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Pointless creatures


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You know those tiny black thunderflies... the ones that always get in your hair and picture frames?


Well I am the proud owner of two that are stuck inside my laptop screen over there somewhere ------------------------------------>>


What do they do? What are they for? Why do they exist? What do they want from me? Can I blame the Government?



Is there anything living on this planet more pointless than thunderflies?


(Apart from Victoria Beckham :good: )

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I've got the same going on this end, bloody thing crawling about all over the place :good: Its driving me mad.


We've got a picture on the wall that's got about 50 of the little ******* stuck behind the glass...they've been there for about 5 years now :good:


Why is it there sole goal in life to get into & behind glass?



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No have to disagree politicians have a purpoe its just not a good one their sole occupation in life is to depress people and lead to premature ageing from stress of the law abiding


Yes mate fair point,but there very good at depressing the uk population,(shower of **** all of them),Britain is no longer Great Britain its now just Britain,Sad but true :good: wont spend money on our boys in Afghan,but will give it freely to any scrounging lazy sod,that wants it :good: SHOCKING ,and yes getting back to the point,mossies,thunderflies,flies,are annoying but what about flat flies??

Edited by Bluebarrels
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I have 6 thunderbugs/bobs/flies (depending where in the country and how old you are as to which term you use) behind the glass inside my laptop screen.


The bed was crawling with them, they are even in the vivarium and the snake can't be ***** with them either.


Stupid creatures.

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