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Energy drinks, do you drink them


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Evil energy drinks does anyone here have an addiction...lol i do


although i know they are **** for you i can't get enough of them, all the different varieties...my fav is Rockstar, quite nice and not too gassy,I also have a bottle or two of Tesco brand Kick, good for the price


anybody else drink these?

Edited by evilstoat
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I have the occasional can of Kick, but these days, I rely on tea (PG preferably) and stuff called "Go" that is supposed to help you recover from things like running more quickly. Given that I am doing a fair bit of running right now, it helps a bit.


Does tea count as an energy drink?

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That Relentless **** is the vilest **** I've ever tasted - neat sugar and enormously fattening. I can't understand how an adult can drink oversweet sheeeyte like that. Like all energy drinks, they should only be drunk by hardcore sportsmen, in my opinion. The rest of us certainly don't need all that garbage. :good:


My 13 year old lad was guzzling Lucozade Sport like water, I've put a stop to that now. He can either drink normal orange juice or go without :good:


It's just another BS trendy fad. Some **** celebrity says it's cool, so everybody starts ramming it down their neck :lol:

Edited by Chard
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