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"A police traffic officer who moonlighted as an electrician between shifts is to be jailed for killing a schoolgirl as he chased a suspect car at 94mph without his blue lights or siren on"




Yer the filth do a brilliant job don't they


No respects and No condolences. Not that I give a flying **** about whoever he is


Opinions always differ thats what makes us different :D




Hopefully Jonno's FEO reads his post (and maybe he might....) - with such disregard for human life and death and an obvious hatred of police and authority there would be good cause to review his FAC. Should a (man?) with such feelings really have access to firearms?:lol:?


Hopefully he will find himself at the wrong end of police bureaucracy....




With regard to the lack of press re this - I totally agree but lets face it anarchy sells papers, real life courageous acts against violent scum seem to fall by the wayside....

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anyone no matter what their employment is who dies in the course of there work deserves people's respect.


a family have lost someone very close and loved by them.


If you carnt say something nice about anyone in these sad cicumstances, then you should not say anything at all.


Respect costs nothing.

Edited by Jan147
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Jonno, normally I just ignore you when you start posting rubbish on here, but I have to say you have let yourself (and the rest of us by association) down this time, that post was just embarrasing. Disgraceful.



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My condolences to Gary Toms family and respect for the guy and the job he was doing.


Jonno, words cannot describe how you've let us all down with those comments. By far the most distasteful post I've seen written, disgraceful. Moreover you've just shown your true colours :D

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Any loss of life in the line of public duty, whether it be police, army, fire & rescue, coastguard, RNLI, RAF, navy or whatever I think that they deserve our respect. Condolences to his family and friends.



Edited by p@cman
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Absolutely full respect to this courageous man. I bet he could have backed down and lived but still got stuck in.

The following comments should not be dignified with any response other than that those kinds of comments usually come from people who live on the other side of the law anyway.Bad news for the rest of us shooters.

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This verse was read out at the repatriation ceremony in Afghanistan last April of Marine Marsh and Lt Thornton RM, I think it applies to ALL Coppers, Soldiers, Fire Fighters and the like.


It is not the critic that counts

nor the man who points out how

the strong man stumbles or where the

doer of deeds could have done better.


The credit belongs to the man who

is actually in the arena

whose face is marred by dust

and sweat and blood.


And who, at worst, if he fails at least

fails while daring greatly

so that his place shall never be with

those timid souls who know neither

victory or defeat.


Youve never lived until you have almost died

for those who have to fight for it

life truly has a flavour

the protected shall never know.

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I am a police officer. Please just ignore the negative comments and rise above it. The police would. We would not ignore him if he crashed his car and he was bleeding to death. Or if he was being attacked and needed our help.

Most people like this have been on the wrong side of the law or maybe he is just saying it to show how hard and rebellious he is.



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I originally posted this thread to highlight the fine line that the police in this country have to tread every day in order to protect the population.

The G20 demonstrations have shown that the police do not always get it right, and in my opinion a very small minority have let themselves and their colleagues down. However, that's a story for another thread on here.


This thread is about a police officer who represented the vast majority of officers serving in this country. A man of just 37 who went to work last Saturday and never returned home.


It's a shame that Jonno has turned this thread into what it has become, but as he says we're all different and have our own opinions. It's his right to express that opinion. I'm not going to slate him on here, there's no point.

What his comment has done however is highlight the fact that the vast majority of PW members are good, decent folk with compassion and integrity.

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"A police traffic officer who moonlighted as an electrician between shifts is to be jailed for killing a schoolgirl as he chased a suspect car at 94mph without his blue lights or siren on"




Yer the filth do a brilliant job don't they


No respects and No condolences. Not that I give a flying **** about whoever he is


Opinions always differ thats what makes us different :D




I would respectfully request that this evil post be deleted by the mods . This is not doing any of us on this forum any good .

Harnser .

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I would respectfully request that this evil post be deleted by the mods . This is not doing any of us on this forum any good .

Harnser .


To remove the original post ( and all the copies quoted in later responses) would necessitate 99% of the posts that follow to make little sense, as they refer to a post that does not exist.


Members have had a chance to make their own comments and they have done so.


One dissenting post does not tar everyone with the same brush.

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good idea harnser, i for one want that post deleted, and i think everyone else does to, i think what he has done is not right, it is extremely disrespectful, i would say ban, but to be honest, i dont think he has broken the house rules in anyway but give me an hour and ill find something that has been broken.... so please can a mod delete the post NOW!

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Cranfield, i do believe that you are right, YES BUT no you are wrong in the fact that yes we may have related our replys to his disrespectful comment, BUT we have the decency to CHANGE our posts to de relate them, so i think it would be only fair to delete the post, and i think if everyone else is willing to delete our rants at the before mentioned i think everyone will be happy, failing this, i believe ATLEAST firm PM requesting this behaviour STOP is only fair, if he wants to rant about the police then fair play BUT he must start a new topic, THIS IS A HOUSE RULE and i will quote it!




It is not permitted for members to steer a thread away from its topic of conversation. If you wish to change the subject matter, start a new topic entirely.

Edited by mark_mjs93
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good idea harnser, i for one want that post deleted, and i think everyone else does to, i think what he has done is not right, it is extremely disrespectful, i would say ban, but to be honest, i dont think he has broken the house rules in anyway but give me an hour and ill find something that has been broken.... so please can a mod delete the post NOW!



I agree with your principals Mark, but to remove the post goes against freedom of opinion. All his post does is reveal a side of his personality. Jonno could argue that he is offended by being called one thing and another in response, but it would contradict what is being said. (does that make sense?)

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Jonno 357


Just looking on your profile under your " interests" and the following is shown.........." Winding up PW members. Which so far isn't very challenging:) "


This is a public domain forum. That means when the family or friends of PC Gary TOMS search the web they see your insensitve and bang out of order comments.


I suggest that if you only go on Pigeon Watch to wind up PW members that you should grow up and get a life.


what do you do for a job? Low life scum is not an occupation by the way!!!!!!!!!!



What do I do for a job? Don't be nosey. What do you do for a job? I studied at University of Manchester and gained my degree along with other little qualifications along the way. Gives me carte blanche "Having free rein to choose whatever course of action you want" being the top 1% educated :lol::P NOW that is FACT :lol::D:P "back of the net"


Although my original thread is quiet upsetting for some it was not a derailment of the original thread


I don't get emotional and upset about what I read in the tabloids 90% is total rubbish to get a reaction. I don't get emotional about reading about a death of someone I have never meet.


If someone had said to me in passing at work from what they have read or seen on TV. Did you hear about the dibble/man on the street/ or whatever he does for a living got stabbed /shot or whatever. I think I would have to say no because I don't read about anything like that


I would probably give that thought about a nano second I wouldn't be thinking about there family and I wouldn't offer any condolenes. To say don't give flying **** is a tad harsh I must admit if i am brutually honest. More **** happens and am I remotely interested in the story? I'm afraid not sorry


Must try harder and keep my judgemental oppinions to myself and being a better person inside. After all Jesus Loves all of use :lol:


Jonno :lol:

Edited by jonno 357
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