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Liverpool football fans including children and the obscene behaviour of the French police,


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Hello, I don't follow any football , But this shown on TV I can only describe as absolutely disgraceful , tear gas and pepper spray, who ever was in command of the French police ?? Or perhaps as rumoured the French do not like us English ?? , That's why Macron wonts stop the channel boat people ??

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5 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, I don't follow any football , But this shown on TV I can only describe as absolutely disgraceful , tear gas and pepper spray, who ever was in command of the French police ?? Or perhaps as rumoured the French do not like us English ?? , That's why Macron wonts stop the channel boat people ??

I'm in the same boat as you but I do feel Football has more than its fair share of total louts - and English fans seem to be high on the list of backside orifices.

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what do you expect they are french.............i havnt bought (knowingly) of anything french for years....to be fair my hate is not of the french person themself..it is the utter hate of their poliyiticle class...they are the ones that set the standard...

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Well I am not, because every time something like this occurs it seems by miracle that the Liverpool fans happen to be there complete with smiley faces and halos and the police get the blame. There has to be a link there somewhere.  There is a big tennis tornament going on in Parris at the moment but I have not heard of the fans there being pepper sprayed.   Suggest you take you dark glasses off.

Edited by Walker570
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I have to agree with nev and dave on this one . Football just attracts trouble , it shouldn't,  but it does. The greatest shame is that the vast majority of fans will be decent people that love football,  but as always in life , a few idiots will ruin it for everyone. 

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Is anyone really surprised?

English fans have a poor reputation for behaviour abroad, and European police are quite handy with the tear gas/batons/water cannon...It was never going to end well.

On a lighter note, I'm pleased to see the cost of living crisis isn't too bad in Liverpool for all those that could afford to travel to France to watch a football match. 

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42 minutes ago, Wymondley said:


On a lighter note, I'm pleased to see the cost of living crisis isn't too bad in Liverpool for all those that could afford to travel to France to watch a football match. 

Oh don't worry,next week when they're out of milk and bread and aren't sure if they should buy it or put the hot tub on ....... We will hear of it.

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4 hours ago, ditchman said:

what do you expect they are french.............i havnt bought (knowingly) of anything french for years....to be fair my hate is not of the french person themself..it is the utter hate of their poliyiticle class...they are the ones that set the standard...

Must be why most of the British are liars then 🤣


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Got mixed feelings about this. 

The reputation of the French Police for brutality goes before them - pepper spraying a nine year old is pretty low. That said, I saw footage of people climbing over gates to gain entry and the Police cited counterfeit tickets causing problems. 

Who would take a nine year old to a Cup final abroad? Who would buy tickets from a tout and risk getting a forgery? The chances of something going wrong were high and it came as no surprise when it happened. They can pretend to have been shocked, but they must live in an alternative universe, where reality is in short supply.

Liverpool have been involved in a few stadium tragedies - Heysel, Hillsborough and people say they are trouble. My late father-in-law was a Liverpool supporter from a large Liverpool family, who were all fairly large. They used to joke that if you went into a club in Liverpool, you had a 50% chance of meeting one of the family working the door. I am a Leeds fan, but went with them to Anfield many times and never saw trouble. They always seemed a humorous crowd.

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