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I almost lost my best Parson Russel terrier bitch many years ago, due to her entering Rhododendron bushes after rabbits, and as she came out, was absolutely plastered with hornets and keeled over.

 I rushed over to her and proceeded to get stung myself as I knocked them off her and within minutes she ballooned in size and had difficulty with her breathing.

I managed to get back to the van and rushed her to Anthony Vine the Vet in Neath on a Sunday morning and he actually saved her by giving her injections to reduce the swelling and help her breathing.

I did ask if I could have the same injections as I was like a pin cushion.

Worst pain I’ve encountered for such a small insect.

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On 09/09/2023 at 11:05, Shambam1962 said:

I almost lost my best Parson Russel terrier bitch many years ago, due to her entering Rhododendron bushes after rabbits, and as she came out, was absolutely plastered with hornets and keeled over.

 I rushed over to her and proceeded to get stung myself as I knocked them off her and within minutes she ballooned in size and had difficulty with her breathing.

I managed to get back to the van and rushed her to Anthony Vine the Vet in Neath on a Sunday morning and he actually saved her by giving her injections to reduce the swelling and help her breathing.

I did ask if I could have the same injections as I was like a pin cushion.

Worst pain I’ve encountered for such a small insect.

I had something similar but with wasps. I was doing some dummy training with a young Lab, November time some 12 years or so ago. She disturbed a still active wasp nest and was quickly plastered in them as she didn't leg it but panicked and stayed there trying to bite them out of her coat. I got to her and hauled her away but not before getting multiple stings on my neck, arms and hands. We both legged it but the b**gers came after us for quite a way [the pheromones they release when they sting is an incredible attractant to others]. I received more stings picking the insects out of her coat where they were hanging on and stinging repeatedly. Got back to the Land Rover, saw the dog was already swelling up so got on the phone to the vet and drove over somewhat rapidly where they were waiting with the required injections and fluids. The dog is still with us but still bears the white hairs on her face from some of the stings all those years ago.

I usually carry some antihistamine spray after I disturbed a big nest and received multiple stings when putting fencing posts in a river bank  years earlier. Not nice and made me feel pretty ill at the time.

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I always remember as a kid my uncle taking a short cut out of his back garden gate and walking through the woods in Cimla Neath with his daughter who was my age to play football in the field the other side.

Whilst walking in the woods, he happened to disturb a wasps nest and was badly stung and had a bad reaction to the sting, and went into anaphylactic shock.

He collapsed on the floor and his daughter ran back to the house and raised the alarm and the ambulance arrived and took him to hospital.

The ironic thing was he worked all over the world for years, building dams and big engineering projects in Venezuela and would often come into contact with poisonous snakes and spiders and insects and think nothing of it.

After that occasion he was very aware of wasps and would panic when one was near, which was understandable.

His daughter, the last time I heard from her  20 years ago was moving to America and was a top surgeon.

You have to be aware, those little blighters can sting, and in certain circumstances cause deaths if you have a bad reaction to stings.



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Generally they're harmless and will leave you alone - we have lots here at the moment. Had one in the kitchen which sounded like a helicoper, but I just caught it and popped it outside.

Last night we had about 20, flying into the kitchen windows in the dark, thwack like a BB gun as each one hit the glass in turn!

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On 09/09/2023 at 11:19, old man said:

Slightly off topic, not sure the vets local to here would respond that way, all supposedly now use an emergency service only 30 miles away? National chains seem to have bought out the locals and rocketed the prices.

Yup.... the vet "profession" is now nothing more than a front for corporate entities to screw the pet owner.

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I don't care about what people say but every time I  find or see any wasp or hornet nest I actively take steps to distroy it.  They may take loads of bugs but they are bloody dangerous. Yes generally you don't threaten them they leave you alone BUT how many times have people walked into a nest.  I've known two  people who have died because of being stung.  The other year we had two in our garden and the Mrs encountered both of them and when she was out with the spaniel they encountered another nest.  And amount attacked the spaniel and were trying to burrow into the dogs fur.  Luckily the  Mrs rapidly moved on and beat the wasps out of the dogs fur. Neither got stung.  Now enough was enough and that was enough.  I knew where the ones in the garden were and as dusk approached I went to where the Mrs and dog had been attacked.  It didn't take a couple of minutes watching flight lines to find the nest and I marked the hole with a long stick.  I  had already filled a valve spout bottle with two stroke and went back with a torch.  The stick guided me and the splash of 2T did its work. Next day there were only about six hovering around the nests. One year we had six around the house and in total I took 14 nests within 100. Mts. Thats far to many to live in peace with.

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