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It’s About Time


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The last few days I’ve been watching a block of recently drilled peas. The numbers have been building steadily and today I decided to give it a go. I sat and watched it for an hour and the flight line was coming up a valley and over 2 big oaks on top of the hill. This is where I got set up. I was going by 12 and the birds started to decoy nicely. I could see the birds coming up the valley from a long way off which was great to see. I shot until 6 and picked up 123 pigeon. It was nice to finally get a decent bag after a long slow winter


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Lovely job, 100 plus sessions are always nice 👍🏼

Been the leanest spell I’ve ever had here, can’t make it out…..to top it off last year had loads of peas to shoot over but they  all seem to have put beans in this year instead which isn’t much use until they’re cut in September 😂

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Well done B_B well worth the time you spend looking at fields and the temptation of rushing on to the field. You spent time looking for the point the birds wanted to be and set up and achieved the success you deserve. Peas as you know can be a draw to pigeons during their entire growth  so fill your boots.

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Well done B B, nice bag of pigeons and as you say, after a fairly lean winter.

Watching a field is key to success, mind you I think we spend more time sat in our vehicles looking and watching the bloody things than we do shooting them.:)

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Certainly a inspiration to us lesser mortals to know the number of Pigeons are still about , as P C rightly pointed out that BB spent time looking at the situation rather than rushing in to start shooting and then having to move later on in the day to get closer to the flight lines , we have now got five Pea fields in and waiting for the marsh land to dry out a bit before the last one go in , also this was the first year for a while I actually saw some seed on the surface and to date I have seen more Phesants than Pigeons , I have even walked around the outside of the woods and no numbers have got out , so I am fairly convinced we just haven't got any numbers , the farm manager must think I am doing a brilliant job with seeing no Pigeon damage , or even Pigeons come to that , I only wish it was down to me :lol:

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