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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. that is the same blade you listed Dunkield
  2. CVJoint Boot Hose Clip Pliers you know the bit that always splits and always at the mot, on the drive shaft of the car. its to crimp the hose clamp. these are heavy duty type that you can *** the square drive into the handles to get more pressure.
  3. i shoot good numbers every week. i have never picked them up as i do not fancy climbing in with live stock at night, on my own. farmer says im doing more than enough to reduce the numbers. when i was chatting to him last week he asked if i was pick up the rats and binning them, nope, i leave them where they fall. he said he isnt finding many. so shot 80 odd the one evening and then went over next morning to have another chat, as we walked around we found only the odd couple. rest all gone. i then went over this week and as normal, you shot one, quick reload and others come to the party so i can shoot 2 or 3 very quickly. i shot a couple and next thing i saw was one moving, like a ninja, it looked like is was belly crawling away. after watching for a few seconds i notice another rat behind a brick was dragging the dead rat away. must have dragged it a good meter before i shot that one. after this i waited after shooting the first rat and just watched. i can not confirm, lave rats drag dead rats off. well, try to no i know for sure i just wait and use dead rat as bait
  4. 39 monday 1535 Claytav, I'll add your numbers lmao. 1624
  5. the sender has the contract with the delivery company, your grief is with thee auction house. they need to deal with the insurance side of things with the delivery company. the problem they will have is the delivery company will ask for all the packing so they can decide if the item was packed correctly. most of the time they say poor packing to get out of it. full money back, and return postage or repair, which ever is the cheapest. i'm not 100% on this but i have a feeling your are also covered under the long range consumer act as well. quick call to trading standard/citizens advice.
  6. i dont worry about my unsure photo bucket. some is locked but the rest i have nothing much to hide.lol.
  7. images are to big. no idea how to scale them down.
  8. Its what thy call a slotted screw finder. taken from another site 1.Set the part that will hold the bit that will tighten the screw into the screwdriver. 2.Insert the screw finder into the screwdriver leaving the thinner part facing the mandrel. 3.Place the screw at the point that will be fixed with the head inside the screw finder. 4. Press the screwdriver until the tip of the bit touches the screw head. 5.Turn the screwdriver until the screw tightens enough to continue the work with more firmness and safety
  9. I tried to put an image up earlier of the same metal. i made one this year. it needs sharpening as i found it to dull for my liking but when its sharp may gosh, 'It will cut' i ground the end lanyard slot out of mine and reshaped that part. wish i knew how to put photos up as the bucket dont work and the image it to large i can see it as i installed the photobucket hack add-on for google. not sure if anyone else can though
  10. If you would be so kind to post and take postage or a charity donation then yes please
  11. you could use white paper from an envelope, Im sure someone will post it
  12. I hear and understand what your going through in the extra worry of losing your shotgun. im trying not to come across as and a@se on this. my apologise if its sounds a little off. the problem we have with the licensing is the example you have just given, to many people go un-diagnosed because they are worried about their guns and license being removed so don't report it. they they are battling the gremlin's by themselves rather than put guns in storage for short term and then you can concentrate on yourself and others around you that also need support. your guns are not really the end of the world here, your family come first really. but, because you have put them in storage, you have shown to the police that you have been responsible and done the right thing, in doing that and then going see you doctor and let them help you and then a call to your licensing team, you will have one less thing to worry about. then when your back in a good place and ok with the world, you talk to the doctor and then the FEO. all will be fine. meds can be very beneficial by the way, helped me out a few times in the past. i have always been straight with me licencing team and they are straight with me. they say it shows responsibility. please, take one stress out of your life, storage the guns and get a little help, there is nothing wrong with admitting your on a low. the only wrong is trying to hold on and dont get the help what happens is people get depression, tell themselves, and others that they are fine as they are worried about loosing their license and guns. then it can, and sometimes does go wrong.
  13. 18 for 2 hours Saturday week. thermal feels like cheating but to many about so needs must. 1585
  14. I have tried all sorts over the years. then i was put on to KG and used that for awhile. same results as you Steve. patches that should have come out dirty, even with an over night soak, just didnt happen. I switched to Wipe out and Patch out, Accelerator and Tactical Advantage. i was very happy with the results. that was until i bought a bore scope, now im not so sure. On new rifles, i clean and it seams to make it easier to control build up. but on secondhand. oh my days, i have one rifle that i have been soaking every night for the last 5 days and still not shifting. i do have another chemical i use but its i little strong and its used sparingly. i will not publicise as i dont what people using it, messing up and then blaming me for things not going right.lol i have some photos that ones i have finished, ill show the before and afters and then how long things took but im still sticking with wipe-out
  15. Pm sent. I would like the XT please. Waiting for photos on the RT. Thank you
  16. http://www.dauntseyguns.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=HOD-43501
  17. i did a couple a few months back. turned a poor shooter into a a usable gun. i get the dremal in to open up the holes and sides of action and then do it all after making new 10mm wide pillars. i used aquaglass form brownells. they had it on offer and it was also free postage
  18. Search not working for me just yet
  19. that's not going to happen as I can't do photos. Like the bow that robin hood carrys
  20. normal beaters flag, length of bungy cord. tie a loop in each end. one loop on bottom of the stick and other loop on the top that also holds the flag rolled up. then the stick sits cross your back with the bungy core across your chest. hands free for swinging a stick if needed. pop the cord off and put in pocket when using the flag.
  21. You can detect a hot spot out to 250 but you can not identity if there is no movement. I use one, i'm mostly happy with it, it sort of does what i need. There is a focus issue with them. The so called focus ring does nothing other than turn back and forth. easier than the lamps. still need the lamp to take a shot as i will not use any thermal on rifle, your only at best guess most of the time. mistake can and will happen more compared to night vision of lamps.
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