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steve b

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Having looked at the other site there is a fair amount of them and us in the posts. I do not understand why as shooters we cannot stick together. I am a member of several different forums and enjoy my time spent on each of them. Personally I think the mods do a good job. They cannot please everyone all of the time but would you want to do their job, I wouldnt. If you join a forum you agree to abide by the rules, if you break the rules you are punished, if you dont like it leave!!!! This is the basis of any society and this forum is no different. Having read some of the posts on the other site there is clearly a trend towards having a go at the people on this site and on that basis I personally wont be signing up at the moment(not sure I would be welcome after starting this topic either). If some members have nothing more interesting to do than to generally disrespect the people on this site for simply being a member of this forum then it is a very poor show. I will continue being a member of this and any other forums I choose to but I will not start slagging the whole other forum off for the sake of it as appears to be happening on the other site by SOME of its members.


Just my thoughts


Steve b


Well said Steve


Excellent post over there on this subject by ZB as well :welcomeani:

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Having looked at the other site there is a fair amount of them and us in the posts. I do not understand why as shooters we cannot stick together. I am a member of several different forums and enjoy my time spent on each of them. Personally I think the mods do a good job. They cannot please everyone all of the time but would you want to do their job, I wouldnt. If you join a forum you agree to abide by the rules, if you break the rules you are punished, if you dont like it leave!!!! This is the basis of any society and this forum is no different. Having read some of the posts on the other site there is clearly a trend towards having a go at the people on this site and on that basis I personally wont be signing up at the moment(not sure I would be welcome after starting this topic either). If some members have nothing more interesting to do than to generally disrespect the people on this site for simply being a member of this forum then it is a very poor show. I will continue being a member of this and any other forums I choose to but I will not start slagging the whole other forum off for the sake of it as appears to be happening on the other site by SOME of its members.


Just my thoughts


Steve b

That pretty well sums it up Steve :welcomeani:

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I got a ring from LV at lunchtime yesterday


I hope you'll both be very happy :good::yes:


I'll miss Berettaman too, seemed like a very nice guy.


If Dramaqueen is banned, I can understand that one, I guess. Initial posts were clearly stirring it, then seemed to settle down to get feet under the table, and recently the dodgy PMs stirring up trouble between the two forums. Just seemingly trying to inflame a situation that most forum members are not really interested in, because they've managed to move on :welcomeani:



Drama Queen was Tony the Outlaw.


Doh, keep up

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One of the keys to a successful is the moderating team, they have the toughest job by far. They are damned if do and damned if they don’t.


My view, speaking as a moderator/admin on another shooting site, is that PW is actually very well moderated. The team is well balanced and they are not heavy handed. When action needs to be taken it is taken and is on the whole consistant. If oit were not the forum would not have grown like it has.


As they say there are rules, the rules are there as guidance to the members, if the rules are routinely stretched or broken by a member, he is repeatedly warned then they have to suffer the consequences.


It is funny though, the number of times I see shooter vs shooter on forums or across forums. We do the Anti’s job very well for them at times.



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I got a ring from LV at lunchtime yesterday


I hope you'll both be very happy :good: :good:


I'll miss Berettaman too, seemed like a very nice guy.


If Dramaqueen is banned, I can understand that one, I guess. Initial posts were clearly stirring it, then seemed to settle down to get feet under the table, and recently the dodgy PMs stirring up trouble between the two forums. Just seemingly trying to inflame a situation that most forum members are not really interested in, because they've managed to move on :welcomeani:



Drama Queen was Tony the Outlaw.


Doh, keep up


What's this "other forum" that people keep hinting at? Why is there animosity?


Mungler, who's Tony the Outlaw? Why the**** was he on here posing as a woman?



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I got a ring from LV at lunchtime yesterday


I hope you'll both be very happy :good: :good:


I'll miss Berettaman too, seemed like a very nice guy.


If Dramaqueen is banned, I can understand that one, I guess. Initial posts were clearly stirring it, then seemed to settle down to get feet under the table, and recently the dodgy PMs stirring up trouble between the two forums. Just seemingly trying to inflame a situation that most forum members are not really interested in, because they've managed to move on :welcomeani:



Drama Queen was Tony the Outlaw.


Doh, keep up


What's this "other forum" that people keep hinting at? Why is there animosity?


Mungler, who's Tony the Outlaw? Why the**** was he on here posing as a woman?




The Essex boys have been sitting in envy of the above person for ages.


At weekends even my name is Roberta

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I would guess that Kris is on a yellow card. What we forget is that the mods are tolerant (have a pop on the BBS and it's good night Vienna).


In fairness I think we can all agree that Ron probably exhausted the Mods' pack of yellow cards (and several re-orders) :welcomeani:

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How do people get banned?is it a collective thing between mods or can 1 mod just take it on themselves to ban someone?



Quite simply, yes, no !




Well, I never liked anyones attitude on this forum so I'll be quite happy to join the other side!!!!! :good: tata




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Interestingly, I have been told that I am showing as an active user of the other side.


Unfortunately, I used that account once and for 24 hours.


Given that someone else is using my account, do all please feel free to have a go:


Username: Mungler

Password: qwerty

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One of the keys to a successful is the moderating team, they have the toughest job by far. They are damned if do and damned if they don’t.


My view, speaking as a moderator/admin on another shooting site, is that PW is actually very well moderated. The team is well balanced and they are not heavy handed. When action needs to be taken it is taken and is on the whole consistant. If oit were not the forum would not have grown like it has.


As they say there are rules, the rules are there as guidance to the members, if the rules are routinely stretched or broken by a member, he is repeatedly warned then they have to suffer the consequences.


It is funny though, the number of times I see shooter vs shooter on forums or across forums. We do the Anti’s job very well for them at times.




Whilst agreeing that Ron was a character (when sober), being on the receiving end of his drunken rants was not funny, nor did they make entertaining reading. I am sure that it came as no surprise to him either, when he was banned.

As has been said many times, rules are rules, and Ron took the proverbial.

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Interestingly, I have been told that I am showing as an active user of the other side.


Unfortunately, I used that account once and for 24 hours.


Given that someone else is using my account, do all please feel free to have a go:


Username: Mungler

Password: qwerty


as far as I can see this is blatent troll activity ! I dont know if they are your personal details on the other site but if they are its your own fault what an IDIOT!


would of thought this thread would have been taken off here? :yes:

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Actually mungler was banned as this was his second warning, previously he spammed the whole forum with stupid messages trying to be clever and the reason I finally took him off as a member today was because he blatently give out his login details openly on this forum. It was not a clever thing to do as his intention was to cause further conflict between the 2 sites but as it turned out it backfired and whoever grabbed his account put his personal details openly onto my site which was removed the second I noticed them.

Cant say im a big fan of banning people but as im sure the moderators on here will agree sometimes it is nessesary.

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