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Should a person have the right to die?


The right to die  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think a terminally ill person in their right mind should have the right to die?

    • Yes, they should have that right.
    • No, no one should have the right to take their own lives.

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Yes without a shadow of a doubt.


Who wants to live, as the man on sky tonight says, in a tomb having to be fed through a tube and having no privacy or dignity left.


Saw a program last night about a Scottish MP who is trying to get the Scottish Parliment to debate it, she talked to several people who were going to get worse but didn't want to kill themselves now as they still wanted to live but they wanted the right to die when they decided.


She also spoke to some priest who banged on about it being god decision etc, well if it was any god worth praying to then he wouldn't want people to live like that.


It's an absolute farce that people who help others make the trip to Switzerland to die with a bit of dignity at the clinic over there face possible charges in assisted suicide, madness.


I think it should be down to the individual, their doctor and perhaps a panel to say yes this person was of sound mind and was not pressured into it by family etc. They have a similar system in Holland which the doctors there seemed to think worked ok and it didn't lead to a rush of people topping themselves. the average doctor did one every 1.5 years.

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Rights are irrelevent in this case as people will commit suicide whatever the moral or legal status is.Terminally ill people who take things into their own hands is perhaps a reflection on the palliative care available in this country,which is patchy at best. No one should die in pain or distress,at least under the care of professionals. I think to televise this is questionable. Car crash TV me thinks.

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Yes. Being realistic I doubt that I would want to live my days out in agony or permanent paralysis and I doubt that I would wish to burden my family with my round the clock care; that is unless I won the lottery and the old fella downstairs was still working, in which case I would have 24/7 naked nurse care (the sort one can purchase out the back of local free newspapers, so I am lead to believe).

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I appreciate that John has said that for the purpose of this Poll, the decision is made by the individual and not the family and the person has to be in their right mind.

These are the main issues in my opinion and I am not sure how you can guarantee either of those things.


The person could make the decision, but there may be real, or imagined, pressure from their family.

Also, some would say that anyone who wanted to end their life prematurely is not of sound mind.

A difficult one.

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Provided the person is of sound mind and not suffering from depression or any other psychological disorder then i completely agree.To watch a loved one slowly dying is heartbreaking.


However,i watched the news earlier with Gordon Brown and kinda agree with what he said.He fears that people could possibly coerce an elderly relative into taking their own life so im undecided.

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I haven't voted as such a question creates to many questions for simple debate.


If it were simple debate, black and white so to speak, then I would vote yes to those people who are 100% going to suffer a premature and painful death.


Theres just too many tick boxes to check to make it a simple decision though. What is the infinite guide to determine when you have the right to decide?!

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I feel very strongly about this subject. I would support a close loved one all the way with this even if I had to do time for it. I know human life is valuable, but any life is. To make someone suffer when they want to pass on is the most selfish thing I can imagine and I can't even begin to understand why anyone would want to do that? If I was sat in my own **** all day in constant pain and couldn't look after myself I would want to die, why shouldn't I have that right?


It would be very hard to hand out a bottle of paracetamol to a loved one knowing you were about to lose them, but if that's what they want then I feel nobody should take that option away from them. What they want matters the most even if it hurts the people left behind.


My stepmother committed suicide around ten years ago. Even though she was mentally ill a small part of me was happy for her. She spent loads of time in the local hospital being drugged up and having doctors attempt to reprogram her, but her mind was telling her she didn't want to exist any more. How bad must that have felt, to spend every day longing for a chance to give up but not being given the chance? When she did eventually manage it, it was what she wanted. It was hard for the rest of the family, but to hold it against her would be very selfish in my mind.

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after watching " the right to die" on sky and actually hanging on every word that man said, I would support it 100%

loved the bit where he said "we play god and stop people dying yet we only criticise at playing god when we want to die?

why oh why should that man have had to travel to switzerland rather than be allowed to die in his own home with his family around him I will never know.

cheers KW

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Mrs. P had an Aunt with Altzeimers who went from an extremely strong woman, to an absolute bed wridden wreck within a year or so.


What made it worse for the family was whan she got pneuomonia, and they had to let it run it's course, so she died of'

"Natural causes".


Sadly, there were a number of times of when it could have all been stopped sooner, (medication etc).


However, who's the person that decides they're GOD, Doctors or family.


Personally, I'd like to feel somebody from the medical world wuld have the last say.



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I felt awfull when a farmer gave me, a complete stranger, permision to shoot rabbits in the knowledge that he'd never be able to do it for himself again, as he sat there on his commode, trousers round his ankles. I hadn't seen his predicament until he called me in (we'd been speaking through an open window) but smelt it as I entered the house. I wanted to leave but he asked me to stay, he was very matter of fact about it. The bunnies needed thinning out, and he insisted I was not to confirm things with his daughter as it was not her decision He wanted someone to benefit from those bunnies. How's that for a man knowing he's dying? I've only shot there once since he died and feel awkward about approaching his daughter.


I was at sea when my grandad died but a brother told me his last words were "I have to go now, goodbye, I love you all" My neice died of cancer - she too was very matter of fact about what lay ahead. My dad instucted there should be no flowers at his funeral as they are for the living. Each knew it was their "time".



I sometimes deliver medicines to care homes and get the distinct impression that some people are kept barely alive but bedridden and vegative - while the care home cops a good wedge of the patients estate, sometimes by selling the patients home which would otherwise benefit their children or grandchildren. Maybe some people feel it inappropriate to consider financial aspects surrounding death - but most people would rather their loved ones get what is left rather than some business unkown to them. I have very little to pass on - it's important to me that my family gets what belongs to them rather than waste most of it in the name of compassion in prolonging the inevitable.



When my time comes near I don't want to burden my family with any care or financial hardship. I would like to be able to "pre-ordain" if thats the word, while still of sound body and mind: that if I cant wipe my own bottom or lose my marbles to the point that a care home could steal my families birthright, that I would be given a pill to end my life, and that the person who kindly gives me that pill would endure no criticism, judgement or legal reprisal.



I vote yes.

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I know someone very, very close who made the decision and who had battled cancer, and i mean fought it with every breath of her last 5 years to beat it and who decided the time was right.

It was all done with the utmost dignity in Switzerland. Hats off to my Mum who went with this person for her final journey.

I only hope someone has the balls if I'm in the same condition.

I love you Mum for what you didxxxxx




Edit.... today has been very hard for us what with the news.

Edited by harryhawk
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Everyone can commit suicide but never to involve anyone else !!!

:hmm: no to euthanasia





Muppet of the highest order.

When you see a loved one robbed of the life they had and knowing that the clock is ticking and they have to endure pain and suffering on their part. They know what they are putting their family through and they wish they could give up?

You don't know the despair that they feel.



This is an end for them...no more suffering for them and their families....give them a break...please!

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