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Why is the North populated

Guinea Fowl

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We wanted to visit a place we have never been to, we have been all over the Country and thought we will go to Cornwall.

But money is tight in these economic conditions, so this year I did the unthinkable and booked a £9-50 holiday with the Sun.


Not expecting anything grand, But my GOD, it was amazing. We saw more countryside in one hour driving down the road than driving through the whole of Lancashire! and the beaches were just as amazing!


Cornwall have got all the hunting, shooting and fishing you can dream of.


Now, don`t get me wrong here, there is some amazing things up North but Cornwall takes the biscuit!

So my question is, why the hell is the North populated when there is such beautiful places down South?


Oh, by the way, if anyone on here from Cornwall want`s to give me a job, I CAN START MONDAY!!

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As a true Lancastrian I can say that Cornwall is the most beautiful county in the country and a lot of other countries. Assuming I had car parking, I could spend the rest of my life in St Ives.


That said - Lancashire has some beauty spots and nice beaches. Lytham has the sands - Morecambe is on the way up.

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I'd rather be in the Dales countryside than some seaside village down south personally. :yes:


Have a permission up there in the middle of nowhere (bolton by bowland just between Skipton and Clitheroe) and spend as much time there as possible. Absolutely love the place.

Edited by mr lee
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i notice it's somebody from lancashire that says it's **** up north.You would never get a yorkshire man saying such a thing




It's **** up north.


Well someone would have said it if I didn't.


Tha'd soon get pigged off wi' it an coom 'ome. Thanus that wud.


Oh and CAPITAL Y in yorkshire :yes:

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Lancashire? Up North? It's all blummin matchstalk men and cotton mills and blummin Rochdale Cowboy. T'ony gud thing i' Lancashire wor Fred Dibnah (RIP) top bloke 'e wor. And Cornwall, it's all full of Radon gas and they haven't figured out how to stop it. Well I have, right that gas seeps up through the ground through solid rock and clay and everything to get in your house, but when it gets there, it stops in your house. NOw you would think that after coming up all that way, plaster board and breeze blocks wouldn't contain it, but it stops in your house, So I set too thinking about it, you know, in one of my save the world moments, and then I hit upon the solution! It's Magnolia emulsion! that's what keeps it in the house! So all you have to do is paint the whole of Cornwall in magnolia emulsion and the gas can't get in your house. Seemples tch!

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I'm from the Lake District! Thats North. I doubt you can beat that.


Like i said in my first post, there is some amazing places up here, and the Lake District is one of them, i am not arguing that fact. As a matter of fact, i will give my left arm to live in the Lake District or Peaks or the Dales, but after seeing Cornwall ill give my left arm and leg to live there.


It is just my personal view, so like i said don`t get me wrong here!

And for those that says Lancashire is not proper North, well my mates from London says anything North of London is North :yes:

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Like i said in my first post, there is some amazing places up here, and the Lake District is one of them, i am not arguing that fact. As a matter of fact, i will give my left arm to live in the Lake District or Peaks or the Dales, but after seeing Cornwall ill give my left arm and leg to live there.


It is just my personal view, so like i said don`t get me wrong here!

And for those that says Lancashire is not proper North, well my mates from London says anything North of London is North :yp:



Strictly speaking, to anyone in Cornwall, north of Cornwall is oop norf (apart from Lancashire that is, thats north west :yes: )



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