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Many golfers/golf haters here?


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Reading one of Chard's comments about playing golf (which stuck a chord) I wonder

what the general opinion about golf is.


I just don't get it. It's a pointless man made activity that I just can't get excited

about. I've played a bit but after the first couple of holes just want to go home.


On the other hand you could say the same about clay pigeon shooting, which

I can't get enough of.


Any keen golfers here?




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Don't get it, can't see the point of smacking a little ball round a big garden but then plenty of people seem to play so must be something in it.


Personally I can't stand the snob value to it and those who play because it's the right thing to do.

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best way to spoil a good walk!

grown men shouldn't play with their balls!

Golf Clubs (the buildings not the tools) are a b***** eyesore on the landscape!


Get it...I hate golf!



I'd go along with that.


Why hit a ball as far as you can and then walk after it and hit it again. Surely it would be easier to keep it in your pocket.

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Yep I play. though only probably once or twice a month on average, though used to play 3 or 4 times a week.


Can be a damm frustrating at times but good excuse for a beer or 20.


I'm in a society were a group of us bought an old ambulance, kitted it out with seats, installed a Wine Rack and area for loads of beers and used to take it in turns driving to our society meets every 6 weeks. We meet in the local pub at 7am, have a few beers, few more on the way to the course, brandy on arrival, breakfast with Red Wine then out on the course. Then just go from there.


Unfortunately after about 5 years use and just paying for an engine rebuild, some low life scum broke into it and vandalised it beyond repair. :good::hmm:


Don't knock it till you've tried it, although it does help to have a good group to go out with.


Personally I think that the people who put it down either haven't tried it, have no hand eye co-ordination, or no patience, it's a bit like shooting you need to practise to be any good, I would of thought that most people who shoot to a decent level would be ok at it. Yep used to be a bit on the snobby side but very few places are like that now.


So there you go guy's everyone so far has put Golf down looks like I'm going to be in for some stick now.!!


Oh and just to show how sad I am if you know anything about the game I still play off 6. :hmm:



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Would go along with Hewey on this. Golf is a great game but like any thing can be frustrating, a bit like decoying. Some days it just comes right. In fact sometimes one good shot is all it takes to bring you back the next day.


Now which sport am I talking about golf or decoying :hmm:


Don't knock it until you try it and if you are no good at it well your handicap will help you.

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Personally I think that the people who put it down either haven't tried it, have no hand eye co-ordination, or no patience, it's a bit like shooting you need to practise to be any good, I would of thought that most people who shoot to a decent level would be ok at it.


Aye, I just can't see why you'd want to practice to get better.


Yep used to be a bit on the snobby side but very few places are like that now.


That's the way it was in NI which probably put me off a bit but here in Scotland you'll see wee kids on

rough estates out with their golf clubs knocking balls around.


Oh and just to show how sad I am if you know anything about the game I still play off 6. :hmm:


Good handicap, just think how much of your life you wasted getting it.






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I enjoyed it to start then started getting frustrated with it, so I gave it up. The trouble is, you get your short game good and it throws your long game and vice versa. Best played with friends for a social knock about and good exercise. Don't get to engrossed with equipment though, it can cost a fortune.

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Yep I play. though only probably once or twice a month on average, though used to play 3 or 4 times a week.


Can be a damm frustrating at times but good excuse for a beer or 20.


I'm in a society were a group of us bought an old ambulance, kitted it out with seats, installed a Wine Rack and area for loads of beers and used to take it in turns driving to our society meets every 6 weeks. We meet in the local pub at 7am, have a few beers, few more on the way to the course, brandy on arrival, breakfast with Red Wine then out on the course. Then just go from there.


Unfortunately after about 5 years use and just paying for an engine rebuild, some low life scum broke into it and vandalised it beyond repair. :lol::hmm:


Don't knock it till you've tried it, although it does help to have a good group to go out with.


Personally I think that the people who put it down either haven't tried it, have no hand eye co-ordination, or no patience, it's a bit like shooting you need to practise to be any good, I would of thought that most people who shoot to a decent level would be ok at it. Yep used to be a bit on the snobby side but very few places are like that now.


So there you go guy's everyone so far has put Golf down looks like I'm going to be in for some stick now.!!


Oh and just to show how sad I am if you know anything about the game I still play off 6. :hmm:





You have hit the nail on the head hewey.


I play golf and with it being a still ball sport it completely different than shooting clays. On the other hand I play snooker and not wanting to blow my own trumpet play very well :good::good: Which is too a still ball sport. It does take a lot of practice to become good and to practice doesn't always make perfect


Natural talent is also required. My mates son is 16 year old and plays off scratch. He's playing at the end of this or next month in a Nick Faldo tournament in Brazil, all expenses paid. His Dad is so jealous of his son's talent and ability



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It's a game for guys with small balls :hmm:


They play with their small balls on golf courses because they can't bring themselves to do more realistic things in wide open areas of the countryside. Of course it also allows them to claim they realy need their 4 WD's to get there. :hmm:

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I'm afraid that the only golfers I know are either snobs or wannabes :hmm: .


The snobs do it because it's the thing to be seen doing and the wannabes wanna "network" with other wannabes :good::lol::lol: What's all that about, then?


The thing that sticks in my mind is going for an interview for a job as a department manager at a big travel agency, and had to have a second interview with Mr Big, the main man, even though I had been given the job. Apparently he was a rabid golfer, and somebody asked me if I played golf. I said that it didn't interest me in the slightest and was told that I was unlikely to get anywhere :lol: . Needless to say, Mr Big did ask if I "played", I said not on your nelly, and he looked appalled. :good: I still got the job, and got on OK within the company, but he always thought I was some kind of lowlife scum, I could tell :lol:


Sports should be played purely for the enjoyment of the game, not for lording it or "networking" - there's a word :hmm: I'm not a "networker". I don't waste breath talking tripe with knobends, that would impact on the amount of time I have available for talking tripe on here :P

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One thing to bear in mind...


There are more snobbish rich people that shoot than play golf.!!!


Some pay more for one days shooting than for a whole years golf membership, yes must admit, I think a round at Wentworth is somewhere in the region of £250 which is stupid.


I just can't understand the people that pay over £1000 for one days shooting where they are going to kill 500+ birds and probably shoot 3,4 or 5 times a week, how many of those birds are actually "sporting" let alone how many they remember.


I've been to shoots where some of the gun's have arrived in Helicopters and drive round in brand new Range Rovers so to say golfers are snobs is a little harsh.!!


Both sports can be as cheap or as expensive as the individual wants it to be, rather than putting other sportmen down I think it would be better not to say stupid comments.


After all Shooters are going to need all the support they can get in the future if we want our sport to survive.

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Must admit to playing golf. I don't play more than once or twice a month with a society. Great social event, not great at golf but enjoy the company and we have a scream.

Each to their own, many of the people I work with think that shooting is a strange hobby, but still want me to go and kill their foxes or pigeons.

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