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A proud day


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Severn weeks ago sent of the lads sgc application as he's been coming out with me for 3-4 years now .

At the age of Severn he took his first rabbit with the airgun :) Got him hooked early and been telling him ever since to keep his head down and stay away from trouble.

For the last Severn weeks he has been asking me when will he hear about his certificate .

Well yesterday i went out to the car when a neighbor called me over saying that my post was delivered to his house yesterday, yes you guessed it was the lads sgc .

Called him in as he was infront of the house and gave him the letter the look on his face put a smile on my face as big as his.




OK so he now has it so time to make sure its all ok so reads every word on it .




After settling down decides to pester me all day to go out for a walk round , been a busy day for me with things i had to do .

About 6pm told him to go and get ready ,in 5 minutes he's at the door waiting to go :rolleyes: been there so no how he's feeling but kept him waiting for a few minutes :lol: cruel but true .


Right off we go ,arrive at the farm about 6.15 gets loaded up and away we go walking the hedge lines .tells him to take the flying vermin only i would shoot any rabbits bolting as the dog was working the hedge, didn't want any mistake's.

Seen a pair of rabbits ears sticking up above the wheat so called the dog to heel and got the lad in front .goes over what we would do and to slowly walk up the hedge and when the shot presents itsself for him to shoot it . off we go and the lad makes the shot from about 30 yrds :lol: great put a smile on both are face's ,his first rabbit with the shotgun .




Of we go again i took 3 high pigeons as we were walking round as i don't want to put him of trying to shoot high birds just yet ,when we get to a valley where i now the maggies fly up and down at dusk. we stand in a break in the tree's and wait ,telling him what to expect .After about 5 minutes they start to move and he has his second shot ,drops a maggie :lol:

waited for a few more minutes and called it a day .


Pic of his bag




Pic of final bag




So after being my lamping partner for the last year your now my shooting partner too :hmm:


Well all i have to say now son is you done me proud today thank you :lol:



Thanks for reading Father and son

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Absolutely one of the best posts EVER.





You beat me to it Brain.


WELL DONE JAY + ROB :good::yes::lol:


Good to see you have found a shooting partner that has a hit ratio like me now that i am leaving. :oops:


You really put that post together well and had some CRACKING pics to show a wonderful day.


Well done guys we will have to get out before i leave.


Cheers Rob and Jay.



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Priceless :good::yes::lol:


If he's anything like my nephew it'll take you 10 minuets to get him out of bed on a school day, but he'll be up and waiting on a shooting day :oops::lol: drive's my sis in law potty :D


isn't it good to see a young lad with such enthusiasm :yes:

Edited by Paul223
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What a great post! :lol:


My middle lad used to come out with me all the time, but then he got bored with the .410 - not good enough :yes: , he wants something bigger :good:

He's 12 now and I think the .410 will soon be chopped in for a 20 guage... maybe 28 guage... what guage is Jay's gun Rob?

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Now that is a wonderful storey . Love the beam on his face .Once he gets into the diciplined world of shooting he wont be hanging about on street corners taking drugs and mugging old ladies . I am really pleased for him . Best wishes for both of you and happy hunting . Harnser .

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