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BASC raises serious concerns over misleading WWT film

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BASC has expressed serious concerns over the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) releasing a misleading and factually inaccurate video.

The film, published today (Tuesday), is based in a fictional game restaurant and implies all game meat is poisonous. BASC considers the video to be damaging to the reputation of game shooting and food-related businesses linked to sustainable shooting.

BASC is also astounded that the video can be released by an organisation whose Chief Executive – Sarah Fowler – enjoyed an evening as a guest of the sector-leading Eat Game Awards in 2024.

Garry Doolan, BASC’s deputy director of communications and public affairs, said: “BASC has previously collaborated with WWT on conservation projects, and we are deeply disappointed by their decision to take this approach. This video is not only factually incorrect and misleading but also undermines the credibility of a conservation charity that positions itself as being evidence-based.

“BASC considers that it is irresponsible for WWT to be dealing in rhetoric rather than concentrating on its scientific remit. The inclusion of species such as pheasants and grouse – neither of which are wetland birds – further highlights the lack of focus and accuracy in their messaging.

“Rather than advancing conservation efforts, this poorly conceived attempt at humour has only served to diminish WWT’s reputation.”

BASC is considering the wider implications of the video and its potential impact on the Association’s future relationship with the WWT.

Watch the video here:




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Silly sugestion BASC make their own video showing the truth about sustainable shooting and the benifit to the food industry by using well known chefs etc that use game in their work/restuarants and show on shooting channall etc

Edited by armsid
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Conor as you have been highlighting the toxicity of lead to all gamebirds that is picked up during gritting both here and more recently on the Stalking Directory forum with as yet no data to support your stance and have actively opposed the use of lead shot inland on many threads here on Pigeon Watch  are you seriously surprised  when the anti fieldsports lobby opts to highlight the toxicity of lead shot in game meat. Crocodile tears from the enemy within methinks. Personally I’m not astounded by Sarah Fowler’s supposed stance on the issue I am more astounded by your naivety in not realising the folly of appeasement.

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2 minutes ago, Konor said:

Conor as you have been highlighting the toxicity of lead to all gamebirds that is picked up during gritting both here and more recently on the Stalking Directory forum with as yet no data to support your stance and have actively opposed the use of lead shot inland on many threads here on Pigeon Watch  are you seriously surprised  when the anti fieldsports lobby opts to highlight the toxicity of lead shot in game meat. Crocodile tears from the enemy within methinks. Personally I’m not astounded by Sarah Fowler’s supposed stance on the issue I am more astounded by your naivety in not realising the folly of appeasement.

it’s the visual reality of BASC screaming toxic toxic from the roof tops for mths on end maybe the sequel will be poor wee chicks! 

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3 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

not only factually incorrect and misleading but also undermines the credibility of a conservation charity that positions itself as being evidence-based.

Could also apply to your strongly held belief that gamebirds are wandering in minefields of lead and succumbing to lead shot poisoning with no evidence based data to support that belief , is that not equally factually incorrect and misleading and undermines your credibility?

Edited by Konor
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48 minutes ago, Konor said:

Could also apply to your strongly held belief that gamebirds are wandering in minefields of lead and succumbing to lead shot poisoning with no evidence based data to support that belief , is that not equally factually incorrect and misleading.

Yep.  No doubt they will issue a survey to sort everything.

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I wonder how long it took to make the film, l bet that they couldn’t stop laughing,
They didn’t hold back, would you like a table with a wetland view or a woodland view, both at absolutely devoid of life.

The man sat at the table in the background who dropped dead looks familiar.

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38 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

There is a longer version of the video on WWT Facebook page here:



Conor as you have conceded and promoted that there is a need to completely cease the use of lead shot inland do you not find it ironic that here you are supposedly complaining about a video that ,more or less ,supports your own views.

To me your thread seems suspiciously like an endorsement. 
Time for me to seriously consider not renewing my 40 year long membership of WAGBI/BASC .You don’t represent my views and your failure to oppose threats to our sport while playing the politician is a concern.


Edited by Konor
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Surely you have a case to complain to an ombudsman of some type regarding misleading and false information if that is in fact what the video ( I don’t intend to watch it ) is showing, but I’ve often posted on the lead shot issue regarding what I believed to be the exaggerated and misleading potential dangers of lead shot in the human diet, and just as many times been criticised for it. 
I have also posted many times about the misleading, agenda driven methods by which the WWT has arrived at its ‘evidence’, and again been criticised for it. 
I’ve also warned against cosying up to those who regard us as the enemy, and find your ‘disappointment’ and astonishment at the actions of a WWT representative BASC invited for a free lunch, somewhat naive. 
I thought BASC was a professional organisation! What were you expecting? 

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1 hour ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

There is a longer version of the video on WWT Facebook page here:



If only BASC et al were equally competent at defending our sport. It’s an imaginative and amusing video that will appeal to the average undecided person in the street. Where’s our equivalent ?

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15 hours ago, armsid said:

Silly sugestion BASC make their own video showing the truth about sustainable shooting and the benifit to the food industry by using well known chefs etc that use game in their work/restuarants and show on shooting channall etc

Thanks, BASC does produce films of that type. Below are links to two recent ones:

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3 hours ago, Konor said:

Conor as you have conceded and promoted that there is a need to completely cease the use of lead shot inland do you not find it ironic that here you are supposedly complaining about a video that ,more or less ,supports your own views.

To me your thread seems suspiciously like an endorsement. 
Time for me to seriously consider not renewing my 40 year long membership of WAGBI/BASC .You don’t represent my views and your failure to oppose threats to our sport while playing the politician is a concern.


If you would like to discuss our respective views on this or any other shooting related topic the offer of a phone call remains open to you as a fellow longstanding member of BASC.

As for BASC's position the latest update on the HSE review of lead ammunition is here:




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16 hours ago, Konor said:

Conor as you have been highlighting the toxicity of lead to all gamebirds that is picked up during gritting both here and more recently on the Stalking Directory forum with as yet no data to support your stance and have actively opposed the use of lead shot inland on many threads here on Pigeon Watch  are you seriously surprised  when the anti fieldsports lobby opts to highlight the toxicity of lead shot in game meat. Crocodile tears from the enemy within methinks. Personally I’m not astounded by Sarah Fowler’s supposed stance on the issue I am more astounded by your naivety in not realising the folly of appeasement.

Yep,made the ammo for them and now feigning surprise when they use it against us !!!! You could not make it all up.......

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6 hours ago, Scully said:

Surely you have a case to complain to an ombudsman of some type regarding misleading and false information if that is in fact what the video ( I don’t intend to watch it ) is showing, but I’ve often posted on the lead shot issue regarding what I believed to be the exaggerated and misleading potential dangers of lead shot in the human diet, and just as many times been criticised for it. 
I have also posted many times about the misleading, agenda driven methods by which the WWT has arrived at its ‘evidence’, and again been criticised for it. 
I’ve also warned against cosying up to those who regard us as the enemy, and find your ‘disappointment’ and astonishment at the actions of a WWT representative BASC invited for a free lunch, somewhat naive. 
I thought BASC was a professional organisation! What were you expecting? 

Thanks, if there is an update on this topic from BASC I will share it. BASC works with a wide range of organisations on many different projects. As per the OP BASC is considering the wider implications of the video and its potential impact on the Association’s future relationship with the WWT.

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