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Vegans and "blood" sports


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I think its fine being veggie vegan but its not fine to assume people who do eat meat & or hunt are bad people, double standards springs to mind when there cribbing onbout not killing, everytime they pop a pill chances are its been tested on some animal in some lab somewhere :yp: do they crib on about that, do they ****e

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i am not strictly vegitarian but i eat only chicken and turkey... not for any religious reason or because i believe that we shouldnt eat animals just because i dont eat any of the other meat.


And i shot 12 pigeons the other day... which were breasted ready to be eaten by whoever wants to.

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Liz Jones's silly reply to Cranners has got me thinking. She defends her right to be a vegan and to be anti "blood" sports. I am unsure why she felt that this was necessary, given that he hadn't disputed this right. In fact he very properly subsequently expressed active support for such rights.


Anyway, she would presumably include the killing of all animals for sport within her definition of "blood" sports - certainly vegetarians of my acquaintance (I don't know any vegans) do, and are horrified at the thought of someone lying in wait for hapless pigeons or fwuffy wabbits. The fact that this sport is considered by farmers to be an efficient and cost-effective part of crop protection moves them not a jot.


Vegans and vegetarians need vegetables and other crops - that is, I believe, well known. Not only that, they need them rather more than those of us that sustain life principally on red meat, nicely pink in the middle :D .


Given the necessity of maximising crop yields in a world whose population is expanding and becoming more affluent, and as a consequence consuming more food, should not vegetarians and vegans celebrate those who shoot? For without control of pests feathered and furred, presumably crop yields would decline precipitously, and vegans and vegetarians would rapidly become even more malnourished than they already are.


So my question is this: am I entitled, the next time that I engage in conversation with a vegetarian on the matter of shooting, to point out that those that shoot provide a valuable service to those that choose not to eat meat? Perhaps expressed thus:


"Without shooters you would bloody well starve because there would be no lettuce for you to eat, you pillock".


Am I correct? What do other PW members think?





:yp: :lol:??? :blink: :sad1::cry1::mad::D:lol: :lol:


what a great 'alternative' argument

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If God didn't mean for us to eat animals, why are they made of meat?


I don't mind the veggies whining too much, it's all they can do to stir up the energy for an argument anyway. But the "normal" people who think we're scum for taking responsibility for our meat instead of buying from Tesco really get my goat! We raise our own pigs, goats, chickens and geese for eating and some of the looks we get from people are priceless. "Ooh, how could you eat your pets?" "How cruel" "I'm off to buy 2 chickens for £6, at least they've never been alive!" :yp:


That said, most of the wrinklies over the way have given me their phone no's for when I send off the next 2 pigs. :lol:

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there is only one way to deal with vegemcfunkintarians.............................................................





load up a size 9 (one for the girls), and throw a cheeky 3 spot ball in the mix. a common ball used for dealing with vegans. :yp:

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my gf is veggie but cooks meat for me and the little un, she says she misses the bacon butty most of all, i always say just have one and be done with it but she says no its against my beliefs :yp: i might tell a better balanced diet will make her thinner lol then run.

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If 1 bunny can have 10 young at the age of 20 weeks then

1x10 = 10

20 weeks later 10 x10= 100




Thats 1 million rabbits living in a hedge row in under 2 years


Thats the reason for pest control


If the population was allowed to get out of control then we would all starve to death.

As the livestock would have nothing to eat.


Then we would have to start eating the veggans first.


Thats how I explain it to my daughter when she calls me a murderer.

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People have the right to be vegetarians, carnivores, vegans, or a mix of all those things and they are also entitled to be against country sports or for them.

The problem starts when these same people claim that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong.


Its wrong when people claim that shooters are blood thirsty murderers, but its also wrong when people call vegans stupid names.

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Its more the pople who aren't vegetarians but think that killing animals/birds is cruel that gets me :yes:

How do they think that the chicken in their chicken burger from macdonalds got their in the first place?! Died from natural causes perhaps?! (ideally of old age and enjoyed a very long healthy life?!).

Last I heard, chickens reared for meat are killed at 8 weeks old! the ones i've seen at 8 weeks and fed on a natural diet are the size of your hand! Try explaining that to them though and you will get knowhere ;)

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I have no problem with people deciding how they want to live their lives and doing it. I want people to be as free as possible from interference by the state and others. Obviously, this implies that we act responsibly and don't do things that remove the freedom of others - even veggies.



However I have a BIG PROBLEM with militant eco-fascists or any other group that seeks to impose its will on others, ESPECIALLY IF IT TRIES TO IMPOSE ITS WILL ON ME.


Militant Veggies and such like freaks are not only an evolutionary sideline (human beings have never been vegetarians since their ancestors climbed down from the trees and stood up on their hind legs) but they are a dangerous group of ideologues who seek in alliance with militant lefty gun control freaks, to tie up the honest countryman and sporting shooter, with laws that are predicated on the idea that because some dangerous people exist, all people should be treated as if they are dangerous, and must be deprived of the freedom to own and use guns, or if not that, be so tied up with red tape that they hardly dare take out an air gun onto the farm, in case by some freak of nature, it's spring has got a hard on, and it might put out a trifle more than an arbitrarily arrived at power limit of 12 ft pounds, which equates to peanut power in terms of firearms, in any case.


Militant eco fascists are dangerous to your freedom and should be dealt with by derision, scorn, and ultimately by law. I think we should never dignify their stupidity by treating them as serious debating partners. Neither should we shrug and ignore them. We need good, effective campaigning organisations to oppose their fascism and ensure that firearms laws, far from being tightened are liberalised so that we can act responsibly and enjoy the right to be treated as adults unless and until we show ourselves as unfit through misbehaving with them. I say to the government, don't judge the rest of us by the standards of lunatics like Thomas Hamilton. British Law on firearms, knives and many things seems to be entirely the wrong way around - it assumes that you are bad until proven otherwise. Therein lies a recipe to put us all in chains on the grounds that we might do something bad. Some men rape, so all might be required to have a permit for their private parts.... Where will it end?

Edited by Evilv
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This wasn't intended to be a thread having a go at vegetarians ;) , more just to point out yet another way in which this strange practice is illogical.


A double-loaded sock Martin? Most vegetarians are sickly through lack of medium-rare - one ball fair enough, but two? Surely that wouldn't be covered by "reasonable force" :lol: .






you can never be too sure with them vege lot :yes:

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;) interesting, and to be honest i think you have a perfectly valid point :yes:


May i quote you??


There is more of a point against meat-eaters who are horrified by the idea of killing things, ie the majority of the population, the vegans are at least being consistent. I would not think there is a strong case to made that vegans would starve without shooting, crops were cultivated long before guns were developed.

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