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Fastest Ever FAC Grant?


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Northumbria police will normally do you a like for like within 7 days (I am sure mosa got one in 3 days) and a change of calibre already on a fac - eg - .17hmr to .223 within 10 days. That is the fastest first granting I have heard of. Well done - we get our monies worth!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

3 days from forms to visit 5 days later ticket. closed but still a ticket.


22lr 17hmr. 12 bore etc


then variation to this for a 223 done in 15minutes as i sat outside in reception having a cup of coffee,


then changed the 223 for a 243, took me longer to drive to them than it took to get the variation.


renewal came, 3 days later the feo, asked for a .20 tac and a 308 and was granted it followed him back to the office and came home with my ticket.


just sent it back for a 6ppc took 3 days from sending it to getting it back. i was not granted the HM2 but you cant get everything you want.


needless to say my feo is ex military like my good self :good:;)



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9 weeks since posting and still not heard a thing, sgc now expired, cant buy ammo, risky going shooting .... etc


Guy at our club was kept waiting 1 year .... If mine is gonna take much longer I might just jack it all in!


maybe when (if!) I get my interview I'll ask to up my ammo allowance to 5,000 to accomodate my next renewal.


I hope one thing that comes from the firearms review is a standardisation of rules and guidelines across forces, although I predict it will get worse.

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My .308 variation (deer and wild boar) and request to add deer on my .243 based on DSC1 has been in a week. Third FEO in as many FAC variations. 243 took 9 weeks and predict the .308 will be a bit longer (which will mean I miss the out buying one and using it for the "event" I've used to provide good reason). Really miss not being able to build up a good rapport with one FEO...

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4 1/2 months, and still nothing, and it'll be a few months yet :lol:




my first FAC, supposedly 4 month wait, took 9 months


substitution of .22lr for another .22lr, supposedly 4 weeks, took 14 weeks




adding 17hmr, supposedly take 3 months plus, took 5 weeks :lol:




sometimes its not who you know, but how many mp's/mla's you complain to, mentioning human rights, discrimination, police/government secret agenda's, etc.... :lol:

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Considerable variations around the country and at different times of the year I suspect.


My region are unlikely to even open the envelope inside a week!


Simple change of address can easily take 4 weeks, first grants can take 9-12 months!


I know them quite well now, as do some of my pals, we know the system and we know how to speed it up!


First Grants are a whole different ballgame though. :lol:

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