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My god has time flown by.. Seems like just yesterday.. I was working on a set of blue prints when my sister called. She said a plane hit one of the towers, and i got up to turn on the tv and saw the plane slamming into the second one. My brother inlaw jim is a pilot for United Air lines, and his flight was the one that left after 93, and he is stationed out of Dulles. That was the day that shook my world, and that is a day i shall soon never forget :no:

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I was in my 6th form common room playing darts when someone told us all to be quiet and watch the news, saw the live footage of the 2nd plane and realised it was terrorists. A crowd gathered round the TV set, as the same clip of 2nd plane was repeated over and over again. The teacher came in looking for us, as our lesson was supposed to have started, he was pretty p'd off with us all until he saw the TV. We pretty much stayed by the TV watching in disbelief for the rest of the afternoon.

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My profession is Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity - On that day I was a very busy boy. I worked for a company that had an office in the WTC. Fortunately they were below the level of impact. I spent the entire day trying to get them set-up at their recovery site from the UK. The next 3 months would see me going to New York every week to ensure that the business would survive. In fact, the company stayed at the Recovery site in New Jersey for the next 18 months until new accommodation could be found, as you can probably imagine, everyone in the buildings and surrounding area were in the same situation.


Since that day i have tried to do the FDNY memorial walk every year where possible. I will miss it this year but will be thinking of everyone. All gave some. Some gave all on that day.

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I was at home doing the ironing.

When i heard it on the radio.

At the time they where treating it as the accident.

So i turn the tv on. Just in time to see the second plane hit.

My first thought was . Hopfully everyone had got out.naive i know.

Then i had this sudden urge to be near my love ones.

I had this feeling we where all under attack.

And i needed them to be near me.

When i went to collect the children.

none of us parents spoke.

We just waited for them to come out .

I was dreading the thought of having to sit my boys down

To explain what had just happen.

I felt that the view i had of the world had change in one afternoon.

And i still wanted my boys to view the world .

As it was before this had happen.

My oldest boy was ok .

But i remember for days afterwards

My youngest boy

Wanting to know if he or Mummy and Daddy where going to die.


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I was in the office and went down to the canteen to get a cuppa. Walking in saw the room full with everybody crowded around the TV. I saw the 2nd plane hit and thought they were all watching a film.


It all seemed surreal when you watched it at the time. No work occurred that afternoon, everybody was in the room, not speaking, just watching. Heads shaking in disbelief as people realised it wasn't a film and that this was happening for real.


Watching the paper fluttering down before the towers collapsed, the smoke, the flames and then the collapse's. I can only think that it must have been the same all the years ago when JFK was shot, people will always remember where theywere on that day.


Following on from that the London bombings. I remember having arranged a meeting in North London for lunchtime, but running late due an earlier site meeting decided to call into a site on the way past listening to Talksport and Alan Brazil stating London Liverpool street was closed and being evacuated. Again another surreal day.


RIP all those involved in both.



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I was in one of the woods where I shoot, helping the owner split logs. His wife came down from the cottage to say we had better come and watch the TV as a plane had crashed into the WTC. He was pretty dismissive and said she must be watching a film, but no, she convinced us and there it was on the TV, just like everyone else saw.


I was supposed to go to Houston for a 3 month training course on the 13th. Did not go until the 19th, a very peculiar time to be in the States, they were still in a state of shock, like the rest of us I suppose.


RIP all those innocent people who lost their lives on that day.

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I was loading my wagon at a BOC depot at birtley and it is their rules that you cannot stay in the wagon while it's getting loaded. So I was out of the wagon loading it and didn't know anything about 9/11 until around 4pm UK time when I was leaving the site and had to sign out at security. I had never seen so many people crammed into the security office and when I asked what was going on, the security officer said "there's been an attack on the twin towers and it's possible up to 30,000/40,000 people have been killed" I had never felt so strange in all my life, and doubt I will ever get that feeling again.

I got home that evening and sat watching tv all night not being able to get my head around what had actually happened.


A very evil attack

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I was taking a days holiday, the other half wanted to go shopping, so driving around , when I heard a plane and hit the WTC, I assumed that it was somethin like a cessna, but when I arrived at Courts, the second plane had struck and TV's in the shop were all showing the same pics.


everyone one was quiet, and dunmbstruck.


a real shame for humanity.



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I was in the office in Canary Wharf. My brother phoned and told me what had happened and to get the **** out of there in case they hit london as well.

I had a head start and managed to beat the rush to the station and get a train home, apparently canary wharf was like a ghost town 30 minutes later.


Told someone on the train what had happened, after they overheard me on the phone telling colleagues that were still in the city what had happened, they looked at me like i was a nutter. Fair enough i guess, I didn't really believe it myself at that point.


Found out later i knew a couple of people that had died.

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I was in Normandy on holiday. It was the local butcher that told us. I was not sure if he thought we were American or if he wanted to practice his English. the next day we came across an American family desperately trying to work out how they were going to get home. i think that was in a Mc Donald’s in Caen. They were traumatized.

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