I cant remember his first name, who, with his family allways comes into the ring with the union flag wrapped around him, hope the pride shown is not false, if not good luck to him,Its the ones who are here demanding we change our way of life to please them, that really P----S me off.!!.

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I'm keeping by gob shut now. I don't want to sound like a racist bigot, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the appearance that I'm not :lol::good: :good:

Oh C,mon bud, I was hoping you would carry the flag on when I can not do so anymore< I was impressed you allways stated what was wrong much more clearly than me, I am a old berk now (68 ) The only Muslim I have admired up to now is the boxer --- Khan, sorry I cant remember his first name, who, with his family allways comes into the ring with the union flag wrapped around him, hope the pride shown is not false, if not good luck to him,Its the ones who are here demanding we change our way of life to please them, that really P----S me off.!!.


Oh OK then :/ :blink: :sick:


To be honest, I think that the vast majority of Muslims are probably acutely embarrassed by a lot of this ****. It is white bleeding heart liberal namby-pamby shirtlifters who are getting a lot of this PC legislation introduced. I'm sure most Asians must cringe every time it hits the news.


Having said that, there is certainly a hard core of Muslims who despise our way of life and everything we stand for. What they're doing living here is beyond me. I was driving round a predominantly Muslim area of Manchester the other day and the walls were plastered in anti-Iraq war propaganda, which was very detrimental to our armed services. This made my blood boil and whatever your views might be on our involvement in Iraq, you can't blame the services, they just do what they're ordered to. These gob****es have left behind countries where they have no freedom of speech and come here and are now abusing their rights to free speech and trying to undermine the very system that allows them to spout their filth.


I suppose what depresses me the most is the weakness of a system (our Government) that allows this nonsense to take hold. I suppose you can't blame anybody for trying it on and trying to get a better deal for their race/religion or whatever, but that doesn't mean to say that we should be making it so easy. I bet they can't believe their luck when we cave in to more and more of this nonsense.


I also don't believe for a minute (as has been suggested) that papers like the Daily Mail are making this up. They are probably putting an exaggerated emphasis on it, as all politically-motivated journalism does, but I don't think it's made up.

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It is getting B***** Ridiculous, i have had enough of having to change what we do so we do not appear racist.

It affects us all when they come over here and don't bother to learn our ways of life for example our language, but still expect to have different rules to the rest of us.

i think that this case of not serving people alcohol is completly obserd and if it doesn't change things will get worse and worse for the shops, i don't think that this will last that long.

If they have religious issues then it is up to them to have to find a way round it it is not everyone elses responsiblity to tiptoe everywhere so not to upset someone just because they have different religous views on something.


i am not a racist but am very fed up of all the **** that is happening l8ly just so not to upset anyone that has decided to come to our country. im sorry but if they don't like what goes on over here then they can just leave, they don't have to stay.


Sorry guys had to get that out. rant over


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Once again Berettaman you're missing info, what Sainsburys have said is Muslims who have religious issues about selling alcohol have the right to not sell it.

I'd lay money on it being instructed by Sainsburys lawyers and just to cover their backs against any legal action. Whether any choose to do it is yet to be seen. The truth though just doesn't make sensational headlines

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Once again Berettaman you're missing info, what Sainsburys have said is Muslims who have religious issues about selling alcohol have the right to not sell it.


This doesn't really change anything. It amounts to the same thing, just dressed up tartier. The fact remains that, if you have a religious problem with serving alcohol, you shouldn't be working in a place that sells it. It's no different to a person who is offended by sexual issues, they probably shouldn't really go for a job as receptionist in a knocking shop :good::lol:

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Once again Berettaman you're missing info, what Sainsburys have said is Muslims who have religious issues about selling alcohol have the right to not sell it.


This doesn't really change anything. It amounts to the same thing, just dressed up tartier. The fact remains that, if you have a religious problem with serving alcohol, you shouldn't be working in a place that sells it. It's no different to a person who is offended by sexual issues, they probably shouldn't really go for a job as receptionist in a knocking shop :good::lol:



It means that there doesn't actually have to be any one that it actually offends. I really can't see someone at a checkout keep raising their hand every time they get alcohol in front of them. Their work colleagues would go nuts. However it does protect Sainsburys against any constructive dismissal claims on the basis of serving alcohol, much as health and safety laws have gone mad so companies have to be vey careful about just what employees can sue for

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